60 Vancouver street corners to have electric lights – September 5, 1887

Board of Works identified sixty street corners to have electric lights installed. By-law formed to raise $10,000 to build a road around Stanley Park.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 56-65

Vancouver Sept 5, 1887

The Council met on Monday September 5th 1887 at 7.30, p.m.

Present His Worship, Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, D. Oppenheimer, I. Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The Minutes of last Meeting were read and adopted.


From D.B. Charleson, calling the attention of Council to the unfinished condition of Hamilton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Desautels and Fairon asking for Grade of Powell Street in front of their premises.
Referred to Board of Works.

From H. Abbott complaining of contractors burning in vicinity of C.P.R. Hotel.
Alder. I. Oppenheimer – Humphries,
that the City Engineer be instructed to see the contractors on Granville Street and order that they do no burning in the vicinity of the C.P.R. Hotel on said street until allowed under the provisions of the Fire By-Law.

From John Beatty and others praying for the improvement of Abbott Street between Hastings and Pender Streets.
Referred to the B. of Works.

From Beckett & Co. praying Council to grant them the use of certain streets and sidewalks for the placing of building material thereon.
Permission granted them under the terms of the Street By-Law.

From W. Norman Bole acquainting Council that John McDougall had instructed him to commence an action against the City for $10,000 damages for obstructing him in the completion of his contract and asking the name of the City Solicitor.
Humphries – Clark,
that the City Clerk be instructed to give the name of our City Solicitor.

From John H. Low, asking that a sidewalk be built on Dunsmuir Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Alex McKelare, asking Council to grant him a Bonus for the erection of a foundry in the City.
Referred to Finance Committee.

From John Devine giving Auditors Report for July and asking for extra pay therefor.
Referred to Finance Committee.

From K. L. Powell, Lt. K. R. submitting a tracing of the First Narrows of Burrard Inlet with a proposed plan of buoyage.
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Sanders,
that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a Memorial to be submitted to the Dominion Government asking that Buoys be placed on the North Shore of Burrard Inlet at the entrance to the First Narrows and also a proper Buoy on Spanish Bank.

F.W. Hart, Chimneys &c. $1.38 F.W.L.
F.W. Hart, Chimneys &c 6.50 Finance
F.W. Hart, Labor (sic) &c 35.45 Finance
F.W. Hart, Blankets &c 26.95 Health
R. Mathison, Voters Lists 38.00 Finance
Queen Bros., Buggies 5.00 B. of Works
Queen Bros., Buggies 13.00 B. of Works
Hayes & McIntosh, Meat 17.14 Health
Thos. Dunn & Co., Nails etc. 12.13 B. of W.
John M. Stewart, Board 130.50 Police
H.L. Freese, Carriage 4.00 Finance
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 23.50 Finance
J.H. Wert, Cemetery 100.00 Health
J.B. McKin, Fires 19.00 F.W.L.
Charles Nelson 18.45 Health
Owen Hughes 6.00 Health
Brunette Saw Mill Co. 23.45 B. of W.
H. McDowell & Co. 4.80 Health
E.D. Edwards 6.50 F.W.L.
Vancouver Wine Co. $7.00 Health
W.A. Brown 1.50 Finance
Vancouver Herald 27.60 Finance
Canadian Pacific Ry. 16.73 F.W.L.
Tattersall Stables 5.00 Finance
Isaiah Forbes 8.12 Police
H.A. Berry 11.00 F.W.L.
John McAllister 31.00 F.W.L.
Vancouver News 9.15 Finance


Health, No 18

The Board of Health met on Friday September 2nd 1887 and examined the plans and specifications sent in for the proposed City Hospital but would ask for further time for their consideration before recommending the acceptance of any of them by Council.
The following accounts are recommended for payment.
Owen Hughes for Watchman $2.00
F.W. Hart: Mop Handle .25
J.M. Lefevre.

Adopted I. Oppenheimer – Alexander.

Finance No 29
The Finance Committee met on Friday September 2nd 1887 and recommend the payment of the following accounts
Leonora Z. Hughes, Inquests $10.00
H. Schussler, Report 50.00
Jacob Sehl, Furniture $77.07
Shearer & Kemp 23.50
F.W. Hart, Witness Box 7.50
D. Oppenheimer

Adopted Alexander – Humphries.

Board of Works No 53

The Board of Works met on Friday September 2nd 1887 and report that the following tenders have been received for the improvement of Westminster Avenue South of False Creek.
W.L. McDonald.
Clearing &c per L. ft. 21 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 16 cts
plank per M. ft. 15.00
Boyd and Clandenning
Clearing &c per L. ft. 30 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 19 cts
plank per M. ft. 14.00
Jas. B. McKin
Clearing &c per L. ft. 28 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 16 cts
plank per M. ft. 15.00
D.L. Gow.
Clearing &c per L. ft. 29 1/2 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 17 cts
plank per M. ft. 14.90
Hugh McDonald
Clearing &c per L. ft. 17 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 16 cts
plank per M. ft. 14.50
We recommend the acceptance of the tender of Hugh McDonald.
We have instructed the City Engineer in conjunction with Chief Carlisle to examine and report upon the petition of the Royal City Planing Mills Co. for the placing of a tank at the South End of Carrall Street.
We recommend that an approach be constructed at the junction of Cordova and Cambie Streets as petitioned for by Captain Tatlow.
Also that John Devine be allowed to lift the sidewalk in front of his premises on Cordova Street for the Purpose of raising his building.
sgd L.A. Hamilton

Adopted Alexander – Lefevre.

F.W. Light; No 25.

The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Wednesday August 31st 1887 and report that the placing of the Electric Lights on the Streets of the City has been taken into consideration and we recommend that they be placed on the following street corners: –
1 On Cordova Street and Howe Street
2 On Cordova Street and Granville Street
3 On Cordova Street and Seymour Street
4 On Cordova Street and Richards Street
5 On Cordova Street and Homer Street
6 On Cordova Street and Cambie Street
7 On Cordova Street and Abbott Street
8 On Cordova Street and Carrall Street
9 On Water Street and Carrall Street
10 On Water Street and Abbott Street
11 On Water Street and Cambie Street
12 On Hastings Street and Hornby Street
13 On Hastings Street and Howe Street
14 On Hastings Street and Granville Street
15 On Hastings Street and Seymour Street
16 On Hastings Street and Richards Street
17 On Hastings Street and Homer Street
18 On Hastings Street and Hamilton Street
19 On Hastings Street and Cambie Street
20 On Hastings Street and Abbott Street
21 On Hastings Street and Carrall Street
22 On Granville Street and Pender Street
23 On Granville Street and Dunsmuir Street
24 On Granville Street and Georgia Street
25 On Pender Street and Richards Street
26 On Pender Street and Homer Street
27 On Dunsmuir Street and Richards Street
28 On Dunsmuir Street and Seymour Street
29 On Richards Street and Georgia Street
30 On Seymour Street and Pender Street
31 On Carrall Street and Dupont Street
32 At Royal City Planing Mills
33 On Alexander Street and Columbia Av.
34 On Alexander Street and Westminster Av.
35 On Alexander Street and Gore Av.
36 On Alexander Street and Dunlevy Av.
37 On Alexander Street and Jackson Av.
38 On Powell, Alexander, Water and Carrall junction
39 On Powell Street and Columbia Avenue
40 On Powell Street and Westminster Avenue
41 On Powell Street and Gore Avenue
42 On Powell Street and Dunlevy Avenue
43 On Powell Street and Jackson Avenue
44 On Oppenheimer Street and Columbia Avenue
45 On Oppenheimer Street and Westminster Avenue
46 On Oppenheimer Street and Gore Avenue
47 On Oppenheimer Street and Dunlevy Avenue
48 On Oppenheimer Street and Jackson Avenue
49 On Hastings Street and Columbia Avenue
50 On Hastings Street and Westminster Avenue
51 On Hastings Street and Gore Avenue
52 On Hastings Street and Dunlevy Avenue
53 On Hastings Street and Jackson Avenue
54 On Dupont Street and Columbia Avenue
55 On Dupont Street and Westminster Avenue
56 On Keefer Street and Westminster Avenue
57 On Harris Street and Westminster Avenue
58 On Barnard Street and Westminster Avenue
59 On Prior Street and Westminster Avenue
60 On North End of Westminster Avenue Bridge

We recommend that two hundred dollars of the grant received from Government be retained by Council to meet part of the cost of furnishing the addition to the Fire Hall, the balance to be handed over to the Fire Brigade to be expended as they see fit, for the department.
Also that Cargill & Co. be notified to remove shed on rear of Fire Hall Lot and that Council have the Lot fenced in.
sgd R.H. Alexander

Adopted Lefevre – Sanders.


Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer.
Seconded by Alderman Lefevre,

that the F.W. & L. Committee take into consideration the placing of three electric lights on Westminster Avenue South of False Creek Bridge and in case this arrangement cannot be made with the Electric Light Co., they take into consideration the placing of four coal oil lamps on said street in said locality.


Alderman D. Oppenheimer moved the first reading of a By-Law for raising $20,000 for making improvements and constructing a public road or drive round the Government Reserve.

Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman D. Oppenheimer in the Chair on motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman I. Oppenheimer.

The By-Law was considered in Committee, after which they rose to report on motion of Alderman Hamilton.

By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Lefevre.
Alderman Hamilton introduced a By-Law to fix the polling places etc on the above By-Law, which was read a first time.

By-Law read a second and third time on motion of Alderman Hamilton Seconded by I. Oppenheimer and passed.

The Council then adjourned.
M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk