Present street lighting is “unsatisfactory” – November 24, 1890

The Fire Water and Light Committee report suggests Council put the Vancouver Street Railway and Light Company on notice that the present lighting is unsatisfactory and the City does not intend to pay for any light which is out for more than one hour per night. The Finance Committee “unable to respond” to the Mayor’s Nov 10th proposal that the City purchase the Water Works, Gas Works, Electric Light and Street Railway, as the matter would require “grave consideration.” The Council is not in a position to approve the request of Miss Bowes to fund an Orphans’ Home, but strongly recommends it to next year’s Council.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer Martha Hazevoet
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pg 120-132

Vancouver, November 24, 1890

The Council met on Monday, November 24, 1890.
Present: His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Horne, Fox, Sentell, McLeod, Costello and Doering.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From John Irving, President of the Vancouver Water Works Company and J.W. McFarland, Secretary, asking for one day’s grace for sending reply to the proposition from the City for the purchase of their Works.

From E.A. Brown, submitting an account for fixing fences etc. on Princess Street.
Board of Works

From the City Solicitor informing Council that the case of Abray vs the City was decided in favour of the City.

From Wm. Smith. Dep. Minister of Marine, acknowledging receipt of resolution re swing in C.P.R. bridge.

From C. Moyne, asking for a drain on Princess Street.
Board of Works

From Wm. Cargill, Secretary of the Union S.S. Co. notifying the Council that no dumping of any kind will be allowed over the Company’s Wharf after the end of the present month.
Board of Health

From Wm. Prentice, Secretary of the Sugar Refining Co. asking for a fire alarm box at their building.

From G.W. Ahearn, Secretary Vancouver Fire Underwriters Assn asking the City to purchase chemical engines etc.
Fire, Water & Light Comm.

From J.A. Fulton, Secretary Trades and Labour Council asking that the Chinese be prevented from plying their trade on Sunday.
Police Committee

From John Irving Esq., President of the Vancouver Water Works Company replying to the offer of the City of the 11th inst. re the purchase of their Works.

From F.C. Cotton submitting a report on the Free Reading Room and Library.

From the Chief of Police submitting weekly reports on the electric lights.
F. W, and L. Committee

From the City Auditor submitting report for September and October.

From Wm. Smith, Dep. Minister of Marine asking that detailed plans and specifications of the bridge across False Creek be furnished.
Board of Works

From E. Stevenson et al asking for the Market Hall on Wednesday the 26th inst. for political purposes.

From the City Solicitor asking for leave of absence.

From C.G. Arthur et al re enforcement of Sunday Bylaw.
Police Committee

From F.J. Painton asking for the Market Hall for the 29th of December.
Market Committee

From S.J. Emanuels, Hon. Secretary/Treasurer of the St. Johns Ambulance Association offering a litter to the Corporation to be placed at the Hospital.
Health Committee

From A.E. Carter applying for permission to erect a temporary wooden shed at the P. office site.

From H. Abbott asking that planks be removed from road leading to C.P.R. Wharf. Same being on the Company’s property.
Board of Works

From Joseph Reynolds, Bandmaster, thanking the Council for the grant for the purchase of instruments.

From J.W. McFarland, Secretary V.W.W. Company asking the reason why the Council only authorized the payment of 23 hydrants.
F.W. & L. Committee

From the City Solicitor notifying Council that McMillan had fixed the day for trial for the morgue nuisance and asking for evidence.
Health Inspector

From B.B. Johnson complaining about the condition of the drainage in his vicinity.
Board of Works

From W.A. McIntosh et al asking that the proposed sidewalk on Pender Street be made 8 ft. instead of 6 ft. and agreeing to bear their share of the extra cost.
Board of Works

From H.E. McKee, President of the Street Railway Company asking for some of the old lamp shades etc.
F.W. & L. Committee


Market – November 4
The Market Committee met on Friday November 14th and Friday November 21st. 1890.
Present Aldermen Costello and Fox. Alderman Costello in the chair.
It was recommended:
1. That the Zion Church Congregation be allowed the use of the Market Hall on Tuesday evening the 25th inst. instead of Wednesday, the usual night.
That the following accounts be paid:
J. Scuitto, Buckets etc. $ 7.32
Crowder & Penzer Coal 18.50
E. S. Scoullar & Co. – Stoves etc. 101.10
Signed M. Costello
for Chairman

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That the report of the Market Committee be adopted.

Finance – No. 28
The Finance Committee met on Friday November 14, 1890.
Present: Alderman Browning, Fox and Costello.

It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid
News Advertiser Printing                  371.70
Joseph Huntly Expenses to Victoria 19.50
Crowder & Penzer Coal etc.              27.00
john Scuitto Coal oil                           3.25
Telephone Co.                                   19.00
A. St. G. Hamersley Law Costs        58.92
Dr. Bodington et al witness fees     244.20

2. That H. Hemlow be appointed Assistant to the Assessment Commissioner at a salary of $60.00 per month during the preparation of the Assessment Roll.
3. In reference to the communication from Miss Bowes requesting the Council to make a monthly grant towards the maintenance of an Orphans Home in this City, the term of this Council is about expired, and as the finances are nearly exhausted, we cannot see our way clear to grant her request, but would strongly recommend to the incoming Council the advisability of placing a sum in their estimates for the purposes mentioned by Miss Bowes.
4. In reference to the communication from His Worship the Mayor of the 10th inst. submitting a proposition for the purchase by the City of the Water Works, Gas Works, Electric Light and Street Railway, as said proposition would involve the expenditure of a large sum of money the matter requires grave consideration, they do not therefore feel in a position at present to make any report to the Council.
5. That the accounts from the Board of Works, Park Commission and Market Committee be confirmed for payment.
Signed: J.M. Browning

The Finance Committee met again on Friday, November 21st 1890.
Present: Aldermen Browning, Fox and Costello.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
A. St. James Hamersley Law Costs $ 31.75
The Colonist Cheques                        75.00
Atwell King Posting Bills                    2.00
C.P. Telegraph Co.                               1.70
Board of Works Accounts
Market Accounts
Signed J.M. Browning

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Horne
That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

F.W.& L. No. 14
The F. W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday, November 5th 1890.
Present: Alderman Fox, McLeod, Carroll and Doering.
It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Vancouver City Foundry                $0.95
Van Water Works Co. Rates         377.16
McLennan & McFeely Supplies      4.40
Van Elect. St. Ry. & Light Co.     1108.73

2. A communication was received from Alderman Browning enclosing a communication from G.W. Girdlestone of Winnipeg advising the City to purchase chemical engines. Your committee, when compiling its estimates, included a sum sufficient to purchase chemical engines but the finance committee having struck it out, there are no funds available for the object recommended.

3. That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Water Works Company with a view of getting free water for the public fountain on Hastings Street.

4. That the Vancouver Street Railway and Light Company be notified that no streetlight be hereafter paid for if the same remains out beyond one hour in the night, and further that their September account as passed for payment is correct and be it further resolved that if the present unsatisfactory lighting is not remedied the City will repudiate all liability for the payment of any of the lights.
Signed J.M. Fox, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That the Report of the F.W. & L. Committee be adopted.
Alderman Browning voted nay.
Works No. 32
1. That the City Engineer be instructed to give E.H. Heaps the permanent grade asked for by him on Granville Street.
2. That Joseph Huntly, Fire Inspector, be instructed to give a permit to reconstruct the Stewart House as the damages are under 25 percent.
3. That the City Engineer be instructed to have a crossing made on Burrard Street on the north line of Robson Street.
4. That there are no funds available for the sidewalking of Smithe Street as requested by the School Board.
5. That the City Engineer be instructed to have the present sidewalk on Burrard Street between Nelson and Barclay repaired and replaced.
6. That the communication from Alderman Horne and Hon. John Robson in reference to the Cemetery Road be laid over for one week.
7. Re the communication from His Worship the Mayor on the subject of street paving we have instructed the City Engineer to correspond further with different cities on the subject, and report.
8. Re the communication from His Worship the Mayor regarding the clearing of the East End Park, we have instructed the Engineer to notify the Contractors to appear before the Board at its next meeting.
9. That tenders be invited for the plastering of the Caretaker’s house at the Cemetery.
10. In reference to Wm. Fearing’s claim for extra’s on Beach Avenue, as there is no legal claim for such, the award given by the City Engineer cannot be increased.
11. That the City Engineer be instructed to put a box drain in the open ditch near the junction of Melville and Pender Streets.
12. A question having arisen as to the meaning of the resolution passed at the meeting of this Committee held on the 31st October regarding extra’s claimed by Boyd and Clendenning on their contract for grading Princess Street, the Committee would say that their intention is that any extra work, which the Council may consider the Contractors are entitled to be paid for, shall be at a rate to be decided by the City Engineer.
13. That a By-Law be introduced amending the street numbering By-Law.
14. That the City Engineer be instructed to have the hole in Georgia Street between Hornby and Burrard Streets filled in as soon as possible.
15. That the following tenders be accepted:
Pender Street Sidewalk – Angus Fraser
Burrard Street Sidewalk – J.C. Murchie
16. That the following accounts be paid:
Columbia Carriage Factory Sewer Locks $126.50
A. Godfrey & Co. Supplies 15.00
Davis Taylor Signs 12.50
D. Gibbons Westminster Avenue 238.95
D.H. Morgan Victoria Street 198.45
D. Urquhart Columbia Avenue 33.50
Boyd & Clendenning, Gravelling 3,223.62
D. Urquhart Dupont Sreet 10.30
H. Connacher O.G.T. 419.80
G. Mesher Richards Street 187.50
D. Urquhart Hastings Street 20.40
H. Connacher, Seymour Street 264.60
W.G. Fraser Jervis Street 188.32

Signed J.W. Horne, Chairman
The Board of Works met again on Thursday, November 20th 1890.
Present: Alderman Costello, Browning and Sentell. Alderman Costello in the chair.
It was recommended:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Alex McDonald Burrard Street $144.00
Anderson & Yerex 12th Avenue bridge 48.53
T. Dunn & Co. Sundries 4.10
G.H. Dawson Ry. Fares 400.00
Boyd & Clendenning, Sugar Refinery 636.12

2. That Messrs. McDonald & Lloyd, Contractors, be offered the sum of $1,000.00 without prejudice in full satisfaction of their claim for extra work done on Westminster Avenue.
3. That the City Engineer be instructed to obtain all necessary information on the subject of drainage in the East End Park and report at the next meeting.
4. That tenders be invited for the construction of a 3 plank sidewalk on Nicola Street from Robson to Barclay.
5. That the following contracts be awarded:
Sewer contract No. 3 Boyd & Clendenning,
Georgia Street filling DTTO.
6. That the City Engineer be instructed to take the necessary steps to have the work of diverting the course of the drain now discharging under the foundry on Alexander Street so that same may connect with the drain on the lane between Columbia Avenue and Westminster Avenue.
7. That the following street crossings be laid:
On Westminster Avenue at its junction with Prior Street
“ “ “ “ “ Harris Street
“ Hastings Street “ Gore Avenue
8. That the City Engineer be authorized to get a new drawing table and a rack for plans for use in his office.
Signed J.W. Horne, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Horne
That the clause in the report relating to the awarding of the contracts for Pender Street sidewalk be struck out and that the width of the sidewalk be increased to 8 ft. and that the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for same.

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That a By-Law be introduced to fix the time etc. for holding an election for Mayor and Aldermen for AD1891.

The By-law was introduced and read a first and second time on motion of Alderman Costello seconded by Alderman Fox. The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law, Alderman Horne in the Chair. The By-Law was read clause by clause and passed without amendment. The Committee then rose and reported the By-Law complete without amendments. The By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Horne.


Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the Ratepayers of Ward No. 4 be allowed the use of Market Hall on Wednesday evening November 26th for the purpose of holding political meeting.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the City Solicitor be allowed leave of absence for two weeks.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That Mr. A.E. Carter be allowed to erect the necessary frame sheds for the use of workmen at the new post office, same to be removed as per his letter applying for same.

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the action of His Worship in directing the putting up of a fire alarm at the Sugar Refinery, receive the sanction of the Council.

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Market Committee be instructed to purchase 300 more chairs for the use of the Market Hall, cost not to exceed $1.25 each.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Garden, seconded by Alderman Costello
That the matter be referred to the Market Committee

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Board of Works supply moveable gates to the weigh scales for the convenience of weighing quadrupeds.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the following labour account be paid:
D. Romang $ 135.75

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the City Treasurer be instructed to pay the freight, duty and clearance on the sewer pipes shipped from San Francisco, the amount being $411.95; also freight, duty and clearance on fire alarm apparatus amounting to $67.02.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That H.F. Keefer be paid the balance ($544.46) retained on sewerage contract, same being now due him.

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the Vancouver Water Works Company having by their letter of the 15th November declined to accept the proposal made by the City for the purchase of their System of Water Works, as contained in letter dated 11th November which distinctly stated that the proposal therein made was “positively the last” . Be it resolved that the Council cannot entertain the proposals now made by the Vancouver Water Works Company to go to arbitration on any other basis than that offered by the City, and instruct the City Clerk to notify the said Company that unless the City’s proposal as contained in their letter of the 11th November be accepted on or before the 1st December next, the propositions for settlement as therein contained will be considered withdrawn.



On Motion by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Fox
The amendments to the Market By-Law were read a second time.
The Council then went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law. Alderman McLeod in the chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause, after which the Committee rose to report progress and asked leave to sit again.
The Committee then adjourned.

James F. Garden
For Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk