City to hire Building Assessor – October 24, 1892

Aldermen Anderson, Franklin and McGuigan to meet with the Library Board regarding the size of the current library. B.C. Government reports that $400 has been set aside for the North Arm (cemetery) road. Police officers’ uniforms will cost $30 each, and water proof coats $8.75.

This transcript was made in August of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 183-190

[vol 5 pg 183]
Vancouver Wednesday Oct 24th 1892.

The Council met on Monday Oct 24th 1892.
Present His Worship, the Mayor, and Alderman Anderson, Connon, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, McCraney, Odlum, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read, and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:-
From E. D. McLaren asking what action the Council intended taking regarding the Sewer on Burrard Street
Referred to the Board of Works.

From L. H. Kendall offering to take a contract to supply broken rock and wait for his money until next January.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Edwin Maclin, Secretary of the Free Reading Room and Library enclosing, a resolution from the Board re larger quarters for the public.
Moved by Alderman Odlum.
Seconded by “ Mills
That a committee consisting of Aldermen Anderson, McGuigan, and Franklin be appointed to wait upon the Library Board in reference to this matter and report.
From the City Auditor submitting report for July + August.
Referred to Finance Committee

From A. Blyth etal submitting a pay roll for work on Capilano Creek amounting to $681.70
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Scoullar
That the amount be paid.
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From A. H. B. McGowan Secretary of the School Board asking for the grading of the streets around the High School West End school and Mount Pleasant School and side walks laid.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Geo Gillespie Manager of the Bank of B.C. stating that the General Debentures were in order.
From J. H. Brownlee offering a map of B. C. for 3.50.
From Wm Webster, Manager of the U. S. S. Co enclosing accounts for the Medical Examination of the Cutch and asking the City to pay same.
Referred to the Board of the Board of Health

From Miss Bowes, asking work for John Dolan.
From J. C. Irwin representing J. F. Clark of Toronto asking for exemption from the Transient Traders’ License on the Grounds that Mr. Clark was a real estate owner in the City.
Referred to the Police Committee
From the Chief Commissioner of lands and works stating that $400.00 had been appropriated by the Government for the repairing of the North Arm Road.
From Thos Evans asking for an increase of Salary.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Oppenheimer Bros. stating that they were willing to clear their lots on Mount Pleasant

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if the City would first clear the streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Health Committee.

The Health Committee met on Thursday October 20th 1892.
Present Aldermen McGuigan, Collins, Anderson, Odlum and Gavin.
It was recommended:-

1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Joseph Dixon supplies $6.00
J. L. Herrett + Co. “ 61.87
H. Lee “ 17.50
Palmer Bros. “ 6.85
Val Straube “ 2.20
Tye + Co. “ 4.25
H. T. Devine + Co. “ .92
S. T. Tilley + Son “ .50
J. P. Blake “ 5.70
R. V. Winch “ 15.28
Oldfield + Cook making
bath houses 148.85
M. S. Rose plumbing 1421.25
Gurney Cab Co. Hacks 79.50
Robert Robertson Supplies 37.65
John Connon Painting 30.05
W. A. McIntosh Supplies 198.44
Summers + Orrell “ 38.80
J. P. Blake “ 11.15
Pioneer Steam Laundry “ 36.65
W. A. McIntosh “ 68.15
Thos Dunn + co “ 7.80
Robt Clark “ .85
Palmer Bros “ 17.85
Texas Lake Ice Co. “ 10.40
Atkins + Atkins “ 133.67
J. Mitchell Sharpening picks 1.10
Gurney Cab Co. Rigs 25.50
Hudson’s Bay Co. Supplies 12.75
R. V. Winch “ 32.79
F. W. Hart: Burials etc. 25.90
Palmer Bros. Supplies 62.19

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E. Clough Drayage 2.50
Ideal Grocery Supplies 118.60

2. That the Board of Works be instructed to carry out the suggestions of the Caretaker of the Cemetery re the painting and placing of centre Stakes etc.
sgd. W. J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Thursday October 20th 1892.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Gavin, Scoullar and Franklin.
It was recommended:-
1. That the City Engineer attend to such surveying or staking as may be necessary at the Cemetery and that the caretaker attend to the removal of the stones and rubbish.

2. That the Street Inspector be instructed to fix up the Alberni Street sidewalk.

3. That the Street Inspector be instructed to furnish the Board with a written report of all matters referred to him for attention the report to be ready by Thursday next.

4. That prices be obtained from local dealers for metal numbers for numbering houses.

5. That the existing box drain on Abbott Street be extended across Hastings Street so as to carry off the stagnant water, the work to be done by the day.

6. That the City Solicitor be instructed to draw up a new contract with Dr. Kendall for the supply of 7,500 yards of crushed rock

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and also with Thos Veitch for delivery of same, the original contracts having expired.

7. That the following accounts be paid:-
Vancouver Book Binding Co. Supplies $5.00
E. Cook Rent of Wharf 19.00
Daily Telegram “ 18.50
W. H. Kendall Crushed Rock 2679.67
Evans, Coleman + Evans Sewer pipes 1051.46
John Connon Painting floors
of Hospital 40.00
Thos Veitch Delivering
crushed rock 1042.17
H. Lomas et al Labor. 558.90
sgd H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Collins.
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted.
Yeas Aldermen Connon, McGuigan, McCraney, Odlum, Franklin, Mills + Gavin
Nays Aldermen Anderson, Collins + Scoullar.

F. W. + L. Committee.

The F. W. + L. Committee met on Wednesday October 19th 1892.
Present Aldermen Franklin Scoullar, Mills and McGuigan.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
I. Forbes. Shoes set: $2.00
Ideal Grocery Supplies 3.55
Godfrey + Blowey “ 3.95
Thos Dunn + co “ 42.29
Geo Erwin etal. Labor 540.75
Atkins + Atkins Supplies 3.25
Ideal Grocery “ 144.12
Geo. B. Besley Boat hire .75
C. F. Freeman Supplies 14.00
C. M. Hawley “ 4.75
The Swan Scow hire 13.00
B. C. M. T. + T. Co. Supplies 24.73
Hastings Saw Mill Co. “ .68
Gas Co “ 24.32

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Wm. Hamilton Mfg Co. Supplies. $6.30
B. C. Iron Works “ .75
Alex Gartshore Flexible Main etc. 3046.58
B. C. Mills Supplies 2.75
W. Powe Repairing wheels 29.00
W. S. Westcott Supplies 3.65
Palmer Bros. “ 5.88
do do “ 17.82
W. S. Westcott Laying Main 800.00
Thos Dunn + co. “ 31.91
R. L. Llewellyn Boat hire etc. 24.95
McLennan + McFeely Supplies 3.60

2. That Bell-Irving + Paterson be paid their final payment on the water pipes if found correct.

3. That W. Eastman be informed that free water cannot be granted to him under the Charter.

4. That the water works extension day labor pay roll be kept separate from the others.
sgd. J. L. Boultbee
Moved Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee.

The Finance Committee met on Friday Oct 21st 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Mills and Odlum.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
E. Clough Drayage 8.00
Dominion Express Co. Express on Bonds 14.50
Innes + Richards Insurance on Pest House 100.00
sgd R. A. Anderson

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Moved by Alderman Connon
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.

Police Committee.

The Police Committee met on Monday October 18th 1892.
Present Aldermen Collins, Gavin + McCraney.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Malcolm McIver Watching $2.50
J. P. Blake Bread 13.60
John McLaren Ry fares 1.50

2. That Wm Murphy be authorized to make uniforms for the police force from sample funished at the following prices:-
For Officers suits each. $30.00
“ Sergeant’s Suit 33.00
“ Chief’s “ 36.00

3. That Johnson, Kerfoot + co be awarded the contract for supplying the police force with water proof overcoats at $8.75 each.

4. That the Pound Keeper’s shed be shingled, and repaired.

5. That Officer Coldwell’s salary be raised to $70.00 per month, as per regulations, dating from the 6th inst.

6. That $100.00 be placed to the credit of the Mayor as a secret service fund.
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.
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Moved by Alderman Connon
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the Finance Committee be authorized to advertise for applications for the position of building assessor, such applications to be received up to Friday October 28th at 10 a.m. and that the said Finance Committee be empowered to make the appointment the remuneration to be fixed at $200.00 for the work to be performed.

Notice of Motion.

Alderman Collins gave notice that at next regular meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to amend the Pound By-Law.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Council