Lots at the foot of Main Street to be expropriated for street expansion – September 19, 1892

Michael Costello was appointed arbitrator to determine the value of the lots to be expropriated by the City of Vancouver for street use. Compensation was made to several parties for loss of time and property during the recent smallpox quarantine.

This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
and sponsored by the Woodward family

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 148-156

Vancouver Sept 19th 1892.

The Council met on Monday September 19th 1892.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, McCraney, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The following Communications were received and read:-
From Alex MacDonald asking that the newly cleared portion of the Cemetery be fenced in
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by ” Franklin
That the Communicators be referred to the City Engineer with power to act:

From J.C. McLagan etal asking that Thursday Sept 22nd be declared a public holiday to give the citizens an opportunity to attend the Fair at New Westminster
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by ” McGuigan
That the request of the petitioners be granted.

From J. Rogers asking for the permanent grade of Hastings Street in front of his premises.
Referred to the Board of Works with power to act:

From Hobson Bros. withdrawing their tender in laying the water mains
Referred to the F.W+L Committee

From Geo Cassady etal asking for better water facilities for their Mills.
Referred to the F.W.+L. Committee

From McLean Bros. asking for a balance of $47.00 claimed to be due them on 13th Av.
Referred to the City Clerk to supply to McLean Bros. giving explanations

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From Carbould, McColl + Campbell stating that if no action was taken regarding the case of JB. Henderson for compensation legal proceedings would

be taken.

From Ed Johnson, asking for the opening up of one more block on 8th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Brenton reporting that the Sewers were being blocked by the Scavenger.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From H. Abbott stating that he had forwarded the petition re the erection of the Cattle Sheds to Montreal.

From Dr. Herald submitting his account for Services as Medical Municipal Health Officer.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From Miss Swan asking that the new hospital floors be painted or oiled.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights

The following Reports were received and read:

F. W+L. Committee.

The F. W+L. Committee met on Wednesday September 14th 1892.
Present: Aldermen Franklin, Connon, McGuigan and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
G. H Bazley, Shoes Set $5.00
Van Elec Ry + Light Co. Lights 1219.53
C. H. Jones, Supplies. 1.50
Palmer Bros. ” 7.75
John Currell, Sharpening Saws. 1.25
” , Supplies 6.45

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D. J. Campbell. Supplies. $1.25
Creamer + Langley ” 37.87
W. Hooper etal. Labor 316.40
I. Forbes. Shoes Set 4.00
H. T. Devine + Co. Supplies 62.71
Shelton + Co ” 9.00
G.A. Fraser + Co 9.10

2 That the following tender be awarded for laying the water works extension pipes:-
Hobson Bros.

3 That Bell-Irving + Paterson be informed, that the Committee does not consider the pipes as delivered until they are placed on some wharf or on lighters but in the meantime that they be advanced $15,000 on the amount delivered, the balance to be paid after their final delivery.

4 That Wm Cargill secretary of the Jockey Club be granted the use of the Fire Engine and Sprinkler for a few hours for use on the race course.

5 That no person be allowed to open and use water out of any hydrant except on the written permission of the City Treasurer.

6 That the City erect a shack for a watchman at the Narrows where the water pipes cross and contribute towards a portion of his Salary, the Park Commissioners paying the balance.

7 That the road and cribbing of the Capilano Creek to the water work’s dam be done by day labor under the supervision of the City Engineer’s

8 That the horse belonging to the fire department now out on pasture be rought in and handed over to the Police Committee to be used by the Chain gang.
sgd J. L. Franklin

The Clause referring to the awarding of the laying of the water works pipes was referred

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back to the F. W+L. Committee
The balance of the Report was adopted on motion of Alderman McCraney seconded by Ald Gavin

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Thursday September 15th 1892.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Gavin, Connon, Franklin and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1 That the change of grade asked for by J. Rogers on Hastings Street be made when the final grade is settled for said Street.

2 That W. H. Kendall be informed that the City has no appropriation to continue the contract for crushed rock when it terminates for the balance of this year.

3 That the arrangement made with Thos Bell for clearing on Cardero Street in accordance with his offer of Sept 9th be cancelled.

4. That the chaingang be sent to fix up the lane at Dr. Bodington’s house Alberni Street and also to make a passable roadway to the rear of Mr. Creery’s house on Beach Av.

5 That the following tender be invited:-
Quebec Street, 6 ft sidewalk from 9th Av to 11th Av on the West Side.

8 That the following accounts be paid:-
Gibbons + Myers, Hastings St. $620.00
Oldfield + Cook, Observation Hospital 299.55
J. Telford. Scotia St; 46.00
W. H. Kendall, Crushed rock 506.52
Boyd + Clandenning Powell St. 2050.00
Evans, Coleman + Evans, Pipes 1500.00
J. M. Thomas, Alderni St. 1145.00
Hobson Bros. Comox St. 20.00
I. G. Johnston Repairs 4.90
H. T. Devine + co. Feed 14.23
G.J. Rounfell 7th Av. 5211.25

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Oldfield + Cooke, Cottage at Crematory $277.10
W. Ralph. Supplies 24.00
Godfrey + Co ” 3.00
W. Jones. Gore Av. 177.12
Gibbons + Myers. Lane B 41. 196 205.84
A. D. McDonald, Georgia St. 5.00
Thos Veitch del crushed rock 230.97
E. Kingcombe Expenses. .95
Wm Templeton Oil 1.75
Van Elec Ry + L Co. Tickets 15.00
Thos Veitch Express hire 17.40
Daily Telegram, Letterheads 3.75
Keefer & Godden, Granite 64.00
W. H. Fraser, Extras on City Hospital 8.94
H. Lomas et al Labor. 491.05
sgd H. P. McCraney,
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by ” Collins
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee.

The Finance Committee met on Friday Sept 16th 1892.
Present Aldermen Mills, Odlum, and Collins.
Alderman Collins was appointed Chair pro-tem.
It was recommended:-
1. That J. M. Browning be informed that it is not the intention of the Council to take any action towards the securing of a City Hall Site this year.

2 That the City Auditor be instructed to have the tax book audited and that he be paid extra for said work.

3 That the following accounts be paid:-
Daily Telegram, Printing $109.75
Palmer Bros. Supplies 12.18
sgd R.A. Anderson Chairman

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Moved by Alderman Mills
Seconded by ” McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee.

The Health Committee met on Saturday September 17th 1892.
Present Aldermen McGuigan, Collins, Odlum
It was recommended:-
1 That the City Clerk be instructed to re-insure the hospital furniture for 3 years to the amount of $1600 and to insure the Isolation Hospital for $2000,00

2 That Miss Woodward, Nurse at the City Hospital be allowed 2 weeks leave of absence upon her furnishing a substitute suitable to the matron, the other employees to have like privilege in rotation.

3 That J. A. Coldwell be allowed $250 for extra services in connection with quarantine.

4 That Tupper Thomson and R. Jamieson be allowed $2.50 per day each for time occupied by them in the immigration and disinfection of the house occupied by the late J. Dockendorf, the balance of which claim being filed.

5 That the following claims for compensation for damages for loss of time, services etc etc be filed:-
Mrs Slagg $50.00 for loss of time
Mrs Adams 72.00 ” bedding destroyed
Dr McAlpine 10.00 ” Medical Services
Mrs. E. Davey 68.00 ” bedding destroyed
Johnston + Douglas 172.75 ” furniture etc destroyed
James Reid 119.25 ” bedding etc ”
W. H. L. Tyrell 45.00 ” loss of time.
Nellis, Willis 65.00 ” bedding destroyed
J. Dixon 168.00 ” ” ”
W. G. Judge
A. Calori 1068.0064 for damages
W. Brydone Jack 160.00 ” Medical Services
I. Thomson. 88.00 for Services

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R. Jaimes $65.00 for services

6 That the following accounts be paid:-
G. W. Ellison Milk $8.00
J. Huntly Expenses 92.75
A McDonald Blacksmithing. .50
R.V. Winch Supplies 29.45
Palmer Bros. ” 8.75
Tyson + Co. ” 42.25
Palmer Bros. ” 53.10
S. T. Tilley + Son ” 11.10
Wm Urquhart ” 61.50
City Printing Works ” 4.55
F. W. Hart Burial 10.75
M.A. Harvey Transportation 85.00
Dr Wilson Inspection 120.00
Atkins + Atkins Drugs 194.24
Pioneer Laundry Washing 36.27
J. P. Blake Bread 7.05
Dr. Bell-Irving Medical Services 5.00
Dr. Ferguson ” ” 5.00
J. Reed, Drugs 14.20
Wing Sang. Supplies 2.50
Summers + Orell ” 13.90
Johnson + Kerfoot ” 49.75
Champion + White Services 2.20
Ideal Grocery Supplies 1.15
J. Brown ” 19.70
Texas Lake Ice Co ” 14.50
Hudson’s Bay Co. ” 5.00
McIntosh + Co. ” 68.65
McLennan + McFeely ” 1.50
Ideal Grocery ” 39.25
W. Ralph ” 22.20
Ideal Grocery ” 189.67
B. C. M. T. + T. Co. ” 1.76
U. S. S. Co Services 50.00
C. H. Jones Tents 47.50
Gurney Cab Co. Services 113.75
G. I. Wilson Supplies 202.85
Urquhart Bros ” 4.50
Tye + Co ” 2.00

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G. I. Wilson Supplies $1.55
H. H. Layfield + co ” 2.71
Champion + White Services 3.00
H. V. Winch Supplies 25.89
M. S. Rose ” 1.00
Palmer Bros ” 12.00
Herbert + Co ” 74.21
F. W. Hart Burial 10.75
Russell, McDonald + Co. Supplies 21.88
J. P Blake ” 16.45
G. Lefesith Tents 15.00
J. McDowell Supplies 47.70
Texas Lake Ice Co ” 8.50
J. Scuitto ” 1.20
Summers + Orell ” 7.30
Hudson’s Bay Co ” 13.50
F. W. Hart ” 1.75
R. Robertson ” 5.75
Godfrey + Co ” 4.75
Thos Dunn + co ” 2.25
S. Tallsman Services 25.00
C. M. Howley Supplies 37.65
Columbia Carriage Works ” 7.25
J. C. Douglas ” 10.80
H. T. Devine + Co 9.97
B. C. M. T + T Co. ” 1.89
G. L. Allan ” 23.25
Kapper + co ” 12.00
Robinson Services 3.45
Ideal Grocery Supplies 285.55
Dr. Langis Examinations 10.00

In the account of J. Wolfe for $77.50, the Board considers $10.00 as ample amount for services rendered in hauling barrels from Crematory and orders that amount paid to him the item in the account for $50.00 for clearing C. P. R. Stockyards is struck out Mr Wolfe to refer that to the management of the C. P. R for payment
sgd. W.J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by ” Collins
That the Report be adopted. Carried

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Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by ” McCraney
That J. M. Holland be returned the sum of $110.00 deposited by him on application for a liquor licence.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by ” McCraney
That an Arbitration be entered into by the City to decide upon the value of the lots, at the foot of Westminster Avenue required for Street purposes and that the owners be notified to that effect.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by ” McGuigan
That Michael Costello be appointed Arbitrator for the City to fix the value of the property desire to be expropriated at the foot of Westminster Av.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk