Pioneer Place deeded to Vancouver by the C.P.R. – September 9, 1895

Pioneer Place deeded to Vancouver by the C.P.R. – September 9, 1895

The C. P. R. deeded the triangle of land known as “Pioneer Place” at Hastings and Carrall to the City. Council passed a motion to enter into an exclusive contract with the Western Electric Light, Heating and Power Company Limited Liability to supply electric lights for the City.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance.

Illustration: COVA reference code AM1594-: MAP 780
Map of Pioneer Place showing the area
deeded to the City of Vancouver by the C.P.R. (1895)

Original handwritten minutes: COV S 31 Vol 6 pages 741-751

To see or download images of original handwritten minutes, click on the buttons below (three parts)

[volume 6 page] 741

Vancouver September 9th 1895

The Council met on Monday, September 9th 1895. Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, Sanders, Bethune and McDonald.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Harris & MacNeill asking for the payment of $891.40 due to A.E.E. Clark from Dr Kendall.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From C.L. Brown stating that his boy’s fingers were injured in the News Advertiser office and that they were cut off in the City Hospital without his knowledge or consent.
Referred to the Health Committee

From D.B. Young asking that he not be charged a license for selling Comox Medicinal Spring Water & Salts.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Wm Jordan and H.E. Campbell asking for the position of Foreman for Fire Hall No 2.
Referred to the F. M & P Committee

From W. Peller Harvey asking the Council to do nothing about the smelter bonus until he hears from England.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From A.G. Ferguson, Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking the Council to hold $200 out of the monies due the contractor for laying the main across the Narrows for repairing the Park Road injured by him
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

[volume 6 page] 742

From H. Abbott complaining about manure from Hastings Street being carried on to the track.
Referred to the Board of Works

From H. Woodhouse asking for permission to run a portable steam wood saw on the streets.
Referred to the Board of Works

From F. Hodgson asking the City to subscribe for 250 copes of his directory.
Referred to the Finance Committee

The following reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday September 6th 1895.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Telephone Co Rents $32.60
Clarke & Stuart Supplies 13.70
News Advertiser “ 7.00
The World P&P Co Ads 7.84
G.A. Roedde Supplies 4.00
E. Machin Library Grant 1000.

The contracts of Messrs Watt & Stewart for the grading of Haro & Denman Streets were approved.


From Mellon, Smith & Co asking for the renewal of the insurance on the hospital furniture.
The application was laid over pending a list being furnished of the furniture on hand in both wings.

From Professor F.R. Blockberger stating that he was going to start a weekly German paper and asking for a share of the City’s patronage.
Referred to the next year’s Council

From F. P. Bishop, Secretary of the Trades & Labor

[volume 6 page] 743

Council asking the Council to clear a portion of Stanley Park on English Bay for a public park.
Referred to next year’s Council

From F.P. Bishop, Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council asking that the City By Laws be published in the local press instead of in the B.C. Gazette.
Resolved that he be informed that it is the intention of Council to have the By Laws consolidated shortly.

From P. Gendron claiming that his building situated on Lot 5, Block 28, D.L. 200a, was burnt down on the 5th of March 894, and asking that the taxes for that year be reduced.
Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to strike off from his taxes the amount that would accrue from March 5th to the end of the year.

From G.F. Moncton asking for a bonus for a smelter.
Laid over for one week to give to Mr Moncton an opportunity to meet the Committee at their next meeting

From Innes & Richards asking for the renewal of the insurance on the Isolation Hospital.
Laid over for one week

From F. Elworthy asking for an electrotype of a view of the City.
Resolved that he be send a view, an electrotype being not obtainable.

From H. Abbott agreeing to convey to the City for a fountain site a triangular piece of land at the corner of Hastings & Carrall Streets and to recommend that a base should be granted of the portion reserved for right of way south of the track with the understanding that the Company be relieved of all the frontage tax applicable to the whole of the price; also agreeing to allow the City to erect a fountain on the leased portion on condition that it be removed to the point decided to the

[volume 6 page] 744

City whenever so required by the Company.
Resolved that his terms be accepted

Sgd Alex Bethune

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Queen
That the clause re fountain site be laid over until deed is given and lease signed.

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Shaw
That the report be adopted

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday September 4th 1895.
Present: Aldermen McPhaiden, Shaw, Brown and McDonald


From James McGeer suggesting changes to the Milk By Law
Laid over

From James McGeer furnishing milk report

From W.F. Peterson, American Consul stating that he would endeavor to get a dismission for J. Blum into the Old Soldiers home in California.

From John Brenton drawing attention to alleged defects in the Health By Law.
Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to lay a fresh information against W.H. Gallagher for keeping his premises in an unsanitary condition and that the City Solicitor attend to

[volume 6 page] 745

the case in the police court and further that the plumbing inspector examine his premises, and report.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Geo E. Walker Supplies .50
Champion & White “ 4.50
News Advertiser “ 4.50
G. Drysdale “ 8.70
C.F. Foreman “ 12.60
W.H. Mason “ 59.64
J. Carnahan Scavengering .50
Gas Co Supplies .50
M.T.L. Lloyd Hack 10.00
J. Stevens & Low Supplies 1.00
J.C. Woodrow “ .54
Champion & White “ 8.75
J.C. Woodrow “ 1.08
C. Nelson “ 76.83

Sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Brown
That the report be adopted

Fire, Market & Police Committee

The Fire, Market & Police Committee met on Thursday September 5th 1895.
Present: the full Board


From Messrs Harris & McGill notifying the Board that henceforth the Chinese peddlers would pay the Market fees under protest.

[volume 6 page] 746

From J.H. Smith etal protesting against the granting of a license to the laundry on Lot 30, Block 5, D.L. 541.

From H.A. Mellon submitting an account for services rendered in the police court.
Laid over for further information from the City Solicitor.

From Mrs. Cheatham asking for a reduction of the Ball Rack License.

Resolved that the City Clerk be authorized to return the testimonials sent in with the applications for License Inspector.

Resolved that tenders be called for plastering Fire Hall No 1.

Resolved that W.H. McPhie be appointed Foreman of No 2 Fire Hall.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C.S. Philp Supplies $6.15
Can Genl Elec Co “ 7.50
C. Nelson “ .25
Peter Dubois Labor 5.
C. Nelson Supplies 8.50
J. Carnahan Scavengering 1.00
W.C. Marshall Drayage .50
Thos Dunn & Co Supplies .90
R.E. Green Interpreting 3.00
C.F. Foreman Supplies 20.28
Con Ry & L Co Lights 62.30

The following report was purchased by Acting Chief of Police Johnston showing the accoutrements in the possession of the Police Force:

[volume 6 page] 747

Names of OfficersRain Coat  Over Coat  Uniform
Hand Cuffs  Baton  Revolvers  Whistle  Badges  
 J.W. Johnston

 Thos Crawford
 S. North
 J. McKeown
 E.A. Harris
 R.S. Colwell
 M. McLean
 Thos H. Butler
 C.C. Park

 Robert Borland

 J.W. McIntosh


  List of equipments returned by officers discharged


 John McLaren

 V.W. Haywood

 M.G. McLeod

 J.H. Grady




Sgd W. H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Clandenning

That the clause in reference to W.H. McPhie be laid over.

The balance of the report was adopted on motion of Alderman Bethune, Seconded by Ald Coupland.

[volume 6 page] 748


Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown
That the City Clerk write the Post Office Department – Ottawa asking when they propose establishing a free postal delivery for that portion of Vancouver called Mount Pleasant.

Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That J. A. Reid be notified that after 30 days his services will not be required by the City.
Motion Withdrawn

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland
That Mr Hamersley be requested to furnish to the Loaning Board an itemized statement of the charges he has made to all parties who have had loans from the Sinking Fund since he has been City Solicitor.

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland
That Mr Hamersley be instructed to consolidate the By Laws of the City.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Brown
That the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a deed for that three cornered piece of land south east of the C.P.R. Right of Way at the intersection of Hastings & Carrall

[volume 6 page] 749

streets referred to in Mr Abbott’s letter of the 6th inst; and that he also be instructed to prepare a lease for that piece of land between the above mentioned piece of land, and the C.P.R. track referred to in the above mentioned letter and that they both be forwarded to the C.P.R. Land Commissioner for signature.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That provided a Company duly incorporated under the name of the “Western Electric Light, Heating and Power Company Limited Liability” enter into a binding contract with sufficient sureties or bond to the satisfaction of the Council for the due fulfilment of the terms thereof with the City within 30 days hereof containing the following conditions:

That the Company will supply electric lights to the City on the streets when required of 2000 candle power each lamp and charge therefor the following prices not exceeding 27 ½ cents per night per lamp up to 200 lamps, 27¢ per light per lamp for 200 to 250 lamps, and 26¢ per night per lamp for 250 lamps and over, the lamps to be kept burning for at least 310 nights in each year. That in the event of the City requiring 1000 candle power lamps in lieu of 2000 candle power the charge to be 2 cts per lamp less.

The Company will supply electric incandescent light to the City, and any citizen that may require the same at the price of ½ cent per ampere hour by meter.

The plant to be of the best, and most modern description in use in public lighting, the poles wires tec to be located by the City Engineer and in a good substantial manner.

[volume 6 page] 750

That the Company will erect and construct the building and plant on a site in the City be mutually agreed on.

That the Company will have the plant in working order and the principal streets of the City lighted by their lights within 60 days after the contract is signed the rest of the streets when required by the City to be lighted when required within 90 days after the contract is signed.

And that the City shall have the right to purchase all the plant of the Company at actual value at any time during the continuance of the contract and containing any other conditions or covenants that may in the opinion of the Council of the City be necessary for the due protection of the City’s interests in that behalf the duration of the contract to be for ten years from date of signing.

Then the City will, provided the above conditions be fulfilled within the time specified, enter into a contract.

That the Western Electric Light, Heating and Power Company shall not have the right to convey to any other Company whatsoever any privileges or concessions granted by the City Council to said Company in respect to the erection of arc or incandescent electric lighting plant within the City for lighting same without the consent and approval of said City Council.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Shaw gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move that the Con Ry & L Co be made to pay $250 for to put Robson Street in a passable condition.

[volume 6 page] 751

The Council then adjourned

Henry Collins

Thos F McGuigan
City Clerk

Map of Pioneer Place showing the area deeded to the City of Vancouver by the C.P.R. (1895)

Reference code: AM1594-: MAP 780

City of Vancouver Archives

Item is a hand drawn map of Pioneer Place (also known as Pigeon Park), on the corner of Hastings and Carrall Streets. Map is colour coded to indicate the portion deeded to the City by the C.P.R., the portion being asked from the C.P.R. for street purposes, and the portion leased by the C.P.R. to Mr. Horne. Included on the map are Horne Block, Garden Block, a sidewalk, lanes, and a fountain. An engineer’s estimates of improvements are noted on the right side of the map. Notes at the top of the map by J.S. Matthews, City Archivist read “Presented in 1934 by Ex-Alderman W.H. Gallagher. The date is about 1895.”