John Devine Appointed City Assessor – October 26, 1896

John Devine appointed as City Assessor Much work was done on By-Laws regardings Cows, The Poun, Fire Limits and Polling. Mr McLusky ordered to pull down his present structure within 24 hours, and his application to build a lunch counter at Hastings and Carroll was referred to the City Solicitor with their recommendation not to permit.

The first page of this transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Cinda Jong

Original handwritten minutes: COV Archives Series 31
Volume 7 pages 346-354

To see or download images of the original handwritten pages, click on the buttons below (3 parts):

Vancouver, October 26, 1896

The Council met on Monday October 26, 1896, 
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Schou, Banfield, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, Macdowell, Bethune and Coldwell. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Acting Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From the City Auditor certifying that the City’s accounts were correct for September.

From Ivan Bushong, asking for an electric light on Hornby Street between Pender and Dunsmuir Streets.
Referred to the Light Committee

From J. D. Langlois, asking for the return of $5.00 claimed to be retained from the estate of the late Fred Atcheson.
Referred to the Police Committee

From Ths. Fitzpatrick stating that he had paid $2.00 Pound fees for a calf and asking for the return of $1.50.
Referred to the Police Committee

From Ths. Fitzpatrick asking for the opening up of a road on Block 26. W. L. 184.
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Refuge House, asking for further assistance for Mrs. Addison.
Referred to the Health Committee

From J. Armand claiming $109.30 extras over Coal Harbour foot bridge.
Referred to the Board of Works

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The following Reports were received and read.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 22nd of October 1896. Present Aldermen McPhaiden (in the Chair) Coldwell, MacDonald and Schou.

Resolved that the Chain Gang be ordered to grade the lane in rear of lots 24 to 27. Block 32. D. L. 541 also to clean up the Cambie Street Recreation Grounds.


From J. D. Abernethy asking for a sidewalk on the east side of 7th Av. to his house.
Laid over for the present.

from C. Spencer on behalf of R. Layritz asking if the City requires shade trees.
Resolved that he be notified to apply to private parties.

Resolved that the Foreman for Ward 5 be instructed to attend to the following work:-

6th Av 6 foot sidewalk from Westminster Avenue to Soda Works on South Side of Street.

Oak Street surface grading 7th to 8th Avs. Report on.

Birch ” ” ” ” ” ” “. ” “

Scott St. open roadway from 6th to 9th Avs.

Mr. Bowser appeared before the board in reference to G. McLusky’s application to construct a lunch counter and shed at Hastings Street near the corner of Carroll Street.
Mr. Bowser was referred to the City Solicitor the Board not seeing their way to grant any permit for same.

Resolved that the City Solicitor be requested if he deems it necessary to prepare an amendment to the clause of the Fire Limit By-Law relating to sheds etc. so as to prevent their being placed to the front of the lots and make the

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reading of the clause perfectly clear to show its intention.

Resolved that this Board begs to notify the Council that property owners on Dupont Street are not filling in the lane in rear of the lots as originally intended.

A Calori was granted permission to put in a crossing opposite the Hotel Europe on Alexander Street, at his own expense subject to the approval of the City Engineer.

The following tenders were received and opened:-

Sewer on Dupont Street

Upper Grade Lower Grade

R. Harrison $175 $200

R. Frost. $124.75 150

Stretch + co 160 170

A. Balkwill 80 90

J. D. Fraser 137.50 142.20

F. Gibbons 98 104

G. Wright 143. 147.

Resolved that the tender of A. Balkwill at the lower grade $90 be recommended for acceptance.

The following accounts were recommended for acceptance:-

J. Stark Supplies $5.75

News. Advertiser ” 14.74

Tait + Sons ” 198.68

Geo Wright 7th Av. 100.00

Rand Bros. Supplies 3.

T. Thomas et al Labor 738.10

sgd. D. McPhaiden
Acting Chairman

The Board held a Special Meeting on the 23rd inst. Present Aldermen Shaw, Schou, McPhaiden, McDonald and Coldwell.

Moved by Alderman Schou
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That acting on the City Solicitor’s advice that Mr. McLusky be notified by the City Clerk to the following effect: that the structure erected by him on Lot 2.

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Block 13. D. L. 196 must be torn down or removed within 24 hours from the service of this notice and in the event of his failing to remove the said building within the specified time that the Chief of the Fire Brigade be instructed to tear down or remove the said structure and the cost thereof be collected from the said G. McLusky.

Resolved that the City join with the owners of Lots from 19 to 27. Block 14. D. L. 196 and fill up and lane in rear of the lots and any extra cordwood required at a cost not exceeding $1000 on the owners of those lots entering into an Agreement not to interfere with the City water rights on the land and that the lane be continued to the rear of Lot 33, the cost to be included in the above one thousand dollars, and that if necessary, and rights or land interfered with by the lane that the owners of lots 28 to 33 may have to be expropriated.

sgd. H. P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” Coldwell
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 23rd 1896. Present Aldermen Banfield, Brown, Bethune and McPhaiden.

The following account was recommended for payment:-
Bank of B. N. A. Interest $1053.35


From Harris, Macneill and Deacon solicitors for Jun Kee claiming damages for the destruction of property by water when the shacks were being destroyed on Dupont Street:

Referred to the Fire and Health Inspectors

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for their written Reports thereon and that in future all such communications be referred to the officer having charge of the department for his report thereon in writing.

From the City Auditor reporting that certain council fees imposed by the Police Magistrate in certain liquor cases remained unpaid.

From Alex Gibson on behalf of the Jockey Club asking for the renewal of he lease of the Jockey Club Grounds for one year.
Resolved that the lease be renewed for one year on condition that the Club pays the City ten per cent of their gross receipts for race meetings.

sgd. J. J. Banfield

Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by ” Bethune
That the Report be adopted.

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday October 21st 1896. Present the full Board. The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

W. J. McGuigan Inquests etc. $30.80

G. W. Hutchings Supplies 13.50

City of victoria City of Leper 45.77

Z. Franks Supplies 12.00

C. Clark ” 5.65

Clarke + Stuart ” 2.65

Texas Lake Ice Co. ” 5.85

McLennan + McFeely ” 19.75

R. Hicking Custom Ex of Horse 5.00

C. S. Philp Suppliers 24.60

Crowder + Penzer ” 34.95

McDowell + co ” 2.80

Robt. Wait Repairs 2.50

J. Dodson Suppliers 9.10

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J. G. Penstow Nursing $11.00


From J. O. McLeod etal complaining about a stable being a nuisance on the lane in Block 36. D. L. 541 and from Dr. Thomas, Health Officer stating that the condition of affairs around the said stable should not be permitted.

Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to enforce the By-Law governing this matter.

From Miss M. J. Brown asking the Committee to pay for the keep of Julia in the Young Woman’s Improvement Home for the past six weeks. Resolved that the City pay the sum of $3.00 a week for her keep for the past six weeks and that Dr. Thomas be instructed to enquire inter her sanity and report.

From the Health Inspector stating that certain premises on the North Side of Dupont were in an unsanitary condition and asking for instructions in regard to the matter also that buildings were being erected on the South Side of Dupont Street on the site of the building recently torn down.
He was instructed to enforce the By-Laws relating to these matters.

Resolved that the Provincial Board of Health be requested to pass a Resolution bringing clauses 9 to 27 inclusive of the Rules and Regulations of the Provincial Board of health made on the 30th day of June 1895 under the Health Act and the Health Act 1893.

sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” McDonald
That the Report be adopted.

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Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by ” Brown

That the rules be suspended to allow of the introduction of a By-Law to amend the Pound By-Law.

The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by ” Schou
That the Rules be suspended to allow of the introduction of a By-Law to amend the Fire Limit By-Law.

The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the appointment of John Devine as City Assessor be confirmed.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by ” Bethune
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law to raise $60,000 for the extension of the Water Works System.

The Mayor was appointed Chairman.

In Committee the By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to

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Council as complete without amendment.

Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by ” Clandenning
That the amendments to the Pound By-Law be read a second time and that the Rules be suspended to allow of such.

The By-Law was read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by ” Banfield
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Polling By-Law.

Alderman Brown was appointed Chairman.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete without amendment. It was read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Brown seconded by Alderman Clandenning.

Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the amendments to the Pound By-Law.

Alderman Banfield was appointed Chairman.
In Committee the By-Law was read

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over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Brown seconded by Alderman Banfield.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by ” McDonald
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the amendments to the Fire Limit By-Law.

The Mayor was appointed Chairman.

In Committee a few clauses were read when the Committee rose and reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Reconsideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” Coldwell
That in the reconsideration of the Cow by-Law a clause be inserted providing that it shall not take effect until after the 2nd of May 1897.

Moved by Alderman Schou
Seconded by ” McPhaiden
The the Cow Regulation By-Law be reconsidered and finally passed.

The Council then adjourned.

Henry Collins

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk