The Sun Life Assurance Company asked for a water rebate for Vermilyea Blocks Granville St. {869 and 927 Granville, pictured here}. They didn’t get the rebate. The Chief of Police was asked to investigate after Alex C. Webster complained of a case of “light bread” (the city standard was 1.5 lb per loaf). The Water and Market Committee brought a bill of $235 from the Department of Indian Affairs for the Water Works right of way through the Indian reservation.
This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
City of Vancouver Archives CVA 789
Vermilyea Block, 689 Granville Street
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 7 pages 299 – 306
to see original handwritten minutes, click here
[Volume 7, Page 299]
The Council met on Monday September 14th 1896
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Banfield, Schou, McPhaiden, Clandening, Brown, Coldwell and Bethune. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From R. Marrion, Health Inspector asking for the destruction of certain shacks on Dupont St. Referred to the Board of Health.
From J.G.V. Field-Johnson, secretary of the Anti-Mongolian Committee, asking the Mayor and Council to sign certain petitions against the Chinese and Japanese and attach the Corporate Seal thereto. Referred to the City Solicitor.
From the City Solicitor stating that the vote on the BC Iron Works Co exemption By-Law was not sufficient to carry it. Filed.
From the Mail Century Club stating that they were distributing certain Cyclopedias in BC. Filed.
From the Department of Railways and Canals acknowledging receipt of resolution re the proposed Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Co. Filed.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed.
From Judge Bole stating that a recount of the Ballots cast on the BC Iron Works exemption By-Law would be held before him on Tuesday the 15th instant. Filed.
[Volume 7, Page 300]
The following reports were received and read:
Fire & Police Committee
The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday September 8th 1896
Present: Aldermen Coldwell, Painter, Banfield and MacDonald
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C.P. Telegraph Co telegrams $4.00
Cairns & Brother firemen’s caps $42.64
A.E. Crickmay express etc caps $13.90
McDowell & Co supplies $20.23
Fred Allen supplies $70.80
Wm. Murphy policemen’s
uniforms $305.50
News, advertiser ads $1.17
J. Dodson supplies $15.55
J.A. Skinner & Co supplies $2.20
J.E. Gardner interpreting $7.50
C.F. Foreman supplies $46.00
W.C. Marshall express $.50
Stanley James interpreting $9.00
From Thomas W. Lillie resigning his position as Foreman of Fire Hall No. 1 to take effect on the 1st of September. Resolved that his resignation be accepted.
From Arthur Clegg, J.A. Lester and William Jordan applying for the position vacated by Thomas W. Lillie. Resolved that J.A. Lester be appointed Foreman of Fire Hall No 1 at a salary of $60.00 per month dating from the 1st of September 1896.
From Geoff Keefer applying for the position of fireman. Resolved that applications be called for the position of fireman and that Geoff Keefer who has been acting for Thomas W. Lillie continue to act until the new appointment is made, salary to be $45.00 per month.
From John W. Ellis applying for the position of Pound Keeper. Laid over.
[Volume 7, Page 301]
Resolved that the matter of interviewing the present Pound Keeper be left in the hands of the Chairman and if it is found that he is not likely to be fit for further duty that applications be called for filling the position.
Signed C.A. Coldwell, Chairman
The Fire and Police Committee met again on Monday September 14th 1896.
Present: Alderman Coldwell, Banfield, Painter and McPhaiden
Resolved that Alex Macfarlane be appointed teamster in place of J.A. Lester promoted to foreman. Salary to be fixed at $55 per month dating from the 14th instant.
The following applications were received for the position of fireman: H.O. Thomas, John Munro, Geoff Keefer, R.H. Cooke, E. Scratchly, R.L. Allen, C.H. Wright, Richard Tisley, William Salter, J.E. Mitchell, J.J. Chambers, J.H. Bigham, Robert J. McAlmont, R.H. Macauley & C.M. Hawley.
Resolved that R.H. Macauley be appointed at a salary of $45 per month.
From Alex C. Webster Sr. complaining that he had reported a case of light bread to the Chief of Police and the case was not investigated by him. Referred to the Chief of Police to report upon.
Resolved that the Police Magistrate be granted leave of absence, the Mayor having kindly consented to act in his place.
From John McAllister on behalf of Johnny Moon, claiming that a fine imposed on one James Summers was not paid and demanding the moiety.
Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to pay in the money to the Treasurer forthwith.
Signed C.A. Coldwell, Chairman
[Volume 7, Page 302]
Moved by Alderman Coldwell; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
Water and Market Committee
The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday Sept 9th 1896. Present: the full Board.
