Chain gang set to work on police officer’s private property, report alleges – September 16th, 1889

Police chief suspended without pay while reports of police misconduct and breach of trust investigated by “Justices of Her Majesty’s Supreme Court of British Columbia or a Judge of the County Court”. Certain officers ordered to turn in “all monies received by them as rewards for arresting and returning to their ships certain stragglers from Her Majesty’s -Fleet while in our harbour in July last”. Ten dollars each be deducted from the Salary of officers… as a penalty for allowing prisoners belonging to the Chain gang to do work on their private property and to wander at large through the City.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 134-145

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Vancouver Sept 16th 1889

The Council met on Monday September 16th 1889.

Present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Costello, Horne, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Messrs Inness & Richards notifying Council that a fence belonging to their Client Russell Stephenson was torn down. Referred to Board of Works.

From A. Desbrisay notifying Council that he would be unable to act as Deputy Returning Officer. Filed.

From A. H. B. MacGowan, Secretary of the School Board asking Council to put a wider sidewalk on Burrard Street to the School house. Referred to Board of Works.

From E. Mohun explaining matters in connection with charges made by E. S. Scoullar & Co. in reference to Sewer pipes. Filed.

From H. J. Cambie et al asking for a Sewer on the lane between Georgia and Melville Streets. Referred to Board of Works.

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Park No 7

The Park Commissioners met on Thursday Sept 12, 1889, a full Board being present.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:
Crowder & Penzer, feed $2.15 Palmer Bros, feed 2.60

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk

Vancouver Sept 16, 1889.

Moved by Alderman Horne, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Park Commissioners be adopted. Carried.

F. W. & L. No 17

The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Friday September 13th 1889, a full meeting being present:

We beg to recommend:

1. That the Corporation of the City of Vancouver enter into negotiations with the Vancouver Water Works Co with a view to acquiring the works of said company according to the terms of Cop 35 of 49 Lic B. c. Stat.

And further be it resolved that the City Clerk write the Secretary of said company enclosing a copy of this resolution.

2. That the Chairman of the F. W. & L. Committee be authorized to expend $200.00 in fixing up the Fire Halls.

3. That the following firemen be allowed

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to give their services as Volunteers until the end of the present year provided they ask for no remuneration:

J. F. McDonald, Thos. Lilley, Geo. Brown, W. L. Hayward, H. Campbell, Wm. Sanders, Geo. Thomas,
D. R. Biggar, A. H. Montgomery, J. Douglas, Brenton Hall, J. L. McKenzie, R. Rutherford, S. H. Ramage, J. Garvin, F. D. Gross and Frank Gladwin.

4. That the following accounts be paid:

D. McGillivray, horse hire $7.00
Henry Mole, Keep of horse 50.00
D. McCraig, Drayage 7.50
Electric Ill Co. Street Lights 292.68
I. Forbes, Blacksmithing 4.25
Telephone Co. rents 16.00
D. A. Campbell, Scavenger Work 1.00
Palmer Bros. Coal 40.24 Crowder & Penzer feed 8.95
Van Water Works Co.
connections etc. 47.00

Sgd., I. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Resolved. That Clause One of the Report relating to the Vancouver Water Works Co. be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Brewer, seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Health No 11

The Board of Health met on Tuesday Sept 10th 1889.

Present Aldermen Whetham, Salsbury, and Costello.

We beg to recommend:

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1. That John McFarlane be appointed Porter at the City Hospital in place of E. McGregor resigned.

2. That the following accounts be paid:

Miss M. M. C. Cummins,
Balance of Salary $4.25
Dr. McGuigan, Inquests 30.00
Palmer Bros. Coal 17.80
John G. Garvin, Hospital extras 15.00
W. J. Smith Drayage 2.00
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. Meat 54.17
Chas. Nelson, Drugs 65.60
W. J. Taylor, burials 31.50
R. L. Winch, supplies 36.03
Edward Tremble, Labor 7.00

J. Whetham, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Salsbury, seconded by Alderman Costello. That the report of the Board of Health be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 26 The Finance Committee met on Friday Sept 13th 1889.

Present Aldermen Salsbury, Whetham and Costello.
We beg to recommend:

1. That all monies paid in on account of Real Estate Licenses under authority of By-Law No 79 be refunded.

2. That the City Solicitor be instructed to communicate with the Smelting Co in accordance with suggestions made by the Board of Trade in their communication to Council.

3. That Mrs. Birks late nurse at the City

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Hospital be paid one month’s salary $25.00 in lieu of notice.

4. That the Reports of the Board of Health, Board of Works, F. W. & L. as amended and Park Committees be sanctioned by Council.

5. That the following accounts be paid:

Wood and Charlton, Stationery $6.45
Palmer Bros. Coal 8.25
Chas. Nelson, Gun 1.75 S. T. Tilley, Stationery 18.25 The World P & P Co.
Printing etc. 79.76
C. L. Brown, Collecting votes 45.00 P. T. Gibb, Collecting votes 1.70
C. P. R. Co., Principal
& Interest on loans $5,211.20
I. O. Townley, Registration 3.50

Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brewer, seconded by Alderman Clark. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

Police No 4

The Board of Police Commissioners of the City of Vancouver met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday September 14th at 2 P. M.

Present Aldermen McConnell, Brewer and Mason and His Worship, the Mayor. Communications were received and read from the Atty Gen’l re the boarding of City Prisoners in provincial jails.
From the Vancouver Board of Trade re the Traders License By-Laws.

From J. Brown et al re Sunday observance. From City Auditor John Devine re Special Audit of Police Accounts.

After careful consideration your Committee
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begs leave to recommend as follows:

1. That the terms offered by the Provincial Government re the Board of City prisoners confiscate in Provincial Jails be accepted and that the Attorney General of the Province be advised to that effect.

2. That the Board of Trade of this City be requested to name a delegation of its members to confer with this Committee on Thursday Sept 19th at the City Hall at 3 P. M. in relation to the Trade License By-Laws.

3. That the Police Force of this City be instructed to see that all places of business are kept duly closed on the Sabbath, as provided for by Statute.

4. That Chief of Police, John M. Stewart, be suspended from further duty pending further investigation of the charges preferred against him.

5. That the Services of a Supreme Court Judge of the Province of British Columbia be forthwith obtained for the purpose of fully investigating the charges made against certain members of the Police Force of this City as provided for in Section 212 of the City of Vancouver Incorporation Act 1886.

6. That Sergeant McLaren and Police Officers V. W. Haywood, W. D. Haywood and Jackson Abray be notified to immediately pay into the City Treasury all monies received by them as rewards for arresting and returning to their ships certain stragglers from Her Majesty’s Fleet while in our harbour in July last and that such monies so refunded or returned by this Council to the respective

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Ships to which said men belonged.

7. That the sum of ten dollars each be deducted from the Salary of Officers V. W. Haywood and Jackson Abray as a penalty for allowing prisoners belonging to the Chain gang to do work on their private property and to wander at large through the City.

8. That Wm. Johnson be appointed a Special Constable for this City and to be paid at the rate of $60.00 per month for the time his services are required.

9. That the Police Force of this City be required to see that the sidewalks are kept clear and free of impediments to pedestrians as provided for in the Street regulation By-Law of the City.

10. That future meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners of this City be held at 3 P. M. of the Second and Fourth Saturdays of each and every month.

11. That the following accounts be paid:

Van Volkenburgh & Bros Meat,$130.00
Chas. Nelson, Drugs 3.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 12.40
Van Transfer Co. Drayage 2.00

Sgd. G. S. McConnell, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brewer, seconded by Alderman Costello. That the Police Committee’s Report be adopted. Carried.

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Works No 26

The Board of Works met on Saturday September 14th 1889, a full meeting being present:

We beg to recommend:

1. That the grade on Hornby Street between Georgia and Dunsmuir be lowered to better accommodate the present buildings as petitioned for by John M. Browning and others.

2. That the City Engineer be instructed to examine and report upon the petition of Frances Crosbie and others for the grading of the lane in Block 46, District Lot 541.

3. That a log drain be put in on the natural water way across Lots 6 and 7, Block 2 District Lot 185 cost 65. New work.

4. That the contractors for the market building use cement in the basement walls and foundation instead of lime and that he put four side lights in each side of the basement walls.

5. That the Chairman of the Board of Works be authorized to purchase shade trees for the streets for arbour day and that such trees be sold to the citizens on application at cost, and citizens are requested to send in applications for the number of trees they require forthwith.

6. That part of the sidewalk let for Alberni Street be put on Nicola Street.

7. That $20,000 be raised by way of Debenture to be devoted towards the improvement of the
Athletic Grounds at Brockton Point and the Jockey Club Grounds at

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Hastings such sum to be advanced to the respective clubs on the conditions expressed in their respective communications to this Board.

8. That tenders for the following improvements be invited:

Grading 11th Av from Westminster Av to Westminster Road, New Work $150.00
Grading Quebec St from 13th to 15th Av New Work cost $78.00
Gravelling Hastings St from Carl to Campbell Av. New Work cost $1,200.00
Grading Lansdowne St from Westminster Av to Scotia St distance 400 ft cost 120.00 new work
Gravelling Cambie St from Hastings & Water
Gravelling Richards St from Hastings to Cordova
Six ft sidewalk on Keefer Street from Westminster Av to Jackson, new work cost $260.00

9. That the following contracts be awarded:

Hastings Park, Boyd & Clandening
Cemetery Grounds, A. Bunker
Georgia St. Sidewalk, H. Archibald
Lanes in Market Block, H. Connacher
Bridge on Ninth Av McDonald & Barton
Powell St. Sidewalk, do
Granville St Sidewalk, D. McAlister

10. That the following accounts be paid:

McDonald & Barton, Hamilton St $97.50
Do do Richards St 59.20
Do do Westminster Ave 759.20
D. J. McDonald, Seymour St 484.69
Do Westminster Av. 229.50
M. McIntyre, 8th Av 188.26
G. J. Sorenson, Lists 5.00
H. A. Berry & Co. Drayage .60 cts
D. B. Murray, Westminster Av.

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D. B. Murray, Hornby Street $189.00
Do Melville Street 504.
Do Campbell Av 74.94
Do do 401.53
Boyd & Clandening, Sec 1 Hastings St 308.83
D. McAlister, Dunlevy Av. 62.89 P. Atkinson et al Street Work 42.40 Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Clark, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the following clause be added to the Report.

That that portion of Alexander Street at the Junction of Powell and Alexander Streets be regarded and gravelled. Carried.


That clause seven of the Report be struck out. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Brewer, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report as amended be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman McConnell, seconded by Alderman Brighouse. Whereas it has been reported to this Council that certain members of the Police Force have been charged with being guilty of a supposed malfeasance breach of trust or other misconduct in relation to their duties or obligations to the Corporation of the City of Vancouver. And whereas this Council sees fit to cause an enquiry to be made into and concerning the same.

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Therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled that one of the Justices of Her Majesty’s Supreme Court of British Columbia or a Judge of the County Court having jurisdiction in the City be requested to enquire into the said charges and to fix a time and place for having same.

And be it further resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to write to one of such justices or judge enclosing a copy of this resolution. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McConnell, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. Whereas the Hon Edgar Dewdney, Minister of the Interior, is about to visit our City, be it therefore resolved that a deputation consisting of His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Salsbury and Clark be appointed to welcome the distinguished visitor and his lady to the City. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws

Alderman Salsbury moved, seconded by Alderman Clark, the second reading of the By-Law to raise $20,000 for improving the Athletic and Jockey Club Grounds.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman Salsbury in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported back to Council as complete.

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Moved by Alderman Salsbury, seconded by Alderman Clark. That a By-Law be introduced to fix the time and polling places and appoint Deputy Returning Officers for holding an election on the By-Law to raise $20,000. Carried.

The By-Law was introduced and read a first, second and third time and finally passed and was ordered to be signed, sealed and gazetted.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk