Well and drain to be put in at the foot of Carrall Street – May 16, 1887

A well and box drain to be installed at the foot of Carrall Street, near Sprott’s Cannery.Police Commissioners have interviewed applicants, but delayed appointment of Police Officers for one week. Vancouver accepted the News-Advertiser’s offer for printing for the next year.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 350-359

Vancouver May 16th 1887

The Council met on Monday May 16th 1887 at 7.30. P.M.

Present His Worship Mayor McLean, and all of the Aldermen with the exception of I. Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From G. Powell Under Secretary of State acknowledging receipt of resolutions re the establishment of a Public Hospital and establishment of a Quarantine.

From G. Gibson, Mayor of Nanaimo, acknowledging receipt of grant from Council.

The following communications were referred to the Board of Works: –

From H.G. Holman and others re the improvement of Cordova Street from Homer Street to the Wharf.

From A.W. Wright and others re the improvement of Water Street.

From William Porter, M.E. Foster and others re the improvement of Dunsmuir Street.

From Alexander Struthers and others re the improvement of Keefer Street.

From John Devine submitting Auditor’s Report for April.

From Edgar C. Goulding drawing the attention of Council to the condition of McCloud and Nicholson at the Central Hotel.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From G.W. Henry, re the selling of trees to the City.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Humphries,
that the improvement of Cambie Street between Hastings and Water Streets be referred to the Board of Works for consideration.

Report No 11.
Police Commissioners
The Police Commissioners met on Monday May 16th 1887 at 11. A.M. and report that they have considered the applications for the position of Police Officer but have deferred the appointment for one week.
The following accounts were recommended to be paid.
W.W. Ayer, Teaming $1.75
Tomkins Brew $5.50
Sgd Jos. Mannion.

Report adopted,
Hamilton – Lefevre.

Report No 25
Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 13th 1887 at 8 P.M. and report that they have considered the following accounts and would recommend their payment.
H.G. Holman, City Charter $5.00
Thos. H. Condell, City Charter $5.00
Telegraph Co $1.75
Vancouver News $20.14
Wm. Brown $55.30
Robert Couth, Coal $21.00
R. Mathison $7.75
Tye & Co. $7.30
A.J. Marks $7.00
S.T. Tilley $3.30

We recommend that the tender of the News Advertiser be accepted for the year at the rates tendered for by the Daily Advertiser viz 3 cents per line (non pareil measure 10 lines to the inch) first insertion and two cents per line each subsequent insertion.
Sgd D. Oppenheimer

Report Adopted,
Lefevre – Alexander.

Report No 38
The Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Friday May 13th 1887 and report that they have considered the following accounts and recommend their payment.
Oldfield and Glenn $10.00
Queen Bros. 2.50
W.S. Cook, teaming 11.55
James McAlpine 25.00
Thos. Dunn & Co. $9.55
Stephenson & McCraney, Extras on Oppenheimer St $103.00
W.C. Muir, ditching $60.65


The following tenders have been received for the improvement of Dunsmuir Street, Barnard and Alexander Streets.
Dunsmuir Street
Wm. Harkins.
Grubbing and grading per foot 39 cts
Sidewalks per foot 19 1/2 cts
Planking per M. $15.00
Boyd and Clandenning
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 64 cts
Sidewalks per ft. 22 cts
Plank per M. $15.00
McDonald and Cameron
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 49 cts
Sidewalks per ft. 24 cts
Plank per M. $17.00
Harris Street.
Wm. Harkins
Grubbing grading etc. per foot 59 cts
5 foot sidewalks per foot 17 cts
Plank per M. $14.00
Boyd and Clandenning
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 70 cts
5 ft. Sidewalks per ft. 16 cts
Planking per M. $15.00
McDonald & Cameron
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 86 cts
Sidewalks per ft. 21 cts
Plank per M $17.00
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 46 cts
Sidewalks per ft. 23 cts
Barnard Street.
Wm. Harkins.
Grubbing grading per foot 47 cts
Sidewalks per foot 20 cts
Planking per M. $14.00
Boyd & Clandenning
Grubbing grading &c per foot 66 cts
Sidewalks per foot 16 cts
Planking per M $15.00
McDonald & Cameron
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 69 cts
Sidewalks per ft. 24 cts
Planks for Culverts per M. $17.00
Alexander Street.
Boyd and Clandenning
Grubbing grading &c per ft. 96 cts
10 ft. Sidewalks per ft. 36 cts
Box Culverts per M $15.00

We recommend that the tender of Bowers be accepted for Harris Street, Wm. Harkins for Barnard Street and Boyd and Clandenning for the Sidewalking of Alexander Street and that the grading of Alexander and Dunsmuir Streets be laid over for one week and that the sidewalk on Alexander Street from Carrall to Westminster Avenue be 10 feet wide and from there to Dunlevy Avenue 8 feet wide.

We would also recommend that the lane between Cambie and Homer Street be made possible and that the drain under construction along Abbott Street be extended to the lane between Hastings and Pender Streets.

sgd. J. Humphries
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Lefevre,
that the Tender of Wm. Harkins for the improvement of Dunsmuir Street be accepted.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Hamilton that the Report of the Board of Works be adopted.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Lefevre that the Board of Works with the advice of the Chairman of F.W.& L. Committee have a well and box drain constructed at the foot of Carrall Street, at the approach to the reservoir in the rear of Sprott’s Cannery and construct a bank or approach at or near False Creek Bridge, grade an approach from track at foot of Granville Street to Waters of False Creek.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Mannion,
that the Council do now go into Committee of the Whole to devise means for the regulating the putting out of fires with Alderman Alexander in the Chair.

In Committee, a By-Law was read making certain amendments to By-Law No 6.
The Committee rose and By-Law was read a first time.

By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Alexander.
Council went into Committee of the whole on motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Clark with Alderman Hamilton in the Chair.
The By-Law was numbered 38 and read over clause by clause.
Committee rose to Report By-Law as passed in Committee.

By-Law read a third time on motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Mannion.
The By-Law was ordered to be gazetted on motion of Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Lefevre.
The Council then adjourned.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Clark that Fir be used in the construction of the Sewers.
M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk