John Pace Appointed Crematory Caretaker – June 27, 1898

John Pace Appointed Crematory Caretaker – June 27, 1898

From W. H. Livens asked the Board of Works for sidewalk North side of Pender Street, west of Palace Stables (shown in photo). The Board said they would look in to it. Mr. John Pace was appointed Crematory Caretaker at $60.00 per month.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Lynn Shane

Illustration Source: Item : CVA 1376-169 – [Palace Livery Stables, Burrard Street]

Text Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 363-369

[Volume 8 page] 363

Vancouver June 27th 1898.
The Council met on Monday June 27th 1898.

Present: Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman and McMorran.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That Alderman Brown be appointed Chairman.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From F. Brown stating that the Crematory Caretaker was working overtime.

From Hope Graveley & Co stating that they were calling for tenders for making sewer connections with Lot 41 Block 15. 196.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Lt. Col. Prior accepting invitation to the 1st of July Celebrations.

From A. Campbell Reddie, Deputy Provincial Secretary stating that Lieutenant-Governor had proclaimed the second of July a Public Holiday.

From the Mayor and Council of the City of New Whatcom inviting the Mayor and Council to the 4th of July Celebrations.

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden.
That the invitation be accepted with thanks.

[Volume 8 page] 364

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric lights.

From the Captain of the Egria [Egeria] stating that he was unable to attend the celebrations.

More on the Egeria from transcriber Lynn Shane:

The Vancouver Province from June 27, 1898 described, The presence in the harbour of the staunch little vessel Egeria, with her crew of typical British tars, caused much comment during the week.

More information about the HMS Egeria from the Vancouver Maritime Museum

From J.B. Snell asking permission to erect a corrugated iron structure within the Fire Limits.

From Chas. K. Vahey asking permission to use a portion of the streets for a bicycle stand.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Oppenheimer Bros. asking the City to bear one third of the cost of re-surveying 264A.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council asking the City to enforce By-Law re subletting Contracts.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Percy W. Evans complaining of overflow from cess pits on the lanes between Barclay and Nelson Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the City Engineer reporting that the cost of constructing flood gates on False Creek would be $98,450.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were received and read:

Works Committee

The Board of Works met on the 23rd of June 1898.
Present: the full Board.


From Wm. M. Skene, submitting account

[Volume 8 page] 365

and blue prints ordered for urinals from England.
Laid over pending their arrival.

From Wm. Farrall asking that Pendrill [Pendrell] Street be opened.
Laid over for examination.

From Sivard [Sivart] and Anderson asking that Dunlevy Avenue sidewalk from Harris Street to Keefer Street be completed.
Referred to the Engineer for attention.

From the City Solicitor giving opinion in reference to the matter of resurvey of 264A.

Resolved that Messrs. Oppenheimer Bros. be notified that if the property owners will petition the City for a resurvey as the streets are now located and agree to pay the costs the City will petition the Government to confirm same.

From Byron-Johnson etal petitioning for surface drain for lots North half of Block 11. D.L. 541 under Local Improvement Plan.
Referred to Engineer to see if there are requisite number of signatures and if so the City Solicitor to be instructed to prepare a By-Law for same.

From R.F. Stupart, Director Meteorological Service stating that the Dominion Government has decided to erect a signal apparatus at Brockton Point and asking permission to run a wire string on posts.
Permission granted as far as the Coal Harbour Bridge is concerned, the balance of the request referred to the Park Commissioners.

From Wm. Tierney applying for the position of Inspector on Wood Block Paving.
Referred to the City Engineer.

[Volume 8 page] 366

From W. H. Livens asking for sidewalk North side of Pender Street, west of Palace Stables.
Laid over for examination.


The plans for the DeBeck Building, Hastings Street, were submitted and approved being in conformity with the requirements of the Fire Limit By-Law.

Resolved that the Engineer be instructed to have the earth removed where sidewalks were lowered on North side of Oppenheimer Street from Jackson to Carl Avenues.

Resolved that the Engineer be instructed to have temporary conveniences in the way of urinals put up at English Bay before the 1st of July.

Resolved that an Estimate be passed for Messrs. Campbell, Rannie & Co. for cement bought from Evans Coleman & Evans (3000 barrels) amounting to $11,250 less ten per cent, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to see the City is secured in the matter.

The following account was recommended for payment:

Evans, Coleman & Evans. Supplies $3.20

Sgd. H.J. Painter.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the Report be adopted.


[Volume 8 page] 367

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday June 24th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Brown, Bruce and Painter.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Thos. Clough Drayage. $4.00

Baldwin & McGuigan Special List: 150.00

J.B. Grant Engraving Plate 10.00

A. St. G. Hamersley Disbursements . 63.90

H.W. Treat Smelter Deposit “ 754.50

A communication was received from the City Auditor reporting the City’s accounts correct for March, April & May.

sgd. Jas Mcqueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That the Report be adopted.

Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday June 22nd 1898.
Present: the full Board.

Mr. Godfrey waited on the Committee to arrange re arrears on Spicer Mill’s Water rates.

It was agreed to allow the account to stand over at the City’s pleasure, Mr. Godfrey undertaking to notify any intending purchaser of the property of the liability and also to notify the City before any sale of the property is made.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

J.C. Woodrow Supplies $41.78

Thos Dunn & Co. “ 20.81

[Volume 8 page] 368

Mining Critic Supplies $5.40

City Treasurer “ 50.00

Wm. Ralph “ 5.25

Water Works Payroll Labor 787.55

Sgd. Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That all salaries payable on the first of July be paid on or before the 30th day of June.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the following account be paid:
Hudson & Bristow Cemetery fence $166.90

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the following account be paid:
S. Elkins et al. Labor $2347.35

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That all quarantine guards be paid on discharge on presentation of Vouchers certified correct by the Police Department.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Council ballot for the appointment of a Caretaker for the Crematory.

[Volume 8 page] 369

After a number of ballots was taken it was found that John Pace received a majority of the Council.

It was then moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by Alderman Foremen.
That John Pace be appointed Caretaker of the Crematory at a salary of $60.00 per month.

The Council then adjourned.

James F. Garden

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk