New City Assessor Appointed – September 24, 1894

New City Assessor Appointed – September 24, 1894

E. Kingcombe was appointed City Assessor at $200 per month salary. Former Mayor M. A. MacLean paid $140 for revision of Voters’ Lists. A quarter plot in the cemetery granted to the late Charles MacAulay free of charge. Water connection granted to the Union Steam Ship Company wharf, with the understanding that any damage be repaired by the Company.

This transcript was made in May 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  Joanne McCormick

 City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31 Volume 6, pages 236 -242
Original handwritten minutes here

[Volume 6, Page 236]
Vancouver September 24th 1894

The Council met on Monday September 24th 1894.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McPhaiden, William Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From K. Silverman per Armstrong and Spencer claiming damages for injuries received through falling over loose plank on Cordova Street in front of the Sullivan Block. Referred to the City Solicitor.

From the James Null et al, asking that the chain gang be utilized in opening up the street west of the Alexandra Hospital {Fairview Road}. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Davis, Marshall & McNeill on behalf of Mrs. {Agnes} Campbell claiming damages for the death of her husband. Referred to the City Solicitor.

From Messrs Godfrey and Sewell asking for an electric light at the corner of Richards and Hastings Streets. Referred to the Fire & Light Committee.
From Evans, Coleman & Evans, drawing attention to the fact that tenders were being called for ….

[Volume 6, page 237]

… the block paving of Granville Street and that cement was included at $2.90 a barrel. Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police {John McLaren} reporting on the electric lights. Referred to the Fire & Light Committee.

From Hamersley & Hamilton warning the Chief of Police that there was liable to be a riot when an attempt was made to remove the shackites {asking the Chief to attend the pulling down of the shacks on the foreshore to prevent a breach of the peace}.

Moved by Alderman McDowell; Seconded by McPhaiden.
That the matter be left in the hands of the Mayor. Carried.

From the City Solicitor giving an opinion on the extension of time for the completion of the Burrard Inlet and Fraser Valley Railway, stating that the Council had no power either by By-Law or resolution to extend the time. Filed.

The following applications were received for the position of Assessor:
From S.J. Emanuels, W.H. Fraser, D.P. Douglas and J.A. Kemp, E.B. Deane, E. Kingcombe, J.F. Black, J.A. Green, D.J. McPhalen, T.M. Rae, Ed Lunn, Thomas H. Robson, John Devine, John Cameron, William Cargill, George Fraser, Alex Struthers, D.M. Campbell, J.A. Caldwell and A.C. Musgrove.

Moved by Alderman McDowell; Seconded by Franklin
That the Council go into Committee …..

[Volume 6, Page 238]

… of the whole for the selection of a person to fill the position with the Mayor in the Chair. Carried.
After a number of ballots was taken it was found that E. Kingcombe had received a majority of the Council.
The Committee then rose and reported the selection of E. Kingcombe.

Moved by Alderman Franklin; Seconded by Queen.
That his appointment be made unanimous.

Moved by Alderman McDowell; Seconded by Shaw
That the remuneration of the Assessor be fixed at $200.

The following reports were received and read:

Water Committee
The Water Committee met on Tuesday September 18th 1894
Present: Aldermen William brown, McPhaiden and Bethune
From John Nuylyer, asking for a rate for a ten-horsepower motor.
Resolved. That he be charged the regular rate by meter.
Resolved. That the Secretary call the attention of Messrs Purdy & Williams to their delay in finishing ….

[Volume 6, page 239]

…. the contract for reservoir and the loss to the City occasioned thereby as well as the expense of the Inspector and others.

That an inch and a half pipe be laid to Mr. Godfrey’s house on the corner of Nicola and Burnaby Streets on condition of Mr. Godfrey paying $60.00 the same to be refunded out of water rates.

Resolved. That a water service be laid on the Union S.S. Co’s wharf, the Co. to repair any damage done to the pipe by ships.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
W. Fowler Valve chambers $15.00
F. Filion Supplies $1.75
Thomas Dunn & Co Supplies $33.85
Clarke & Stuart Supplies $3.65
McRae & Hall Supplies $1.00
Boyd & Co Supplies $23.33
Creamer & Langley Supplies $30.75

Vancouver City Iron Works $84.92
Columbia Carriage Works $7.25
B.C. Iron Works $179.80
Hooper et al Labour $214.00
D.K. Campbell Driving piles $534.60
Signed William Brown, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McDowell; Seconded by Alderman Queen
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 6, page 240]

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday September 21st 1894.
Present: Aldermen Salsbury, McPhaiden & Brown

From Robert Marrion requesting postponement of sale of Mrs. Cathery’s estate for taxes. Laid over.

From C.D. Rand stating that the work on the Burrard Inlet and Fraser Valley Railway will now be pushed so as to ensure completion well within the time provided in clause 14 of the By-Law and also that the company desires to have the streets formally set aside for the use of the road. Referred to the City Solicitor.

From Edward Mackin, Librarian requesting that the balance for the appropriation due to the Board be placed to its credit. Resolved that the amount of $1000 be placed to their account.

From William Sully on behalf of Messrs Town and Robinson of London, England asking for refund of $64.00 being overpayment of taxes on Lot 26, Block 7, 196 in 1895. Resolved that $64.00 be refunded to them.

From Stanley James, City Auditor, reporting book of accounts warrants and vouchers representing the balance sheet for July 1894 to be carried. Filed.

Resolved that the list of properties to be sold for delinquent taxes by published at the end of this month.

[Volume 6, page 241]

The following account was recommended for payment:
M.A. MacLean    Revision of Voters List        $140.00
Signed W.F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Queen
That the Report be adopted.

Moved by Alderman Franklin: Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown
That the Assessor be authorized to assess improvements at 50% of their cash value.

Moved by Alderman Franklin; Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the following account be paid:
Campbell & Doherty Firemen’s uniforms $550.00

Moved by Alderman McDowell; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the following account be paid and found correct and according to contract:
D. McGillivray bitumous rock paving $1356.48

Notice of Motion
Alderman Queen gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he will bring in a motion that after 30 days’ notice, the services of the City Solicitor will be no longer required.

[Volume 6, page 242]

Moved by Alderman Bethune; Seconded by Alderman Franklin
That the City Clerk be instructed to set aside a quarter plot in the cemetery for the late Charles McAulay, free of charge. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan R.A. Anderson
City Clerk Mayor

Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer.