Dr. W D Brydone-Jack reported on cases of typhoid fever in Mount Pleasant but declined in future to notify the Health Officer of the existence of infectious diseases unless he was paid for it. 1,000 notices to be printed and mailed to householders on Mount Pleasant and Fairview where there are no sewers, calling their attention to the clauses in the Health By-Law regarding the disposal of slops, etc.
This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick.
Illustration: Vancouver Daily World newspaper June 5 1897
page 5, ad for Hoods Sarsaparilla
City of Vancouver Archives CVA Port P1785
Dr. W D Brydone-Jack ca 1900
Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Series 31
Volume 8 pages 46-50
To see photos of the handwritten pages for this date, click on the button below :
City Council Minutes – Vancouver October 25th 1897
[Volume 8, Page 46]
The Council met on Monday October 25th 1897
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, Clandening, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Dr. Brydone-Jack declining to notify the Health Officer of the existence of infectious diseases unless he was paid for it.
Referred to the Health Committee.
From W. T. Stein, Secretary of the Board of Trade acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution passed by the Council on the 18th instant, and copy of City By-Laws.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
From J.M. Bowell, Collector of Customs stating that he had forwarded bill for the board of three Chinese convicted of smuggling to Ottawa.
From J. Buntzen acknowledging receipt of communication re change in the location of electric lights.
From J. Buntzen stating that they had remedied defects in lights.
[Volume 8, page 47]
From John Devine drawing attention to the defective condition of Sixth Avenue, east.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Norman McLean, Secretary of the Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway, asking the Council to appoint a delegation to go to Victoria to press the Government to pass an order-in-Council giving them the subsidy of $4000 a mile.
Moved by Alderman Bethune;
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the request of the petitioner be granted.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the Delegation consist of His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen McQueen and Bethune. Carried.
The following Reports were received and read:
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday October 23rd 1897.
Present: the full Board
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Armstrong & Morrison bitumous plant $1900
William Templeton for Windsor sufferers $200.00
Executor of CA Coldwell balance of salary $16.65
Kent Municipality taxes on Sch’ property $62.45
News, Advertiser supplies $2.50
W.J. Trythall revise voters lists $20.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $9.26
W. Aked, disbursements for Act (?) Association $10.00
Resolved that the Contract of La Pointe and Holmes for furnishing the Market ….
[Volume 8, page 48]
…. Hall be approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
Resolved that a Record Book be kept by the City Engineer in which he shall enter all grades given by him to persons who are about to erect buildings and that a certificate be issued by him to such applicants.
A communication was received from E. J. Galloway, asking for the return of $15 imposed on him in the Police Court for keeping a Second-Hand Book Store.
Referred to the City Solicitor.
From the City Auditor furnishing Report.
Signed James McQueen,
Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday October 20th 1897.
Present: Alderman McPhaiden, McQueen, W.S. MacDonald and Bethune
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
W.J. McGuigan inquest $10.00
J.C. Woodrow supplies $48.93
Dominion Fish Co supplies $6.65
D. Reith – Board & attendance on Hindoo $12.00
William Ralph supplies $2.15
F. Ellison supplies $54.80
J. S. Glover nursing $15.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $20.10
BCMT & T Co supplies $20.32
Chere Canning Co supplies $9.75
G. Adams labor $2.00
[Volume 8, page 49]
Can Pacific Ry Co labor $2.86
Gas Co gas $5.00
J. Rogers glazing $1.30
J. Dodson supplies $20.75
J. Carnahan drayage $7.25
McDowell & Co supplies $89.33
John Currell saw filing $2.00
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $4.53
C. S. Philp supplies $30.72
E. Clough drayage $1.00
J. P. Turner supplies $21.75
A. Desrochers supplies $68.63
Resolved that the Contractors for the construction of a fence around the Cemetery be allowed $5.00 extra in consideration of their putting new posts without using any of the old ones.
Resolved that the services of the Inspector on the new wing to the City Hospital be dispensed with after Monday next the 25th instant, as the work is now nearing completion.
From Dr. Brydone-Jack reporting cases of Typhoid Fever on Mount Pleasant and from the Medical Health Officer and Health Inspector in relation thereto.
Resolved that the Health Inspector be authorized to have 1000 notices printed and mailed to house holders on Mount Pleasant and Fairview where there are no sewers, calling their attention to the clauses in the Health By-Law regarding the disposal of slops, etc.
Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to write to each of the ….
[Volume 8, page 50]
… physicians practicing in the City drawing his attention to the clause in the Health By-Law regarding the reporting of infectious cases.
Signed D. McPhaiden,
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Report be adopted.
Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the following account be paid:
Smead Dowd & Co heating Market $828.75
The Council then adjourned.
Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk
W. Templeton
The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; City Council report did not publish on October 26th 1897.