The Street Railway Company was notified they needed to upgrade their track from False Creek Bridge to 9th Avenue [Broadway] to match the city’s upgrades to the road bed along this interval. In the absence any patients, the caretaker of the Isolation Hospital allowed $35 per month.
This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 224 – 235
To see the handwritten minutes for this date, click on the buttons below (three parts)
[Volume 6 page] 224
The Council met on Monday September 17th 1894 at 8 p.m.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McPhaiden, McCraney, Wm Brown, Franklin, C. L. Brown and Bethune.
The minust of last meeting were read and adopted.
From John Wolf asking for permission to work out certain fines imposed on him by the Pound Keeper.
From J. C. Peterson, Nanaimo stating that he was prepared to appear before the Fire + Light Committee at their next meeting.
From E. Machin, Librarian, asking for the balance of the appropriation for the Library.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From Wm Sully asking for the refund of certain taxes on Lot 26, Block 7. 196/
Referred to the Finance Committee
From Robert McCouag etal of Rashlin Island asking for aid towards the construction of a harbour.
From Robert Morrison, asking that the property of the late Mrs. Cathery be not sold for taxes.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
[Volume 6 page] 225
From M. McLean asking that the Street Railway Co be made to carry out their agreement re the running of the Cars around Fairview.
Referred to the City Solicitor, the City Clerk in the meantime to write and ask the Company to give a better service.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.
From the City Engineer stating that the life of the Block pavement on Granville street between Cordova and Hastings would be 20 years.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Board of Health
The Health Committee met on Friday September 14th 1894.
Present Aldermen McDowell, Salsbury, Wm Brown, and McPhaiden.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
F. Filion Supplies 166.59
S. H. DeBou “ 57.38
Texas Lake Ice Co. “ 34.20
H. Extense Drayage .75
Russell, McDonald + co. Supplies 6.00
C. Nelson “ 118.74
Welsh Bros. “ 4.13
J. Kemp Refund 3.50
[Volume 6 page] 226
Chas. Truax Instruments $50.00
Mrs. McDonald Supplies 4.50
W. D. Brydone-Jack Dental Instruments 5.00
C. A. Currie Boat hire 4.00
James Carnahan Scavengering 1.00
M. T. L. Lloyd Horse hire 2.50
Wm. Ralph Supplies 1.85
City Printing Works ” 45.55
Geo Adams Repairs 25.00
G. G. Johnston ” 2.55
Thos Dunn + co. Supplies 20.70
Alexandra Hospital, Board 10.00
Henry Collins Supplies 1.00
Champion + White ” 14.25
McLennan + McFeely ” 3.95
J. C. Douglas ” 15.50
G. L. Hutchings ” 119.65
E. C. Dixon ” 8.00
Wellington Coal Yards ” 82.50
Crowder + Penzer ” 11.32
Diplock + co ” 3.40
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 64.11
D. J. Campbell Supplies 10.95
C. S Philp ” 33.39
McIntosh + co ” 60.48
Alex McDonald Repairs .50
W. Kirby ” .50
St. Luke Home Nursing 10.00
From James L. Raymer Auditor, Victoria, calling attention to the fact that the two last payments due on Leper account had not been settled; also from the Department of Agriculture stating that it was the intention of the Minister…
[Volume 6 page] 227
…to ask Council for authority to make an appropriation to the extent of $1000.00 for the support of the lepers through the Municipal councils of Victoria and Vancouver respectively.
The whole question was referred to Alderman Salsbury to take whatever action he may deem necessary in the matter.
That the Caretaker of the Isolation Hospital be in future paid $35.00 per month dating from the 1st of October with wages at the old rate where there are any patients in the Hospital, that he have the use of the land for gardening purposes conditional on him clearing the balance of the grounds and fencing it in, the City to supply the material for the fence; also that he be required to have supervision over the race course, and report from time to time.
From Miss Macfie, stating that she had appointed Mrs. Stewart as assistant in the Kitchen and the City Hospital at $14.00 a month, dating from the 1st of August;
That the appointment be confirmed.
From Alex McDonald, asking for certain repairs at the Cemetery.
Laid over.
That Pender Street and the grounds in front of the city Hospital lately purchased by fenced in, the City Engineer to see that the work is carried out.
Resolved that the chairman be empowered to carry into effect the terms of the Milk Vendors By Law.
[Volume 6 page] 228
The Board then adjourned.
sgd. John McDowell
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by ” McDowell
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday September 14th 1894.
Present the full Board.
From Evans, Coleman + Evans enclosing an order from Messrs Purcy + Williams for the payment of $2550 to them.
From the Board of Works requesting the Finance Committee to furnish $600 to complete the grading of Westminster Av and $100 to grade the lane west of the New Hudson’s Bay Warehouse.
That the amount be granted and charged to the Board of Works conting ent account.
From C. D. Rand asking for an extension of time for the completion of the Burrard Inlet and Fraser Valley Railway.
Referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion.
From A. G. Ferguson, asking for an additional grant of $500 for Park purposes.
Resolved that he be informed that there are no funds.
[Volume 6 page] 229
That the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for an assessor, such applications to be received up to Friday next at 5 p.m.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
J. J. Cowderoy Clerical work $15.00
G. F. Baldwin Supplies 2.50
City Printing Works ” 5.50
Thomson Bros. ” .50
sgd W. F. Salsbury
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by ” C. L. Brown.
That the clause in reference to the Assessor be amended to read Monday September 24th at 4 p.m.
Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by ” C. L. Brown
That the Report as amended be adopted.
Fire and Light Commitee
The Fire and Light Committee had met on Wednesday september 12th 1894.
Present the full Board.
From Thos Duke on behalf of the congregation of the Reformed Episcopal Church, asking to have a light placed at the corner of Campbell Av. and Keefer Street.
Laid over
[Volume 6 page] 230
From C. H. Stickles consulting electrical engineer Victoria in answer to a request for a professional opinion respecting tenders for electric plant:
Received and files
That the City Engineer prepare detailed specifications for incandescent lighting plants and that new tenders be call for Arc and Incandescent Lighting Plants receivable up to noon on Wednesday october 3rd 1894.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
C. H. Stickles Expert Evidence $10.00
Van Elec Ry + L. C. Light 1733.23
News Advertiser Ad 3.00
sgd J. L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by ” C. L. Brown
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of works met on September 18th 1894.
Present the Full Board.
Mr. C. P. Shindler appeared before the Board with a request for a sidewalk as far as his house on Barclay Street, about 192 feet and a crossing.
That Mr. Shindler be furnished with the lumber and nails necessary for a 6 foot walk he to supply the labor for putting same down.
From J. E. Gilmore on behalf of D. Byrnes applied for one scowload of broken stone.
[Volume 6 page] 231
Request granted, the price to be $1.50 per yard delivered at the float.
Mr. N. S. Hoffar submitted plans for the Horne Block to be erected at the N. W. corner of Carroll and Hastings Street for approval.
Plans approved subject to the usual conditions as to copies being deposited in the Engineer’s office +c.
Resolved that in future, all plans of buildings +c submitted for the approval of the Board, be sent in, at least 3 days before the meeting and to be certified by the Engineer as being in keeping with the provisions of the Fire By-Law before presentation to the Board for approval.
From E. Cook, applying for deposits on certain streets the work being completed.
Referred to the Street Inspector to examine.
From G. Coleman etal petitioning to have the lane in rear of lots 20 to 26, B 35, 185 graded.
Referred to the Chain gang.
From the Secretary of the Trades + Labor council in reference to the 9 hours clause on D. McGillivray’s street paving contract.
Resolved that the contractor be required to carry out his contract.
From the Manager of the Hudson’s Bay Co. asking that the lane west of their new warehouse on Water Street be graded so as to give them access to the rear of their premises.
Resolved that the request be granted provided the cost does not exceed $100.00 and subject to the amount being furnished by the Finance Committee.
[Volume 6 page] 232
From E. J. Fox, asking that the street be made passable in front of his premises on 9th Av.
Laid over for want of funds.
From R. G. Tatlow enclosing a letter from the Superintendent of the V. E. Ry + L. Co. complaining of the condition of their track +c Westminster Av.
From the City Solicitor submitting a bond to be signed by the B. C. Land + Instrument Co. as a guarantee for 1 year of the cement sidewalk corner Abbott + Cordova streets.
Two applications to have stumps removed from in front of residences were referred to the Street Inspector to examine and report.
From the City Solicitor stating that the city can lower the track and grade Powell Street since the action would not affect the position of the city with the Street Railway co.
Being attend to.
Resolved that the clause in regard to the wood block paving on Granville Street which was referred back to confirmed and that the date for the reception of tenders by fixed at the 11th of October at 3 p.m.
The following accounts were recommended for payment :-
Champion + White, Street Sweeping $74.50
[Volume 6 page] 233
Lomas + Sheridan. Labor $50.00
Welsh Bros. Supplies 7.40
B. C. Mills ” 1.40
W. C. Marshall ” 3.50
Evans Coleman + Evans ” 4.00
Leamy + Kyle ” 90.21
” ” ” 666.14
McLennan + McFeely ” 10.50
I. G. Johnston ” 1.55
Thos Dunn + co ” 46.60
D. McGillivray ” 167.12
McDonald Bros. Drayage .50
Weekly Pay Roll. Labor 507.50
That the account of the V. E. R. + L. co for one man’s time fixing track Westminster Av amounting to $108.00 be referred to the City Solicitor for his legal opinion.
That the account of items supplies by Mr. Clark in connection with rock crushers be passed subject to being found correct.
sgd. H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman C. L. Brown
Seconded by ” McCraney
That the thanks of this Council be extended to Mr Davis for the complementary
[Volume 6 page] 234
tickets furnished to enable the members to attend the Fair at Tacoma.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded at ” C. L. Brown
That the council contribute one third of the cost of wood block paving Granville Street between Hastings + Cordova Streets.
That the Court of Revision for hearing complaints re the wood block paving on Granville Street between Cordova + Hastings Street be fixed for the 19th day of October 1894 at 11 a. m. to be held in the City Hall.
That His Worship the Mayor be requested to call a Public Meeting to discuss the Electric Lighting By-Law.
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by ” Franklin
That the Street Railway Company be notified in terms of the Company’s Agreement with the City, as contained in paragraph IV that as the road bed on Westminster Avenue from False Creek Bridge to 9th Avenue is being constructed by the city on a solid and permanent basis the Company is hereby notified in the words of said paragraph to construct a thoroughly good and substantial street railway to the satisfaction of the City Engineer both as regards grades, location, weight, form of rail and make of construction…
[Volume 6 page] 235
…and that the City Engineer is hereby instructed to have this agreement complied with.
Moved by Alderman W. Brown
Seconded by ” McCraney
That the Pay Roll of the Water Works department for the week ending September 10th 1894 amounting to $242.70 be passed and paid.
Notice of Motion
Alderman McPhaiden gave notice that at the next meeting he will introduce a By-Law to provide for an extension of time for the completion of the Burrard Inlet + Fraser Valley Ry.
Alderman McCraney gave notice that at the next meeting he will introduce the following motion – That the Assessors be instructed to assess all improvements at 50 per cent of their cash value.
The Council then adjourned.
R. A. Anderson
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk