Roaming cattle block tramway – October 30, 1893

Roaming cattle block tramway – October 30, 1893

Former Mayor David Oppenheimer complained of cows roaming on the tramway tracks within city limits.

All cases of typhoid fever to be reported to Dr. Thomas, Medical Health Officer. 50 copies of the City Charter to be purchased for $25.00. Four Gamewell fire alarm boxes purchased for $145.00

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Out N552
Cattle drive down Main Street

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 578-585

[volume 5 pg 578]

Vancouver Oct 30th 1893
The Council met on Monday October 30th 1893
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Hobson, Franklin, Brown & Towler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted


From Dr. Thomas Medical Health Officer asking for the amendment of the Health By-Law so that physicians will be obliged to notify him of all cases of Typhoid Fever.
Referred to the Board of Health

From A. M. Beattie asking the Council to enforce the Market By-Law in relation to butcher shops in the vicinity of the Market
Referred to the Police Committee

From Geo Gagen in relation to the enforcing of the cubic space By-Law.
Referred to the Police & Health Committee

From C. B. Mac Neil asking for a sidewalk on Robson St west of Nicola St.
Referred to the Board of Works

From James. St. Charles stating that the hose wagon was completed and shipped.
Referred to the F. W. & L. Committee

From A. St. G. Hammersly stating that the case of Brydone Jack vs the City was decided in favor of the city. Filed

From the Williams Directory Co asking the Council to subscribe for a number of copies of the Directory
Referred to the Finance Committee

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights

[volume 5 page 579]

From the City Auditor furnishing report for August and September.

From D. Oppenheimer complaining about cows roaming on the tramway line within the City limits.
Referred to the Police Committee.

The following Reports were received and read:-

F. W.& L. Committee

The F. W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday October 25th 1893.
Present: Aldermen Franklin, Salsbury, Hackett and Cargill.
It was recommended:-
1. That the City Engineer be instructed to complete his plans for a reservoir by Wednesday next Nov 1st.
2. That S. Calkins be allowed an increase of $5.00 per month to date from Sept. 1st last.
3. That four Gamewell Fire Alarm boxes be ordered through H. W. Kent at $145.00 F. O. B. Vancouver.
4. That the following accounts be paid:-
Gamewell Fire Alarm Co. Door $35.00
Union S.S. Co. Towing Scow 10.00
H.S.M. Co. Supplies 10.55
J. Robinson Expenses 1.00
W. Kerfoot “ 1.50
P. Maurenson. Supplies 1.50
E. Cook hire of engine 105.00
U. S.S. Co. Towing Scow. 10.00
Creamer & Langley supplies 11.61
Keefer & Godden “ 3.60
Atkins & Atkins “ 33.10
Creamer & Langley “ .43
Vancouver Carriage Works. Repairs 3.00
C.E. Tisdale Supplies .55
Kamloops Cattle Co. “ 21.77
News. Advertiser “ 25.00

[volume 5 page580]

H. Hatch supplies $9.50
Hooper etal Labor. 401.40

sgd J.K. Franklin

Moved by Alderman Cargill
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 27th 1893.
Present- Aldermen Cargill, Collins, Hackett and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
News. Advertiser Supplies $5.20
2. That W. J. Gallagher be offered $25.00 for the 50 copies of the City Charter he has on hand.
3. That the Library Board have placed to their credit the sum of $1000.00

sgd Wm Cargill
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Report be adopted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Towler.
Seconded by Alderman Franklin,
That the Report in reference to W. J. Gallagher be struck out.
Amendment lost:- motion Carried.

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Friday October 27th 1893.
Present – Aldermen Collins, Cargill & Hobson

[volume 5 page 581]

It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Champion & White. Scavengering. $2.00
F.C. Foreman Supplies 3.05
Wellington Coal Yards “ 14.61
Chas Rae. Labor. 2.00
C.F. Foreman Supplies 4.78
J.P. Blake. “ 16.00
Tilley & Son. “ 2.75
Wellington Coal Yards “ 100.86
McIntosh & Co. “ 53.53
Herreth & Co. “ 52.58
Texas Lake Ice Co. “ 4.00
Champion & White Scavengering 6.25
Alex McDonald Supplies. 85
Atkins & Atkins “ 62.02
B.C. Mills “ 7.30
Crowder & Penzer “ 17.49
J.Mitchell Labor 1.60
Champion & White Scavengering 7.25
C.S. Phelp Supplies 8.53
Coroner Piftendrigh Inquests. 31.20
New.Advertiser Supplies 15.00
C.F. Foreman “ 92.40
Pioneer Steam Laundry “ 47.37
Marshall McCrae & Co “ .75
Hudson’s Bay Co. “ 44.00
Gordon Drysdale “ 15.45
Davis & Taylor Glazing 4.25
Hudson’ Bay Co Supplies. 3.50
James Carnahan Scavengering .50
Tilley & Son Supplies .50
Oldfield & Cook. Mixing Room 15.20
F.W. Hart. Burials 30.00
C.P.R. Co Tickets 3.00
Dunn & Co. Supplies 5.15
McLennan & McFeely “ 1.83
Hudsons’ Bay Co. “ 14.15
Layfield & Co. “ 37.31
Cream & Thomas Board 6.50

2. That the following appointments be made at the City Hospital
Thos Beckett, Night watchman in place of A. J. Empy discharged, at a salary of $20.00 per month dating from Oct 19th

[volume 5 page 582]

Fred Jenkins, Assistant in kitchen at $20.00 per month dating from Oct 1st.
Miss Devine nurse at $20.00 per month starting from the 1st of October.
Miss Bean Nurse in place of Miss Busby resigned at a salary of $20.00 per month dating from Oct. 15th.

3. That the Communication from the Toilet & Towel Co be filed.
sgd Henry Collins

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Hackett
That a clause be added to the Report awarding the tender contract for enclosing passageway between the old and new hospitals to Herbert D. Fraser for the sum of 137.50.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Report as amended be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday Oct 26th 1893.
Present – Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Hackett and Franklin.
It was recommended:-
1. That Messrs Potter & Flett be requested to send in their claim for amount deducted from them for broken pipes on sewer contracts
2. That permission be granted to Bailey Bros to build a small brick addition at the back of their premises on Cordova Street, provided same is in accordance with the regulations of the Fire By-Law

[volume 5 page 583]

3. That the communication from Smith and Freeland re Culvert at the corner of Prince
Edward St and 7th Av be referred to the Street Inspector for attention; also the communication from Thos H Butler re standing water on the east side of Campbell Av between Princess & Hastings St.
4. That the communication from D.W. Campbell etal re repairs to a sidewalk on Hornby Street be referred to the Street Inspector for attention
5. That the communication from J Mason etal re the grading of Graveley St be referred to Alderman Franklin to examine.
6. That the Street Inspector ascertain the cost of opening up Scotia St sufficiently wide for
Teams as requested by Ald Towler
7. That the Street Inspector be instructed to see where gravel can be obtained for gravelling Centre Street at the City Limits; also that he have the hole at the hydrant -corner of Westminster Av & 6th Av filled in and make inquiries as to who dug the hole.
8. That tenders be called for the following new work same to be sent in by 3 P.M. on Thursday the 9th of Nov:-
(a) 10th Av 6 ft sidewalk between Westminster Road & Prince Edward St on the South side
(b) 5th Av 3 plank walk from Westminster Av to a short distance past Quebec St.
(c) N.W. Corner of Carrall & Hastings St. paving a small portion at site of fountain, either with tiles, concrete or bitumen
9. That tenders be called up to the 30th day of November next for a street sweeper.
10. That the City Clerk be instructed to send out the necessary notices that the City intends to pave Powell Street from Carrall to Westminster Av. Hastings St. from Carrall to Cambie

[volume 5 page 584]

And Granville St from Cordova to Robson, said paving to be with bituminous rock under
the frontage tax system.
11. That the following accounts be paid.
T.M. Thomas 7th Av. $38.40
do do Clearing in 185. 621.00
D. McGillvray, gravel etc. 973.
Do. Day labor 492.27
C.P.R. Co. sidewalk 119.31
A.D. McDonald. Dunlevy Av. 89.36
D. Gibbons 6th Av. 25.00
Mc Dowell Bros. Express. 3.25
Evans, Coleman & Evans. Coal. 7.00
C.V. Knowdell. Broken Windows 1.00
Lomas etal. Labor. 342.60

12. That the final estimate for D. McGillivray for street paving amounting to $7820.99 be passed subject to his giving satisfactory bonds to keep the paving in repair for one year.
sgd H.P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the Report be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Towler.
That the rules be suspended and a By-Law introduced to amend By-Law No 188

The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.

The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a second time on motion of Alderman Collins seconded by Ald McCraney.

The Council went into Committee of the

[volume 5 page 585]

Whole for its consideration with Alderman Collins in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Collins seconded by Alderman Brown.

The Council then adjourned

F. Cope

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk