The City Clerk was directed to write to F. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. The City has no objection against the granting of the foreshore applied for by the BC Sugar Refining Co. However, the City would apply for the foreshore fronting on Boundary Avenue and also Heatly Avenue.
This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
Illustration: BC Archives – BC Sugar Refinery c 1896 – 2011-092.3821
Item is a photograph of the BC Sugar refinery site, taken from the south/south-east. The photograph also shows a recently-cleared area in the foreground, south of what is now Powell Street.
Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 520 – 531
Vancouver October 31st 1898
The Council met on Monday October 31st 1898
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From I. Herman, President of the Jewish Congregation, asking to be allowed to have control of their part of the Cemetery, also from L. Rubinovitz, asking that they be not given control.
Referred to the Health Committee.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric light.
From W. H. Lucas complaining of the bad condition of Pender St. and asking for sidewalk thereon, also asking for sidewalk on Alberni Street and asking for a drain or sewer on Seaton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From J. Buntzen acknowledging receipt of communication re replacing of new street lights.
From J. Buntzen acknowledging receipt of communications, asking for a better light service, etc.
Referred to the Light Committee.
From Roger Casement complaining of the disgraceful condition of Seymour Street in front of the Lefevre Block.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Campbell, Rannie and Co drawing attention to the delay in delivering crushed rock.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From the Dominion Bridge Company….
[Volume 8 page] 521
…Stating that they would give all the employment possible to the Citizens of Vancouver during the construction of the swing in the Granville Street Bridge.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From F. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, inquiring if the City had any objections to the BC Sugar Refinery being granted foreshore rights on Burrard Inlet if the foreshore fronting on Boundary Avenue were eliminated.
Dealt with in report of Board of Works.
The following reports were received and read:
Light Railway and Tramway Committee
The Light Railway and Tramway Committee held a special meeting on Thursday, October 27th at 3:00 PM.
Present the full Board.
From H.P. Shaw asking for a light on the corner of Burrard and Barclay Streets.
From ThP Stretch complaining compensation for injuries received by a lady on Granville Street on the night of the 26th ult.
Referred to the City Solicitor
From A.J. Whitaker complaining that the light on the corner of 13th Av and Ontario Street is continually out.
Filed for reference.
Resolved that a late be put in on the corner of Dufferin and Prince Edward Streets.
[Volume 8 page] 522
Resolved, that the Chief of Police be instructed to have the street lights turned on, on moonlight nights during the next three or four months when the weather shows indications of being dark and wet.
Resolved, that the City Clerk be instructed to write to the manager of the BC Electric Ry Co. insisting on a better street lighting service than that furnished at present. Also that the necessity be pointed out for the construction of a waiting room on the corner of 9th Av and Westminster Av and the improvement of the street car service.
Sgd D. McPhaiden
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Report be adopted.
Fire and Police Committee
The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday, October 25th, 1898.
Present Alderman McMorran, McQueen, McPhaiden and Brown.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Mining Critic | Supplies | $11.60 |
Wm Ralph | Supplies | 6.20 |
G.C. Dalton | Express | 1.50 |
S. McPherson & Co. | Supplies | 140.00 |
W. McMorran | Express | 2.00 |
W.J. McGuigan | Inquests | 20.00 |
Nelson rugs Co. | Supplies | 10.47 |
Dom Fish Co. | Supplies | 5.80 |
J.C Woodrow | Supplies | 33.52 |
Can Hen’l Elec Co. | Supplies | .80 |
Adam Hicks | Hack hire | 5.00 |
Van Transfer Co | Hack hire | .75 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 6.55 |
John Brusman | Express | .50 |
J.J. Harrison | Express | .75 |
[Volume 8 page] 523
From Mrs. Green asking for an apology from Officer Fulton for unseemly language towards her.
From W.T. Farrell asking permission to be allowed to conduct religious services in the jail on Sundays.
Resolved that Mr. Farrell be requested to see the ladies now conducting the services on Sunday to arrange so that no more than one service be held in the jail on Sundays.
Sgd. R.A. McMorran
Moved by Alderman McMorran
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.
Water and Market Committee
The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday, October 26th, 1898.
Present Alderman, Brown, Neelands and McMorran.
It was moved by Alderman Neelands
That tenders be called for the following quantities of pipe etc.
C.I flexible 12” 1500’
“ heavy 22” 500’
“ 12” 1000’
“ 8” 3000’
“ 6” 5000’
“ 4” 6000’
Steel Riveted pipe 16” 500
“ 22” 19000
Hydrants 30
Valves 22” 3
“ 12” 2
“ 8” 12
“ 6” 20
Specials 4” 30
[Volume 8 page] 524
Moved by Alderman Neelands
That two beacons be placed at the north side of the narrows for the protection of the water pipes.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Thurston & Son | Supplies | $7.87 |
Crowder & Penzer | Supplies | 39.87 |
City Grocery Co. | Supplies | 5.40 |
J.E. Barwick | Supplies | 3.40 |
ThP. Dunn & Co. | Supplies | 49.57 |
John Boyd & Co. | Supplies | 99.43 |
U.S.S. Co. | Ferrying | 10.00 |
Van Gas Co. | Supplies | 6.00 |
Mining Critic | Supplies | 14.75 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | Supplies | 8.00 |
A. McKelvie & Co. | Supplies | 24.00 |
McRae & Hall | Supplies | 5.70 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 3.90 |
S.S. Hong Kong | Towing | 15.00 |
Richards Mills | Supplies | 27.50 |
ThP. Dunn & Co. | Supplies | 10.96 |
Water Works Pay Roll | Labor | 1101.33 |
Sgd. Wm Brown
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman McMorran
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday, October 28th, 1898.
Present Alderman McQueen, Painter, Brown and Bruce.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Carswell & Co., | Statutes | 1.50 |
ThP. Clough | Express | 3.50 |
Linscott Publishing Co. | Supplies | 11.10 |
[Volume 8 page] 525
From the Board of Works, asking for $10,000 additional appropriation.
Resolved, that the City Engineer be instructed to furnish a report for the next meeting of the Board, showing where the money asked for is to be expended, the urgency for work, and the least amount that can be got along with.
From Davis, Marshall and MacNeill, Barristers serving a writ on the City, claiming damages for $500 on behalf of John D. Willimon for loss of horses through alleged City’s negligence.
Referred to the City Solicitor to take such action as he may deem best in the interest of the City.
From the City Solicitor advising the refunding of $125 to Col. Domville.
Laid over until the return of Mr. Hammersley, the Acting City solicitor, to arrange for stay of proceedings if necessary.
From the Land Assessors reporting that they had completed their work and asking for payment for same also asking for $75 extra for valuing blocks for parks etc.
Resolved, that their claim for extras be not entertained, but that they be paid $250 each on account of original $300 to be paid them.
The following letters were received from the Free Library Board and Agent of Owners of the present Library building:
Vancouver, October 27th 1898.
The Chairman of the Free Library Board
Dear Sir
Owing to the condition of the building now occupied as a Free Library, the owners intend making extensive alterations…..
[Volume 8 page] 526
…. and improvements thereto, entailing the expenditure of upwards of $8000, which, when completed, will be one of the safest and most solidly constructed buildings in the City.
It is the intention of the owners to remove the ceiling immediately over the present reading room of the library, enlarging the same and in fact making the whole flat more comfortable and convenient for library purposes.
On behalf of the owners, I beg to submit to the Board the following proposition:
- The owners will lease to the City the space now occupied by the library with the ceiling mentioned removed and altogether made more comfortable, for the sum of $720 annually.
- A lease of the whole second flat, as shown on the amended plans of said flat and to be further amended to suit the concurrence of the Library Board for an annual rental of $1080 and if the City should require the whole of the top flat as amended an additional rental of $240 will be charged.
All of these offers include heating. A base will be given for a term of two or three years.
Any fixtures etc required by the library people will have to be paid for by the tenant. In the meantime if you do not entertain the proposition to lease the premises or any portion of them, I would be obliged if you would give me your consent to go on with the intended repairs when work will immediately be commenced leaving the Library undisturbed until the front portion of the building is altered when I would ask the library people to move into the front portion of the building while the ceiling and other repairs are being attended to in the library part.
Yours truly
G.B. MacNeill, Agent for the owners
[Volume 8 page] 527
Free Library
Vancouver October 28th 1898
To the Mayor and Council
I beg to inform you that at a Special Meeting of the Free Library Board held last evening the Chairman produced a written proposition received by him from the Agent of the owners of the Library Building, as to the alterations to be made therein for library and reading room purposes and stating terms of proposed lease if proposition accepted was read and carefully considered in all its bearings.
The Architect for the owners also attended the meeting and produced plans of the proposed alterations and after considerable discussion the following resolution was moved by Mr. Prentice Seconded by Mr. Hill and carried unanimously:
“That this Board strongly recommends to the City Council that steps be taken at an early date to acquire a suitable site, centrally locted for the erection of a library building owned by the City and adapted to the wants of the People and that in the meantime and simply as a temporary expedient the proposal contained in clause marked No 2 of Mr. MacNeill’s letter of October 27th be accepted subject to the rental being reduced to $10000 per month and subject also to such changes in the arrangements of the Library and Reading Room as will meet the approval of the Board and further subject to such other conditions in regard to length of lease, heating arrangements etc, as this Board ay recommend and the building to be wired for the electric lights at Lessor’s expense.
On further consideration if lease agreed to the Board would recommend that the following stipulations be inserted in such Lease, viz:
- A three years Lease with option of ….
[Volume 8 page] 528
…of continuation for two years longer at same rental.
- Owners of building to provide experienced competent man to attend to heating.
- The heating to be done by and at the expense of the Lessors.
- The rent must not exceed $100 per month.
At the request of the Library Board, I enclose copy of Mr. MacNeill’s letter of the 27th inst.
Kindly favor the Board with your early decision in the above matter as it is intended to proceed with the alterations at once if proposed arrangements are to be carried out.
I am Gentlemen yours respectfully
Sgd. Edwin Machin
Resolved that we recommend that the Report of the Library Board be adopted by Council.
Sgd. Jas. McQueen
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Painter
That the Report be adopted as read.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 27th of October 1898.
Present the full Board.
From the City Solicitor giving his opinion in reference to the matter of the claim of the J.D. Willmon for compensation for two horses killed by falling into opening in lane.
Filed for reference.
From F. Domoney and others re sidewalk on Brunswick wanting a six-foot sidewalk instead of a 3 plank as proposed.
[Volume 8 page] 529
From S. Hollyer referring to the condition of Pender Street opposite his place of business.
From Parr and Fee, asking permission to put in a temporary sewer across Georgia Street on account of clients’ houses pending the putting in of permanent sewers.
Permission granted to connect with the temporary sewer at Bidwell Street not to box drain, subject to the work being done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
From R. Angus complaining of bad state of surface drain on south corner of Beatty and Robson Streets.
Resolved that the Engineer see that this drain is properly cleaned out.
From H. McDowell in reference to former account sent in on 6th Sept.
Referred to the City Engineer.
From W.T. Hutchins asking for sidewalk on Barclay Street between Chilco and Gilford Streets.
Laid over.
From Phelps, Johnson in reference to the work on the Granville Street Swing.
Referred to the City Engineer to write to the Dominion Bridge Company and ask them to get the Bridge completed as soon as possible.
From F.T. Cope submitting plan for smoke house for Griffin & Co Water Street.
Plans passed subject to being found correct by the City Engineer.
Resolved that the owners be informed that the erection of this smoke house will not relieve them from any responsibility in case it should become a nuisance matter which circumstances the Health Committee would have power to stop them.
[Volume 8 page] 530
From Messrs Pollock and Dickenson of the BC Iron Works submitting an account for work done for A.E.E. Clark at the quarry.
Resolved that they be informed that the City cannot take any steps to collect this account.
From F. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries in reference to the application of the BC Sugar Refining Co Ld, as to the foreshore fronting on their works.
Resolved that he be informed that the City has no objection against the granting of the other foreshore applied for by the BC Sugar Refining Co, exclusive of the foreshore fronting on Boundary Avenue.
Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to write on behalf of the City and apply for the foreshore fronting on Boundary Avenue and also Heatly Avenue.
Resolved that the Finance Committee be asked to place the additional sum of $10000 to the credit of this Board for current expenses.
Resolved that the City Engineer see that the sidewalk on Hamilton Street on the east side from Smithe to Robson Street is moved out 6 feet.
Resolved that the City Engineer have a 3 plank walk laid on Birch Street from 7th to 9th Av.
Two tenders were received for street or iron work for Caissons for piers at Granville St. Swing:
Armstrong & Morrison
Heavy plate in place $3271.50
Lighter “ “ 2771.50
CH Brown & Co.
Plate only delivered FOB $3812.50
Resolved that the tender of Messrs Armstong & Morrison for the heavy plate at $3271.50 be recommended for acceptance.
[Volume 8 page] 531
An application from Baron de St Laurent, French Consul to have the sewerage system extended to Lot 16. Block 23, DL 185 was laid over.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
E.G. Prior & Co | Supplies | $1.50 |
Crickmay BrP | Clearance | .50 |
Mining Critic | Supplies | 3.20 |
Evans, Coleman & Evans | Supplies | 25.80 |
Vancouver City Ironworks | Supplies | 80.19 |
RCP Mills Co | Supplies | 4.69 |
Robertson & Hackett | Supplies | 89.07 |
A.E.E. Clark | Crushed Rock | 453.48 |
ThP Veitch | Del “ “ | 218.70 |
S. Elkins etal | Labor | 1749.90 |
G. Griffiths | Extras | 25.00 |
Sgd. H.J. Painter
Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the Report be adopted.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Neelands gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move that a list of all City employees their duties and salary received be prepared and a copy furnished each member of the Council.
The Council then adjourned.
James F. Garden
Thp. F. McGuigan
City Clerk