Garbage burning crematory will cost $6,000 – September 30, 1890

Garbage burning crematory will cost $6,000 – September 30, 1890

Vancouver to contract with the Dominion Sanitary and Cremating Co. to build a garbage burning facility at a cost of $6,000. H.B. Warren appointed City Engineer. BC Government informs Council that Mr R.H. Alexander was appointed Reviser of Municipal Voters Lists for 1890. Police force to be issued rubber coats and boots “for use while on duty”.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pg 59-65

[volume 4 page 59]

Vancouver Sept 30th 1890

The Council met on Tuesday Sept 30th 1890.

Present: Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Browning Carroll, Garden, Sentell, Fox, Costello and McLeod.

Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
were read from Cruden & Robinson asking payment of an account of $25.70 for fence on Princess Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From the Secretary of the B.C. Agricultural Association inviting the Mayor and Aldermen to attend the Exhibition. Filed.

From Secretary of the Water Works Co. calling attention to unpaid accounts for lowering pipes and hydrants. Referred to Finance and F. W. & Light.

From S. Sheridan and W.T. Blair claiming $10 due from Leatherdale & McDonald. Referred to Board of Works.

From Wm Webster notifying Council that after September $30 per month would be charged for use of Wharf for dumping purposes. Board of Health.

From City Auditor enclosing statement for August. Filed

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rom Hon. John Robson announcing that Mr. R.H. Alexander had been appointed Reviser of the Municipal Voters Lists for 1890. Filed.

From A.H.B. MacGowan, sec. of Board of Trade requesting an interview with Council re False Creek. Filed.

From William Seidelman wanting trees cut down in vicinity of lot on 18th. Referred to Board of Works.

From D. Cartmel, Sec. of Mfg & Trading Co. re grade of Beach Ave. Referred to Board of Works.

From H.T. Ceperley re sewerage on Alberni & Thurlow Streets. Filed.

From Tatlow & Spinks et al asking for basement drain in Block 3 O.G.T. Referred to Board of Works.

From City Solicitor giving opinion on Market and license bylaws. Filed.


The Police Committee met on Tuesday Sept 23.
Present: Aldermen Costello, Sentell and Carroll.

A communication was read from the Police force asking for rubber coats and boots for use while on duty. Alderman Carroll moved that the Police force be furnished with rubber coats

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and that tenders be called for same at once also for fire helmets. Carried.
The following bills were recommended for payment:
G.A. Calbick, Fares 3.00
J. McLaren, Fares 3.00
W.S. Cook, Scavenger 1.00
J. Foley, Dray 1.00
M.G. McLeod, Fares 9.00
V.W. Haywood, Fares, 4.00
J. McAllister, Supplies 18.25
Van Volkenburgh, Supplies 15.85
J. Scuitto, Supplies 56.34
O.W. Ellison, Supplies 1.80
W.S. Cook, Scavenger 1.00
J. Gibson, Fares 1.00
A.D. McPherson, Dray .50
J. Clough, Fares 4.00
signed M. Costello, Chairman

On motion of Aldermen Garden and Costello the Report was adopted.

Messrs R.H. Alexander pres’t and MacGowan Sec. of Board of Trade addressed the Council re False Creek.

Alderman Garden moved
Alderman Costello seconded
That the City Engineer be instructed to have his assistant proceed to make a survey of False Creek and take soundings from the Ry Bridge easterly in accordance with the representation of the Board of Trade. Carried.

On motion of Aldermen Browning and Carroll, a Bylaw to amend Bylaws 79 and 103 was read a first time.

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Alderman Costello moved
Alderman Carroll seconded
That the Mayor with Aldermen Garden & McLeod be authorized and empowered to carry out the recommendation of the Crematory Committee and accept the offer of James Watt, Secretary of the Dominion Sanitary and Cremating Co, to erect a crematory in the city for $6000 in accordance with his letter of May 22nd 1889 addressed to the City Clerk, and as modified in his offer to Mr. E. Mohun of Septr 12th 1889 and to provide for a site for the said erection. Carried.

Alderman Costello moved
Alderman Sentell seconded
The [sic] the tender of the Vancouver Gas Co, R. Marion manager, for connecting the Market Building with the sewer at a cost of sixty dollars be accepted. Carried.

Alderman Garden moved
Alderman Costello seconded
That the petition of H.T. Ceperley et al re sewer from Alberni to Melville Street be granted and that the Sanitary Engineer be instructed to carry on the work at once under his present arrangements with the city. Carried.

Alderman Costello moved
Alderman Fox seconded
That the Council accept with thanks the kind invitation of the B.C. Agricultural Association. Carried.

[volume 4 page 63]

Alderman Costello moved
Alderman Sentell seconded
That the labor acct for $103.95 for week ending Sept 27/90 be paid. Carried.

Alderman Browning moved
Alderman Costello seconded
That the Manufacturing and Trading Co. be informed that Beach Avenue will be made according to the proper grade. Carried.

On motion of Aldermen Browning and Costello the rules were suspended and a bylaw to amend bylaws 73 and 103 was read a second time.

Council then went into Committee of the Whole, Alderman Browning in the chair, and considered the bylaw clause by clause.

The bylaw was reported complete with amendments and on motion of Aldermen Browning and Costello was read a third time.

Alderman Browning moved
Alderman Garden seconded
That Bylaw No 103 be signed, sealed and engrossed. Carried.

The Market bylaw was considered in Committee of the Whole, Alderman Sentell in the chair, and was reported complete with amendments.

Alderman Costello moved
Alderman Fox seconded
That the bylaw be read a third time. Carried.

[volume 4 page 64]

Alderman Costello moved
Alderman Browning seconded
That the bylaw be signed sealed and engrossed. Carried.

Alderman Browning moved
Alderman Sentell seconded
That a Committee to be called a Market Committee be formed and composed of Aldermen Garden, Fox and Costello. Carried.

Alderman Costello moved
Alderman McLeod seconded
That applications be called for a Market Clerk, applications to be addressed to the Chairman of the Market Committee and to be in his hands by noon of Friday October 10th 1890. Carried.

Alderman Garden moved
Alderman Fox seconded
That Alderman Costello be granted three weeks leave of absence. Carried.

Applications and testimonials from 7 [?] applicants for the position of Chief Engineer were read.

Alderman McLeod moved
Alderman Sentell seconded
That the Council proceed to select by ballot from among the applicants. Motion lost.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole, Alderman Sentell in the chair, and after consideration reported the selection of H.B. Warren.

[volume 4 page 65]

Alderman Browning moved
Alderman Costello seconded
That H.B. Warren be appointed Chief Engineer of the City of Vancouver. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk