Warren’s wrongful dismissal suit could cost the City $5,000 – May 27, 1891
Committees established for 1891 – January 5, 1891
Water Street property owners may be forced to fill in lots to the low water mark – April 28, 1890
Vancouver street improvements approved for each ward – July 15, 1889
Police to monitor Vancouver’s street lighting – October 22, 1888
City Engineer must keep a separate contract book for each ward. Police men to report location and date of broken streetlights. City drains to be diverted into culverts being dug by C.P.R to reduce fouling of Burrard Inlet north of Water Street. The Chief of Police to order uniforms for policemen, mattresses and blankets for the new jail cells.
City street lighting quality called into question – September 10, 1888
J. Humphries, chairman of the Board of Works reports “That the present electric light for street lighting is a humbug and expensive and would recommend…a more modern and economical system of electric light for street lighting.”Mrs. Roberts appointed hospital matron at $60 per month. Medical Association suggested regulations for the medical staff at the hospital.
Much road work ahead for Vancouver – June 11, 1888
Dupont Street well will be allowed until Council needs it filled in – August 8, 1887
Appointment laid off for one week. James Hartney allowed to sink a well on Dupont Street (now Pender Street) on the understanding that it must be filled in when Council requests it. Council unable to make a grant of money to the BC Rifle Association. Doctors Robertson, Beckinsale, and Langis all applied for the position of Medical Health Officer. The police men allowed each in turn ten days leave of absence.
Fifty foot fire hose needed for Vancouver – August 1, 1887
Board of Works recommend that the Contract for Granville Street be awarded to McDonald and Cameron; Cambie Street to Wm. Harkins; Park Avenue and Johnston Street to Henry Bowers; Georgia Street to Wm. Harkins, Seventh Avenue to W.L. McDonald, Fire Hall to McDonald & Holden and painting to A.J. Marks. Permission granted Chairman of the Fire Water and Light Committee to purchase 50 feet of small hose for the fire engine.