Council wants $15,000 more for Court House building – January 28, 1889
Council to ask province for $15,000 more for Court House, $5,00 grant in aid of Hospital, and $2,000 in aid of the Police. Aldermen Clark, Howe and Whetham to meet…
documents of early Vancouver and beyond
The special committee has selected a suitable site for the City Hospital. Council agrees to look into buying the lot from the CPR, as well as a lot beside the public school for recreation grounds. The City to indemnify Police Magistrate Black against fines and charges in the course of his duties as police magistrate.
Monthly use of City Hall granted for sessions of County Court at a rate of $5.00 per day plus a charge of $2.00 per day for an attending police officer. By-Laws approved to raise money for additional improvements to Hastings and Oppenheimer Streets.