Photo shows Hugh McArthur, Alec McDonald, Charles Milne, Dick Lowe, Ronald Morrison, Jack Dalton and others on the deck of the steamer “James Domville” on its way to the Klondike. At this meeting Col Domville had written the Board of Works to get the steamer James Domville through the Granville Street Bridge.
He was informed that the cost of opening the spans to let the steamer through would be $125.00 which he … agreed to.
Note: These minutes are wrongly dated. The actual meeting took place on Monday June 6 1898 and was reported on in the Tuesday June 7 newspapers.
This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Marie-Claude Tremblay
Illustration: Item : CVA 371-1122 – [Men on the deck of the steamer
“James Domville” on their way to the Klondike]
Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 336 – 343
[Volume 8 page] 336
Vancouver June 7th 1898.
The Council met on Monday June 7th 1898.
Present – His Worship the Mayor, and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, Bruce, McMorran.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From H. Rhodes asking for the improvement of Denman Street.
Referred to the Boards of Works.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
From J. Colcutt asking for improvements on Barclay St.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Isabella McGee et al asking for improvements on Seymour Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Geo. W. Willis asking for improvements on Haro Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Isaac Waxstock asking that a part of the Cemetery be set apart for the Jews.
Referred to the Board of Health.
From W.H. Lucas asking for sewerage on Seaton Street
Referred to the Board of Works.
From J.J. Dougan et al asking for improvements on Harris Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From W.H. Mathews asking for the position of watchman at the Capilano Dam.
Referred to the Water Committee.
[Volume 8 page] 337
The following Reports were received and read:-
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday June 2nd 1898[actual date was Friday June 3rd].
Present – the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
C.P. Telegraph Co. | Telegrams | $4.67 |
B.C. Electric Co. | Lights | 1714.99 |
From the Secretary of the Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals asking for a grant of $100.
Laid over.
Resolved that the contract for street paving be approved and be authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
Sgd Jas McQueen.
Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by ” Painter.
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday June 1st 1898.
Present – the full Board.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Clark & Stuart | Supplies | $23.95 |
G. Drysdale | “ | 15.45 |
Kemp & Simpson | Burials | 30.00 |
Wm. Ralph | Supplies | 39.80 |
Trudgeon Brs. | “ | 89.95 |
WC. Marshall | Drayage | 5.50 |
J.W. Oldfield | Extras on Hospital | 816.42 |
Jas. Stark | Supplies | 3.05 |
Mining Critic | “ | 3.95 |
[Volume 8 page] 338
Hong Washing | $15.00 | |
H.P. Drum & Co. | Supplies | 7.60 |
H.P. Clough | Drayage | 2.00 |
Scott & Devlin | Supplies | 15.25 |
J. Stevens & Sons | “ | 7.60 |
G.W. Whittaker | Extras on Hospital | 136.55 |
M. La Branche | Supplies | 19.50 |
A. Nottle | Labor | 20.50 |
J.C. Woodrow | Supplies | 54.04 |
J. McMorran | Express | 1.00 |
Mrs. D. Reath | Cooking | 38.00 |
Resolved that the Health Inspector be empowered to engage a horse and cart in each ward of the City for the purpose of clearing up the debris and filth lying in the yards and lanes and conveying the same to the crematory to be there consumed pending the completion of a complete system of scavengering for the whole City.
From Miss Macfie and Crematory Caretaker furnishing reports.
From Police Constable McIntosh reporting case of distress.
Attended to.
From W. Sendelunar complaining of the overflow from the cesspool at the Isolation Hospital running into a stream nearby used for drinking purposes.
Referred to the Health Inspector.
From the Medical Health Officer furnishing report.
From R. Meek applying for the position of Assistant at the Crematory.
From Miss Macfie asking for the making of two surgical nurses robes.
Referred to the City Engineer to attend to.
[Volume 8 page] 339
From Archie S. Ross asking that the lane near the Merchants’ Exchange be cleared up.
Attended to.
From Miss Macfie reporting that she had engaged Mrs. Washburn at a salary of $15.00 per month to relieve nurses during vacation.
From the Health Inspector furnishing monthly report and reporting certain wells on 12th and 13th Avenues containing water which is unfit for human use.
Referred to the Water Committee, the wells to be condemned and filled in.
Resolved that the services of H.T. Adams the present caretaker of the Crematory be dispensed with and that he be paid one month’s salary in advance in lieu of 30 days’ notice.
That the Chairman be authorized to employ temporary help and that applications be called for filling the position.
Resolved that Geo Wright be appointed to look after the scavenger carts along with his other duties.
A deputation from the Hospital Medical Board waited upon the Committee in reference to Hospital matters. They promised to prepare a new set of rules for the Government of the hospital for the approval of the Committee.
Sgd W.J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by ” Foreman.
That the Report be adopted.
Moved in amendment by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by Alderman Brown.
That the Clause in reference to Scavenging be struck out.
[Volume 8 page] 340
Moved in amendment by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That the Clause in reference to the discharge of the Crematory Caretaker by struck out.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by ” Townley.
That the Report as amended be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 2nd of June 1898.
Present – the full Board.
Report from City Engineers as to probable cost of cribbing and filling lane south of Dupont Street.
Filed for reference.
From R.H. Paterson offering to sell the City a quantity of 6 inch vitrified pipe.
Referred to the Engineer.
From A.E.E. Clark stating that the rock crusher was in place and rock could be expected soon.
Filed for reference.
From E.J. Kendall per James Williams, agent applying for percentage retained on crushed rock contract.
From B. Marshall Secretary Committee 12th of July Celebration asking permission to decorate arch at bridge leading to Stanley Park.
Permission Granted.
From J. Calori as to sewerage and drain accommodation at his premises on Powell Street.
[Volume 8 page] 341
Resolved that he be informed that a sewer cannot be provided on Powell Street.
Resolved also that the box drain in front of building on Powell Street be examined to see if it is choked.
Resolved that a new sidewalk be laid on Westminster Avenue from Harris Street to the Bridge. Alderman Forman and the City Engineer to decide which side it will be laid.
From Thos. Duncanson and others asking that the present sewer between Keefer and Princess Streets be extended one block further east.
Laid over.
The plans were submitted for the Molson’s Bank corner Seymour and Hastings Street.
Plans approved being found to be in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Limit Bylaw.
Messrs Parr and Lee submitted plans for Thomson’s Stationery Co’s building to be erected on Lot 20, Block 11, D.L. 541, Hastings Street.
Plans approved being in conformity with the requirements of the Fire Limit By Law.
Mr. Young, contractor interviewed the Board in reference to the proposed wooden structure to be built for Wing Song & Co. on Lot 24, Block 14, D.L. 196, Dupont Street.
Referred to the Engineer and Health Inspector to see if it is in conformity with the By Law and resolution passed by the City Council governing this portion of the City.
Resolved that under clauses 2 and 3 of By Law No 162, the building Inspector or Fire Wardens be instructed to get all requisite information as to all buildings being erected within the City Limits ex
[Volume 8 page] 342
ceeding a cost of $100 and report the particulars at the City Engineer’s Office.
Application was made by Col Domville to get the steamer James Domville through the Granville Street Bridge.
He was informed that the cost of opening the spans to let the steamer through would be $125.00 which he would be required to pay which he agreed to.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
B.C.M.T. & T. Co. | Supplies | $352.74 |
Tait & Sons | “ | 44.26 |
Robertson and Hackett | “ | 407.15 |
E. Clough | “ | 6.00 |
E. J. Rendall | “ | 309.39 |
Dom Express Co. | Express | 2.85 |
sgd A.J. Painter
Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by ” McMorran.
That the Report by adopted.
Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by ” Bruce.
That the cost of any further construction improvements, maintenance or repair of Westminster Avenue, Westminster Road, Granville Street and Georgia Street be paid out of the general revenues of the City and not out of any sum of money appropriated by the Board of Works to be spent upon streets in any particular ward.
Introduction of By Laws
Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by ” Neelands.
That a By Law to amend By Law
[Volume 8 page] 343
No 142 be introduced and read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by ” Neelands.
That the Street Watering By Law be reconsidered and finally passed and be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
The council then adjourned.
James T. Garden
Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk