Vancouver Council “Cannot Refuse” Laundry License – May 4, 1896

Vancouver Council “Cannot Refuse” Laundry License – May 4, 1896

The City Solicitor advised that Council “cannot refuse a laundry license to anyone has complied with all the requirements of the By Laws relating to the Laundries“. The Board of Works asked for tenders to build on Cordova Street a “single dressed walk north side from Abbott to Cambie”, pictured above. (The north side of Cordova street is on the left of the picture). One J. A. Vidal of New Westminster asked the City to buy a beaver for [Stanley] Park.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer / Proactive Building Maintenance

Illustration: COV CVA 2 – 14
Cordova Street, Vancouver B. C. looking east from Cambie Street

Manuscript: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 7 pages Volume 7, pages 4-17
to see or download the original handwritten minutes, click on the buttons below

Vancouver May 4th 1896

The Council met on Monday May 4th 1896.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Schou, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, MacDonald, Bethune and Coldwell.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Mrs. E. Campbell, asking for assistance.
Referred to the Health Committee

From Mrs. Thain, asking that Mrs. Addison be sent to the Sisters House at Sapperton.
Referred to the Health Committee

From P. Righter etal asking that 5th Ave east of Westminster Ave be improved.
Referred to the Board of Works

From H. Newcomb etal asking for improvements to the lane in Block 5 D.L. 200 a.
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Wm Summer etal asking for improvements to 8th Ave.
Referred to the Board of Works

From J. Franks etal asking that auctioneers be not allowed to sell second hand goods without they pay a license for the privilege.
Referred to the Police Committee

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From the City Clerk reporting that the note on the resolution to grant aid to a Regatta was endorsed by a majority of 344.

From the Secretary of the Department of Public Works, acknowledging receipt of communication re: the construction of a street railway bridge across Coal Harbour.

From J.R. Linton, asking the Council to pass a resolution to enable him a deed for the property in ear of the Sunny Side Hotel.

The following reports were received and read:

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 30th of April 1896.
Present: Aldermen Painter, Coldwell, MacDonald, and Schon


From the City Solicitor in reference to the original Crown Grant etc for certain lots were the filling in is proposed to be done south of Dupont Street.
Resolved that the City Solicitor be requested to attend the next meeting of the Board in reference to this matter.

From G. W. Hobson, Secretary of the Board of Fire Underwriters in reference to clearing up the lanes in the business portion of the City.
Referred to the Chairman of the Police Committee

From C. J. Harling complaining of the holes in the pavement on Cordova Street.
Resolved that he be notified that it is the intention of the Board to have these attended to as soon as the warm weather arrives.

From W. H. Smith asking for a sidewalk on Haro Street between Jervis and Nicola Streets.
Laid over

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In reference to Geo Wagg’s letter complaining of stagnant water being on vacant lots adjoining his premises it was decided to refer the matter to the Health Committee to force the owner to have the necessary drain dug.

It was resolved to adopt the following schedule of prices for rock broken by hand:
Fine rock not larger than 2” $1.50 per yard
Coarse “ “ “ “ 3” 1.20 “ “

Resolved that the Ward Foreman be instructed to attend to the drain now running into Mr. Macy’s garden on 7th Ave Fairview.

Resolved that the Ward 5 Foreman lay a 6 foot walk on 10th Ave about 2 blocks.

Resolved that the contractor moving houses on Oppenheimer Street be notified to put the street in proper condition as it is considerably cut up.


The following tenders were received and opened:

(1) Pile driving at False Creek Bridges
G. Griffiths $8 per mile
J. Ironside 8 “ “
It was decided by ballot to recommend that the tender of J. Ironside be accepted.

(2) Georgia St: 8 ft sidewalk
S. Sheridan 18 ½¢ per ft
J. Martin 21 ¢ “ “
W.B. Ross 20 ¢ “ “
Resolved that the tender of S. Sheridan be recommended for acceptance.

Resolved that tenders be called up to 4 P.M. on Thursday the 14th of May for the following new work:

(1) Dunsmuir St: 6 ft sidewalk on the north side from Cambie to Beatty Streets.

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(2) Grove Street: Grading full width and 6 ft sidewalk.

(3) Hastings Street: Single dressed sidewalk from Carrall to Y.M.C.A. building on the north side and from the Province Block to Cambie Street on the south side.

(4) Ontario Street surface grading 3 blocks to City Limits.

(5) Cordova “ single dressed walk north side from Abbott to Cambie.

(6) Nicola Street 6 ft walk from Barclay to Burnaby St.

7. Denman “ 6 ft “ west of Haro St to connect gap in sidewalk.

8. Homer Street grading off hump between Georgia and Dunsmuir St.

9. Surface grading on Barnard, Vernon, Venables, Clark and Grant Streets.

The following account was recommended for payment:
News Advertiser $13.74

Sgd A.J. Painter
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ MacDonald
That the report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday April 28th 1896.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
MacDowell & Co Supplies $4.93
Van Smelting & Mining Co “ 60.00
James Carnahan Scavengering 1.00
Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co Supplies 244.75


From Messrs Wilson & Campbell, Barristers asking when the Kirkwood money was to be paid over.
Resolved that they be notified that it will be paid within a week.

From the City Solicitor advising the City to return to the Chief of Police the reward received by him from the Inland Revenue Department

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on behalf of Officers Purdy and Butler and that it be paid over by him to the said officers.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ MacDonald
That the sum of $99.25 received by the Chief of Police from the Collector of Inland Revenue and paid by him to the City Treasurer be returned to the Chief and by him be paid to the parties to whom the Inland Revenue gave the rewards.

From the City Solicitor advising that the Council could not refuse to grant a Laundry License if the applicant has complied with all the requirements of the By Laws relating to the Laundries.
Resolved that C. Sweeny etal who petitioned against the granting of a license to a laundry on Seymour Street be furnished with a copy of the Solicitor’s opinion.

From Chas E. Hope complaining of damages done to Mr. Fripp’s house on Pender Street and a house next to Keats’ Grocery Store on Powell Street and from the Chief of Police stating that little or no damage had been done.
Resolved that a copy of the Chief’s letter be sent to Mr. Hope.

Resolved that applications be called up to May 12th 1896 for the position of Dog Catcher for the City of Vancouver. Applicants to state the amount required for catching and taking each dog caught to the Pound.
The successful tenderer to furnish his own outfit.

Resolved that tenders be called up to the 12th day of May 1896 for making uniforms for the Policemen and Firemen and for furnishing helmets to the Policemen.

Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By Law to regulate bycycle riding.

Sgd C.A. Coldwell

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Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Schou
That the clause re the Dog Catcher be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the report be adopted.


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 1st 1896.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
News Advertiser Advertising $41.89
H. Kersey Labor 5.
A. J. Sharp etal Regatta Resolution 28.00

The contract for making certain repairs to the Crematory was approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate seal affixed thereto.


From J. A. Vidal, New Westminster asking the City to buy a beaver for the Park.
Referred to the Park Commissioners

From Messrs Bodwell & Irving asking for a cheque for $200 for services rendered in connection with the Consolidated Railway Bill.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Chas. Woodward etal, asking that the band be requested to play on Westminster Avenue.
Resolved that the City Band be communicated with and requested to play on Westminster Avenue in proper turn.

From B. H. Short, Secretary of the City Band thanking the Council for the grant of $300 and asking that it be paid monthly.

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Resolved that his requested be granted.

From the City Auditor furnishing report.

From J. Colcutt & Co Wholesale Liquor Dealers asking that they be not compelled to take out a Shop License.
Resolved that the Liquor License By Law be so amended that it shall be optional for a Wholesale Dealer to take out a Shop License and that the fee for Wholesale Licenses be raised to $150 per annum.

Sgd J.J. Banfield

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Conservative Association have the use of the Market Hall and City Hall on Friday evenings next to hold primary meetings therein.

Moved by Alderman MacDonald
Seconded by “ Clandenning
That a fee of $3.00 per night be charged for the Market Hall to all political parties.

Moved by Alderman Coldwell
Seconded by “ Schou
That the Mayor and the Chairman of the Finance and Market Committees be appointed a Committee to arrange for the renting of the Market Hall to all political parties.

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Reconsideration of By Laws

Moved by Alderman Schou
Seconded by “ Brown
That the By Law to repeal By Law No 250 be reconsidered and finally passed and be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal attached thereto.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Coldwell gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By Law to regulate bicycle riding in the City of Vancouver.

The Council then adjourned.

Henry Collins

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk