Water Street in “Disgraceful Condition” – September 20, 1897

Water Street in “Disgraceful Condition” – September 20, 1897

C. H. Wright called Council’s attention to the “disgraceful condition” of Water Street from Abbott to Carroll Streets. Photo is of Water Street, taken in 1897. Ex Mayor Henry Collins was appointed Assessor for 1897. The Milk Inspector given premises in the basement of the Market Hall to carry out tests.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Illustration: CVA Trans N2
100 block Water St – c 1897

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31, Volume 8, pages 8-14

To view photos of the original handwritten pages
click the buttons below (2 parts)

[Volume 8, Page 8]

The Council met on Monday September 20th 1897

Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, McQueen, McPhaiden, Brown, W.S. MacDonald and D.G. McDonald. The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From W.H. Remington of Salt Lake City agreeing to accept $1.00 a ton for 100,000 tons of ore smelted by him in Vancouver. Laid over for Special meeting.

From C.H. Wright calling attention to the disgraceful condition of Water Street from Abbott to Carrall Streets. Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed.

From William Harris offering to buy the cedar on the East End Park. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From J.B. Sciutto offering a young {live} seal to the City. Referred to the Park Commissioners.

From the President of the W.C.T.U. asking for a grant of $300 {annually} for the YWCA Home. Referred to the Finance Committee.

The following Reports were received and read:

Fire & Police Committee

The Fire & Police Committee met on Tuesday September 14th 1897
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

[Volume 8, Page 9]

John McAllister interpreting $7.00
City Grocery Co. supplies $30.96
S. James interpreting $11.00
C. Gross supplies $1.25
JM Stewart cash advanced $2.00
George Leonard repairs $.50
CS Philp supplies $6.05
JC Woodrow supplies $22.16
JK Davis supplies $4.00
CPR Co telegram $2.33
AE Lees supplies $3.50
News Advertiser supplies $18.00
Champion & White supplies $1.00
S. McPherson & Co supplies $50.00
BCMT & S Co supplies $2.14
McDowell & Co supplies $13.00
MP Morris interpreting $2.00
Brackman & Ker supplies $112.85
McLennan & McFeely supplies $4.70
J. Storey supplies $9.75
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $12.14


From John McAllister rendering an account for $14.00 for interpreting seven cases in the Police Court. Resolved that he be paid one dollar a case, the same as the regular interpreter.

From the City Solicitor advising as to the payment of M.G. McLeod late Gaoler and License Inspector. Referred back for a definite opinion from the evidence taken during the police investigation.

From the Chief of Police asking for uniforms etc for the force. Laid over.

From the Chairman reporting that he had sold certain rubbish in the Jail yard to JF Ross for six dollars. The sale was approved and the City Clerk instructed to collect the amount agreed to be paid.

[Volume 8, Page 10]

Resolved that the Chairman and the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to purchase a set of collars and harnices (sic) and that tenders be called for supplying one thousand feet of hose.

Signed DG McDonad, Chairman

Moved by Alderman DG McDonald; Seconded by Alderman McQueen.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday September 17th 1897.
Present: the full Board

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted by adding “That the Assessor attend Court of Revision without extra remuneration.”

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Robertson & Hackett supplies $24.00
Roz Brothers carriages $10.00
JN Menzies hire of jack screws $13.00
William Ball posting bills $1.00
Tomas Veitch drayage $5.00
Vancouver Transfer Co carriages $21.50
News Advertiser supplies $15.45
Walter Bould rent of Dunn Hall $20.00
Williams Directory Co directory $5.00
FA Lee carriages $22.00

Resolved that two Directories be purchased for the City Hall, one from Williams Directory Co and one from Henderson Co.


From John Kerr asking that a pedlar’s (sic) license paid by him in 1895 be refunded. Resolved that his request be granted.

From the Stipendiary Magistrate reporting that he had dismissed the case.

[Volume 8, Page 11]

Brought by Doctor Thomas against the City. Filed.

From the Secretary of the Fire Underwriters stating that a meeting of the Board would be held in October where the question of lowering Insurance rates would be considered. Filed.

The following applications for Assessor were received from: Henry Collins, John Johnstone, RH Cook, WG Fee and FL Budlong. Referred to the Council to make the appointment.

Signed James McQueen, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday September 15th 1897.
Present: Alderman McPhaiden, McQueen and W.S. MacDonald

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
City Grocery Co supplies $90.03
Dorn Fish Co supplies $8.90
Clarke & Stuart supplies $2.95
CS Philp supplies $35.28
JC Woodrow supplies $43.79
Evans Coleman & Evans supplies $19.03
William Ralph supplies $9.80
J. Carnahan supplies $4.75
Mills & Bethune supplies $8.75
WJ McGuigan inquest $10.00
CPR Co supplies $76.80
Dr Poole post mortem $10.00
Gross & Fulton drayage $.50
Cleeve Canning Co supplies $10.50
Pioneer Steam Laundry washing $82.20
Hopkins & Spence supplies $12.25

[Volume 8, page 12]

McDowell & Co supplies $110.09
Crowder & Penzer supplies $4.50
Dr Johnstone post mortem $10.00
J. Dodson supplies $17.15
Lee cooking $2.00
Champion & White scavengering $.50
St Luke’s House board for Mrs Crook $30.00
JW Mallory inspection $66.00
JW Aldfield ?? Ward $1876.50

Mr Simpson, Proprietor of the Opera House Resort on Dupont Street was present at the meeting and asked permission to connect the basement of his premises with a box drain running into False Creek. The matter was left in the hands of the Health Inspector to carry out the By-Law regulating such matters.

Resolved that Mrs Crook be allowed to remain in St Luke’s Home until such time as the City Solicitor advises as to the best method to pursue in her case.

Resolved that suitable provision be provided for the Milk Inspector in the basement of the Market Hall.


From AS Eaton stating that he would be unable to connect his premises with the sewers this Fall. Left in the hands of the Health Inspector.

From Miss Macfie stating that she had engaged H. Hagarty for Cook from the 15th instant and was compelled to keep a Chinese Assistant for the present. Action approved.

From the Health Inspector reporting that large quantities of damaged goods brought from the outside were being burned at the Crematory and asking if a charge…..

[Volume 8, page 13]

…… could not be made for same. Referred to the City Solicitor.

From the Health Inspector recommending that tiles be laid under the bath tubs and water closets in the new wing to the City Hospital and stating that suitable ones could be purchased at ten cents each. Resolved that his suggestion be carried into effect.

Resolved that the Cemetery Caretaker be authorized to sink a well to a sufficient depth to obtain water and that he be allowed to purchase a wheelbarrow.

Resolved that the addition to the Cemetery be plotted and fenced in and new cemetery registers printed.

Resolved that John Mooney an inmate of the hospital be provided with a suit of clothes.

Signed D. McPhaiden, Chairman

Moved by Alderman W.S. Macdonald; Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald
That the Report be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Brown; Seconded by Alderman W.S. Macdonald
That the following account be paid:
M. Rockett etal repairs to Market Hall $402.00

Moved by Alderman D.G. McDonald; Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the following account be paid:
Crickmay Brothers etc duty fire alarm boxes $65.40

[Volume 8, page 14]

Moved by Alderman Townley; Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the Board of Works be requested to put on the Watering Cart to sprinkle Granville Street on Sunday next if necessary, along with line of the Militia’s procession to St Paul’s Church. Carried.

The following applications were received for the position of Assessor from: Henry Collins, WG Fee, FL Budlong, RH Cooke and John Johnstone. The Council proceeded to ballot for a selection.

It was found that {Ex-Mayor} Henry Collins received a majority of the Council.

It was then moved by Alderman McPhaiden, Seconded by Alderman W.S. MacDonald
That Henry Collins be appointed Assessor for AD 1897. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan W. Templeton

City Clerk Mayor


Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; City Council, September 21st 1897, pg 3