Vancouver’s fire bell to ring four times daily – October 11, 1886

The City Fire Engineer instructed to ring the Fire Bell each day (except Sunday) at 7 a.m., 12 noon, and at 1 and 6 p.m. Railway Standard Time. Volunteer Fire Brigade reports the approaches to the water tanks on Hastings and Oppenheimer Streets are blocked with rubbish.

This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 135-138

Vancouver October 11th 1886

The Council met on Monday October 11th 1886 at 7.30, P.M.

Present His Worship the Mayor (presiding) Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Coldwell, Dunn, Humphries, E.P. Hamilton and Northcott.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


A Communication was read from Wm. Smith Deputy Minister of Marine acknowledging the receipt of petition of the 18th September praying that the C.P.R. be prevented from Constructing a Bridge without a draw across False Creek.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Balfour that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to telegraph to the Minister of Public Works that as the Canadian Pacific Railway Company are now constructing a Stationery Bridge over False Creek that he take immediate action to prevent them from putting a Bridge without a draw over said Creek.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Coldwell that as several tents, furnished for the use of the sufferers by the late fire, were lost that the same be paid for as soon as there are sufficient funds in the treasury. Carried.

A Communication was read from A.J. Monatt asking the use of the City Hall at a certain rental, for the Coal Harbour Bachelors Quadrille Club meetings.

Communication laid over for a week on Motion of Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Humphries.

Fire Deputation

Samuel Pedgrift and several members of the Volunteer Fire Brigade appeared before the bar of the Council, in order to bring before their notice the incomplete condition of the approaches to the tanks on Hastings and Oppenheimer Streets.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Northcott
that the Board of Works and Fire Water and Light Committee be instructed to have the wharf cleared and the contractors to remove the rubbish off the planks and have the approaches to the tanks made so as to allow the engine to be run safely on them. Carried.


Moodyville Saw Mill Corp. Lumber $10.12 B. of W.
Thos. Dunn & Co, Axe handle .60 B. of W.
Thos. Dunn & Co, Tape Line etc 4.70 B. of W.
Thos. Dunn & Co, Vise etc 24.35 F.W.L.
Dr. Beckinsale, Lunatic 5.00 B. of H.
Globe, printing Debenture ad 31.50 Finance

A Communication from B. Springer objecting to the Assessment of his lots on Cordova Street for frontage tax on the ground that they were not of the full depth, referred to the Board of Works for action thereon.

A certified copy of a resolution passed by the Council on July 28th conveying the wharf at the foot of Carrall Street to David Oppenheimer, was read.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Humphries

That the resolution of the 23rd of August re wharf be carried out and that the Governor in Council be asked not to grant any privilege to said wharf to David Oppenheimer, but to the City. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman Cordiner

That the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign a contract with the lowest tenderer on additions to City Hall and that the usual deposit be put up. Carried.


Two By-Laws, one for the issuing of debentures for Cordova Street and the other for the issuing of Debentures for Carrall Street, were introduced and read for a first time.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott
That By-law No – for issuing debentures for the improvement of Cordova Street be read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Humphries that By-law No – for issuing debentures for the improvement of Carroll Street be read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott
The City Fire Engineer be instructed to ring the Fire Bell every day (except Sunday) at Seven o’clock, A.M., 12. M, 1.P.M & 6.P.M. Railway Standard time – and that the City Clerk be instructed to purchase a Clock for the use of the Fire Engineer.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Dunn that the Council stand adjourned till Friday October 15th 1886 at the usual hour. Carried.

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.