From F. Devlin, Indian Agent re payment of rent for water works right of way through the Indian Reserve.
Resolved that the claim be paid in full although the Committee are of the opinion that they should not be compelled to pay for right of way prior to the time that the property came into their possession.
From the Sun Life Assurance Co. asking for a rebate on water rates on the Vermilyea Blocks Granville St. {869 and 927 Granville}. The Committee has no power to grant the rebate requested.
From George Freeman & H.M. Morgan asking for water service on Raymur Avenue. Referred to the Secretary.
From the Buffalo Meter Co withdrawing tender. Filed.
From Howard Harrison Iron Co asking to be furnished with specifications for pipe when the City are ready to call for tenders.
Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to advertise for tenders for pipe and other materials for the new main from Reservoir to Westminster Ave.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C. Casselman supplies $5.60
Indian Department rent $235.40
Cook & Dunlop supplies $.75
W. Thurston & Sons supplies $11.73
John Boyd & Co supplies $21.00
[Volume 7, Page 303]
Fred Allen supplies $20.05
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $20.68
W. Hooper etal labor $283.40
Signed William Brown, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brown; Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 10th of September. Present: Aldermen Painter, Schou, Coldwell and Clandening.
The following tenders were received and opened:
Water Street Single dressed sidewalk
J.D. Fraser 29 cents per lineal foot
G. Wright 29 cents per lineal foot
Resolved that the tender of J.D. Fraser be recommended for acceptance.
Resolved that the foreman for Ward 5 be instructed to attend to the following work:
9th Av West of Ontario St: 3 ft walk for distance of 387 ft;
10th Av West of Westminster Av: 3 ft walk for distance of 270 ft;
8th Av West of Bridge St: put up 2 culverts or bridge at ravine
7th Av West at Brewery: put in foot bridge across ravine
6th Av: 6 ft sidewalk south side from Westminster Av to Quebec St;
9th Av West from Westminster Rd: 6 ft walk for distance of 90 ft;
Birch St from 7th to 8th Av: open road.
Resolved that the foreman for Ward one be instructed to attend to the following work:
Lay 6 ft walk 132 ft in length on Nelson St at SE corner of that street and Jervis St.
Resolved that notices be sent by the City Clerk to owners of lots covered with brush and weeds to have same cut down.
Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to have the sidewalks cleared of all obstructions.
[Volume 7, Page 304]
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
W.L. Tait & Sons lumber $100.63
C.R.& E. Co tickets $6.50
BC Mills lumber $2.00
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $163.62
G. Cassady & Co supplies $202.43
J. Armand footbridge $1004.40
G. Wright Broughton St $42.98
G. Wright Hastings St $163.64
R. Harrison Clark & Grant Streets $364.63
I. Thomas etal labor $808.62
Signed H.J. Painter, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Painter; Seconded by Alderman Clandening.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday September 11th 1896
Present: Aldermen Banfield, Painter, Brown and Bethune
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Hamersley & Hamilton disbursements $11.40
E. Clough express $2.75
Crowder & Penzer supplies $12.09
Telephone Co rents $36.51
H. Kersey labor $5.00
Free Library Board grant $1500
W.E. Johnstone clerical work $27.10
Con Railway Co lights $1597.78
The World P&P Co ads $75.99
News, advertiser ads $73.09
From S. Tallman asking that he be allowed to pay his scavenger’s license in two payments.
Resolved that he be informed that the By-Law will not permit of this.
Signed J.J. Banfield, Chairman
[Volume 7, Page 305]
Moved by Alderman Banfield; Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman Coldwell
Whereas it has been reposted that certain buildings situate on Lots 20 to 26, Block 14, DL 196 have become and now are a nuisance and dangerous to public health;
And whereas the owners, agents and occupiers of the said buildings have neglected to place the same in a sanitary condition after having been duly notified by this Council so to do;
Be it therefore resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Vancouver and it is hereby declared that the said buildings are a nuisance and dangerous to the public health and do hereby order that the owners, agents of the owners or the occupiers of the said buildings shall pull down or remove the same and in default of their so doing within 10 days from the 16th day of September 1896, it is hereby further directed and ordered that John H. Carlisle the Chief of the Fire Brigade of the said City shall destroy and remove the said buildings at the cost of the owners of the said buildings;
Also that the City Clerk send a copy of this resolution to each owner of the properties in question and to the occupants of said buildings. Carried.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Bethune gave notice that he would move that in future all appointments made by this Council only tax payers shall be selected.
[Volume 7, Page 306]
The Council then adjourned.
Thomas Francis McGuigan Henry Collins
City Clerk Mayor
Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; The City Council, September 15 1896, pg 5