The special committee has selected a suitable site for the City Hospital. Council agrees to look into buying the lot from the CPR, as well as a lot beside the public school for recreation grounds. The City to indemnify Police Magistrate Black against fines and charges in the course of his duties as police magistrate.
This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 91-96
Vancouver Oct. 24th 1887
The Council met on Monday October 24th 1887 at 7:30 p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From C.G. Johnson, Deputy Registrar of the County Court asking that a special Constable be placed on duty during the Sitting of the County Court and that a stove be place in the Judge’s Chambers.
Moved by Alderman Mannion Seconded by Alderman Lockerby
That Mr. Johnson’s requests be granted.
Moved by Alderman Hamilton Seconded by Alderman Clark.
That the Chairman communicate with the proper authorities in reference to the expenses of carrying on the County Court in this City.
From F.W. Hart re theatrical License.
From the City Assessor Submitting a form of Assessment Roll for Approval,
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander.
That the heading of the Assessment Roll as submitted be adopted by Council.
Works. No.59
The Board of Works met on Monday October 24th 1887 and beg to report that the petitions of Messrs. Clendenning and others and Tatlow and others for the improvement of certain lanes have been considered but we cannot see our way clear for having the work done as there are no funds available for the purpose.
The City Clerk having Submitted a report re the condition of the Public Cemetery we recommend that he be authorized to call for applications for a Sexton and consider such applications to be received up to the 4th proximus.
Messrs Boyd and Clandenning [sic] having offered to lay 400 feet of sidewalk on Powell Street at 20 cents a foot; we recommend that their offer be accepted and that they be paid out of next year’s taxes
We recommend that no action be taken on the petition of R.G. Tatlow on behalf of the Improvement Company.
William Harkins having made application to permit him to sublet the laying of the outlet-pipe to Mr. Walker we recommend that permission be granted.
The following accounts are recommended for payment:
Michael Devon, Repairing 12.50
W.L. McDonald, Repairing Road 77.37
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Clause referring to laying 400 feet of plank on Powell Street referred to the Finance Committee to provide funds,
Balance of Report adopted. Clark – I. Oppenheimer,
Finance No.32
The Finance Committee met on Tuesday October 18th and Monday October 24th 1887 and report that it has been decided upon to purchase an additional 1000 copies of the Journal of Commerce for general distribution.
We have taken into consideration the communication of Dr. Beckingsale on behalf of the School Trustees asking that further recreation grounds be provided for the school children and would recommend that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the C.P.R. Co. to ascertain at what price Block 53, District Lot 196 could be purchased, with a view of communicating with the Provincial Government in the matter.
Mr. R.G. Tatlow, on behalf of the Canada Life Assurance Company having submitted a tender to this Committee offering to purchase the $20,000 Debentures as far, we recommend that the tender be accepted and if possible that arrangements be made with the said company for the re-purchase of the Water Street Debentures which amount to $4,500.00
sgd D. Oppenheimer
Adopted I. Oppenheimer – Sanders.
Health. No.21
The Special Committee appointed to select a site for the proposed City Hospital met on Friday October 21st 1887 and reports that Lots 1 to 10 Block 38, District Lot 541 would be a most suitable site on which to erect the said buildings and would therefore recommend that the City Clerk be authorized to communicate with the C.P.R. Co. with a view of ascertaining at what price said lots could be purchased and that ten days time be allowed for reply,
Alderman Lockerby begs to submit a minority report to the effect that he considers Block 28, District Lot 302, as the most suitable site for the City Hospital and would recommend that it be purchased for that purpose.
sgd D. Oppenheimer
Acting Chairman,
Adopted Mannion – Clark.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark,
That the attention of the C.P.R. Co. be called to the advisability of placing a culvert at the foot of Cambie Street to carry off the stagnant water.
Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Alexander,
That the City Treasurer be authorized to return deposit paid in by G.B. Harris on License Application,
Moved by Alderman Mannion Seconded by Alderman Clark,
“That the Mayor and Corporation of the City of Vancouver do hereby hold Thos. T. Black, Police Magistrate, indemnified and undertake to keep him harmless for any fines or penalties he may have imposed or may hereafter impose in the exercise of his office as Police Magistrate for the City of Vancouver and have paid into the City Exchequer and to which the Government may be entitled or any fine or penalty he may impose not coming within or enumerated in Sec 92 of the British North American Act 1864; and further undertake to hand over to the Dominion Government of Canada when required so to do any fines or penalties [he] may have imposed as aforesaid and to become responsible to him for any penalty he may have incurred by paying any of the said fines and penalties into the City Treasury as aforesaid”
The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk