Vancouver Council to look into City staff cuts – November 8, 1892

A special committee was formed to see if any reduction of City staff is possible. A telephone will be installed in the Mount Pleasant Fire Hall. The Mayor of Seattle reported seven cases of smallpox in that city. A six foot sidewalk will be put down on 9th Avenue from the Westminster Road to Prince Edward Street.

This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

original handwritten minutes
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 201 – 206

[Volume 5, page 201]

Vancouver, November 8th 1892.

The Council met on Thursday November 8th 1892.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McCraney, McGuigan, Odlum, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted, Alderman Collins voted nay to adopted the Minutes of the adjourned meeting.
The following communications were received and read:-

From John McLaren reported on the Electric Lights.

Wm Mason complaining about water being backed on his lot on Keefer Street.
Referred to the City Engineer.

From James A. Dickie complaining applying for a position on the Fire Brigade.
Referred to the F. W+L. Committee

From John Wolfe asking for a refund of 12.00 for blocking up a Sewer.

From S. H. + S. J. Parkes asking for the grading and sidewalking of 7th Av. Fairview.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From C. T Dupont stating that he would not accept the $50.00 offered to him for expenses in connection with the arbitration.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Davis Sutherland quoting the advantages of enamelled iron tablets.

From Evans Coleman + Evans asking for the 10 per cent retained on Sewer pipes.
Referred to the Board of Works

From T. T. Black etal complaining about a Chinese nuisance on Seymour Street.
Referred to the Police Committee + Solicitor

From A. W. Pinnick etal complaining about a nuisance from Cattle in Block 57. 302
Referred to Board of Health.

From Geo Meadows etal asking for a sidewalk and light on 7th Av. Fairview
Board of Works + F. W+ L.

[vol 5 pg 202]

From the Mayor of Seattle stating that there are seven cases of Small pox there.

The following Reports were received and read

Finance Committee.

The Finance Committee met on Monday November 7th 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson Collins and Odlum
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
J. A. Healy Clerical work $25.00
Thos. F. McGuigan etal Expenses to N. W. 6.00
S. T. Lesley + Son Supplies 13.05
C. Nelson “ 8.25
Bank of B. C. Insurance etc on Bonds. 337.90
Diplock + co. Supplies 5.40
News-Advertiser Assessment Roll. 65.50
D. McRae. Carpentering 10.00
D Springer Revising Voters List 20.00
Thomson Bros. Supplies 4.90
Palmer Bros. “ 30.18
Telephone Co. Rents 38.70

The question of the claims of the Mill Companies for commissions for Collecting Poll Taxes was referred to Council
sgd R. A. Anderson

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the clause relating to the Mills be struck out and the balance of the report adopted.

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Thursday November 3rd 1892.
Present Aldermen Scoullar (in the Chair) Gavin and Franklin

[vol 5 pg 203]

It was recommended:-
1 Re Wm Sidelman’s communication
That his communication be filed and that he be informed that the property owners have already been notified to clear their lots.

2 That a 6 foot sidewalk be put down on 9th Avenue from the Westminster Road to Prince Edward Street by day work and that the balance of the sidewalks required to the schools be laid over until the schools are nearly ready for occupation.

3 That D. Gibbons be awarded the contract for constructing a tile drain on Abbott Street for the sum of $144.00

4 That the following accounts be paid:-
J. Potter Pipe $28.17
G. F. Rounsfell, Seventh Av. 300.00
John Telford. Nelson St. 4.00
do do Nicola St. 24.44
Evans, Coleman + Evans Sewer pipes 773.88
Cunningham + co. Supplies 3.41
Thos. Veitch Express hire 26.95
W. A. McIntosh + co. Supplies 1.60
W. H. Baxter. Supplies for crusher 141.16
H. H. Layfield + co. Supplies 1.80
W. Kerfoot Expressage .50
H. T. Devine + co. Feed 20.07
McLennan + McFeely. Supplies 38.34
E. Buse. Lumber 59.82
S. T. Tilley + Son. Stationery 25.25
C. P. R. Co Yale gravel 435.00
W. Jones Gore Av. 65.68
do Quebec St. 331.11
Poster + Flett Sewers 2588.94
H. Lomas etal. Labor. 297.70

5 That the Board meet on Wednesday the 9th inst instead of Thursday Thanksgiving day
sgd H. P. McCraney, Chairman

[vol 5 pg 204]

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted

F. W + L. Committee

The F. W. + L Committee met on Wednesday November 2nd 1892.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Mills and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
S. T. Tilley + Son. Supplies 3.50
Veitch + Nickson Laying water pipes 19.80
C. Nelson Supplies 30.11
Thos Dunn + co “ 472.96
Telephone Co “ 2.70
Thos Hatch etal Labor 1205.70
G. H. Bazley “ 8.50
J. W. Jackson Repairs 2.00
H. T. Devine + co. Supplies 105.62
I. Forbes. Labor. 4.00
Atkins + Atkins Supplies .28
C. H. Jones “ 3.50
B. C. Iron Works “ 25.47
Thos. Veitch Drayage 31.28
Market Hardware Store Supplies 17.68
Thos. Veitch. Express 158.10
H. T. Devine + co Supplies 39.07
A. C. Limpus “ .55

2 That Dr. Langis be informed that the water pipes will be laid to the Isolation Hospital when they are obtained.

3 That a telephone by placed in the Fire Hall on Mount Pleasant.

4 That an electric light be placed on the corner of Bridge Street and 5th Av.

5 That the firemen be refunded the poll tax collected from them. Sgd J. L. Franklin Chairman

[vol 5 pg 205]

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted

Moved in Amendment by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by Alderman Collins
That the clause relating to the firemen be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Gavin.
That the balance of the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Scoullar
That His Worship the Mayor be requested to name a Committee to inquire into where any reduction may be made in the City Hall Staff and Report:
The Mayor named the Chairman of the different standing Committees.
Alderman Franklin was appointed convener

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Gavin.
That the Assessment Commissioner be instructed to assess all improvements at $75.00 per cent [sic] of their cash value.

Notices of Motion

Alderman Franklin gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a Cubic Air By-Law

Alderman Collins asked for an extension of time for the introduction of a By-Law to amend the Pound By-Law.

[vol 5 pg 206]

Alderman McCraney gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move the following resolution:-
“ That the City Solicitor be notified that his services in his present arrangement will not be required after the 3st of Dec next and that the Finance Committee be empowered in the meantime to engage the services of a Solicitor at a fixed salary said sum to cover all legal business required by the City; no extras to be allowed except actual court disbursements.”

The Council then adjourned

F. Cope
Thos. McGuigan
City Clerk