“More stringent and effective” health inspection needed for incoming ships – May 30, 1892

“More stringent and effective” health inspection needed for incoming ships – May 30, 1892
men outside the smallpox quarantine at the new City Hospital Annex - S.W. corner Cambie and Pender Streets, courtesy Vancouver Archives

Two recent “Asiatic” ships are believed to have brought smallpox infection to the city. Council sends urgent message to the Government in Ottawa, and copies all the local Members of Parliament, urging them to review and improve the health and quarantine procedures at ports. Meanwhile, doctors are assigned to give vaccinations at each of the five city schools.

This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer David Laing
and sponsored by the Woodward family

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 22-30

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Vancouver May 30th 1892.
Council met on Monday May 30th 1892
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Cornnon, Scoullar, Collins, McGuigan, Odlum, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.
The minutes of the last meetings were read and adopted.

The following Communications were received and read:-
From A.E. Garvey in reference to the Electric Wiring By Law
From C. Griffith in reference to the proposed City Hall
From the City Auditor submitting report for April.
From the Minister of Public Works acknowledging receipt of communication re (Burnaby Shoal?)
From the Minister of Marine acknowledging receipt of communication re tunnel under the first narrows.

From the Deputy Provincial Secretary asking if the Council was of the same opinion regarding the appointment of J. A. Jordan and asking what salary the Council proposed to pay to him.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Mills
That the Government be informed that the Council are still of the same opinion regarding Mr. Jordan and that they be told the amount of salary he is receiving

From the Provincial Secretary acknowledging receipt of communication re City Hall
From the Market Clerk reporting on the receipts.
From the Health Inspector giving the supp-

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osed origin of the small pox.
From E. Nicoll on behalf of J. D. Henderson claiming damages for having the Pest House located near the works of his client:
Referred to the City Solicitor
From A.H.B. McGowan asking for $2,000.00 to be granted by Council towards the 1st of July Celebrations.
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That $2,000.00 be granted by Council towards a Queen’s Birth Day Celebration on the 1st of July.
Yeas Anderson, Cornnon, McGuigan, Franklin, Odlum and Gavin
Nays Scoullar, Collins and Mills

From A.H.B. McGowan asking the Council to grade the street around the School sites
Referred to the Board of Works

From James K. Rae asking the Council not to collect the rent of Market Hall from him for a concert held on the 23rd inst.
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Communication be filed
Moved in amendment by Alderman McGuigan, Seconded by Alderman Scoullar.
That the City Council donate the sum of $10.00 towards defraying the expenses of a concert held in the Market Hall on the 23rd inst. by James K. Rae.
Amendment lost, Motion carried

From Sydney Jeffers et al asking the Council to set a Market Day
Referred to the Market & Police Committee

The following reports were received and read:-

Finance Report

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 27th 1892.
Present. Aldermen Collins, Anderson, Odlum and Mills.

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It was recommended:-
1 That the communication from the Secretary of the 1st of July Celebration Committee be referred back to Council. Alderman Collins voting nay.
2 That the City Solicitor make a draft of an agreement re the leasing of the Market and lay same before the Committee at its next meeting.
3 That the following accounts be paid:-
A. St: G Hamersley. Law Costs $510.00
D. McRae. Working Counter etc. 68.85
W. B. Fisher. Clerical work. 74.00
4 That the Provincial Government be asked to grant to the City of Vancouver Dead Mans Island to be used by said corporation for the purpose of erecting a hospital for taking care of patients afflicted with contagions or infectious diseases.
Sgd R.A.Anderson

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the report be adopted as read.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Tursday May 26th 1892.
Present: Alderman Scoullar (in the Chair), Connon, Gavin and Franklin
It was recommended:-
1 That the form of permit prepared by the City Solicitor be approved and further that the City Engineer and Alderman Franklin look into the question of plans being submitted for approval and marked, and report.
2 That the Street Inspector, and the Sewer Inspector be both instructed to furnish the Board of Works as soon as possible after the close of each meeting month with an itemized report as to the progress of the work in their respective departments.
3 That the City Engineer be authorized to devise means to draw off surface water at the south west corner of Abbott and Hastings Street also on Melville Street between Thurlow and Bute also at the Secord House Powell Street also to have a box drain put in where necessary on Gore Avenue.
4 That the following accounts be paid:-
L. Jones, Homer Street $19.38
D. C. Mills Co., Supplies 1.17
E. Cook, Rent of Warf 25.00
E. S. Smith, Hack hire 3.00
H. Lowes etal Labor [sic] 611.75
sgd A. L. Scoullar

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the report be adopted

Health Report
The Health Committee met on Wednesday May 25th 1892.
Present. Aldermen Anderson, McGuigan, Collins and Gavin
It was recommended:-
1 That the resignation of A. Cecil Green be accepted
2 That Thos.. Evans be appointed Night Nurse at the City Hospital at a salary of $30.00 per month dating from the 20th inst.
3 That A. Doquest be appointed Cook at the City Hospital at a salary of $30.00 per month dating from the 20th inst.
4 That a fee of 50 cts each be allowed to the Public Vaccinators, the City furnishing the vaccine matter such fee to be paid by the parties vaccinated.

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and further that the following doctors be appointed as vaccinators:-
Ward One. Dr. Robertson at Burrard St. School.
Ward Two Dr. Ferguson at Central School
Ward Three Dr. Tunstall at East End School
Ward Four Dr. Harold at East End School
Ward Five Dr. Brydon-Jack at Mt. Pleasant School

5 That 1000 vaccine points be ordered

6 That Sick Mariners be cared for at the City Hospital at 90 cts a day including medical attendance

7 That A. L. St. George’s offer to supply a vaporizer free of charge be accepted, to be returned when no longer required.
Sgd L. J. McGuigan

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Collins
That the report be adopted

F. W. & L Report

The F. W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday May 25th and Monday May 30th
Present: Aldermen Franklin, Connon, Scoullar and Mills
It was recommended:-

1 That the tender of Thynne, Henshaw and Turner be accepted for the supply of brass work the amount of their tender being $1294.00
2 That the Studebaker Sprinkler be ordered from Geo Hearman for the sum of $325.00, delivered
3 That the petitioners on Park Avenue be notified that water will be supplied to them as soon as the pipes arrive.
4 That the following acounts be paid:-
B.C. Iron Works Co. Supplies $18.37
Chas. Cawker Drayage. 12.00
John McMahon, Services as Engineer 4.00
H. Hayden, Boat Hire 4.00

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Vancouver Gas Co. Tar 1748.39
H. Dunn and Co., Supplies 135.47
5 That tenders be called for the flexible main across the Narrows, tenders to be received up to Wednesday June 15th 1892; also fo the erection of a fire hall on Mount Pleasant, after plans are prepared by the City Engineer.
6 That hereafter the water works employees be paid every two weeks and that the payroll be made up in the water works office.
7 That the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to purchase a stack of dies and harness for the department
8 That Aldermen Scoullar and Mills be asked to see if a suitable horse and light wagon can be secured for the water works department and report;
9 That a telephone be placed in the City Engineers office house
10 That the tender of Mathers and Carson be accepted for making firemen’s uniforms @ $31.50 per suit: cloth to be made from sample no. 271.
11 That H. Perkins be appointed fireman at a salary of $45.00 per month duties to begin on the 1st of June.
12 That a water gauge be ordered from Edson Mfg. Co. for $80.00
sgd J. L. Franklin

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Scoullar
That a clause be added to the report to the effect that A. G. Evans be reinstated as fireman of Fire Hall No 2 and that the balance of the report be adopted.


Consideration of By-laws

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Electrical Wiring By Law be read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the Consideration of the above By-Law.

Alderman Collins was appointed Chairman
The By-Law was read over clause by clause, and reported to Council as complete with amendments. The By-Law was read a third time on motion of Alderman Collins seconded by Alderman Franklin.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the question of purchasing a suit of clothes for Mooney now in the City Hospital be referred to the Board of Health with power to act.

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the following accounts be paid
A. D. Leach. Duty on Jaws $29.50

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the following account be paid:-
J. McGuigan et al, Guarding Prisoners $36.25

Moved by Alderman Mills
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the Health Committee be

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authorized to receive from the Government Dead man’s Island for the purpose of erecting buildings suitable to the caring for persons afflicted with contagious and infectious diseases.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Scoullar
Whereas it has been most forcibly brought to the notice of the Council of the City of Vancouver since the inauguration of the Asiatic trade from this port that more effective and stringent inspection and quarantine measures are necessary in regard to ships engaged in that trade.
And whereas during the last six months, at least two vessels engaged in said trade have brought small pox to this port.
And whereas it is currently reported and fully believed that the present method of inspection of incoming vessels to this port is inadequate to meet the requirements of the largely increasing commerce of this port and that the lack of proper facilities for fumigation and disinfection after Quarantine Station at Albert Head is a source of great danger to the Public Health,- not only of this City but other ports of the also a menace to the Commercial growth of this City.
Therefore we the Mayor and Council of this the City of Vancouver on behalf and in the best interests of this City in particular and the province in general would request that a strict enquiry be made into the manner of inspection of incoming vessels and also into the needs and requirements of the Quarantine Station at Albert Head. So that at as early a date as possible proper protections can be afforded us against the now all too frequent inroads of contagious diseases.
Therefore it is resolved that a copy of this resolution sealed with the Civic Seal be at once forwarded to the Hon., the Minister of Agriculture and to each of the Members of Parliament for the various Districts in the accompanied by our request that said Members do all in their power to further the objects herein set forth and that a ports doctor for the City of Vancouver be at once appointed with full power to inspect all vessels coming into this port from foreign parts.
And further that the Government be urged to make Vancouver a quarantine station.

The Council then adjourned.

Signatures: F. Cope, Mayor. H.P.J. McGuigan, City Clerk