Street railway route revealed – September 8, 1890

Committee met with Street Railway Company and recommends the company be allowed to extend their line along Westminster Ave (Main Street) to Ninth Ave (Broadway), then west to Centre Street (Granville), then south to the Granville Street Bridge and across the bridge. The company had to construct an addition to the bridge on which to lay their track, and the overhead wire could not interfere with navigation when the swing portion of the bridge was open. The Street Inspector to hire “such help as is necessary” to flush surface drains at least once a month to keep the drains from “emitting nauseous odours detrimental to the health and comfort of the public”

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pg 26-38

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Vancouver September 8th 1890

The Council met on Monday September 8th 1890.
Present: Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Fox, Sentell, McLeod, Costello, Doering and Mason.

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That Alderman Carroll be appointed Chairman. Carried.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From D. Stirling and James Bremner applying for the position of Market Clerk. Filed.

From J. W. McFarland, Secretary to Vancouver Water Works Co, informing the Council that the Co declines to extend their distribution pipes until the matter now at issue between the City and the Co has been brought to a definite conclusion. Referred to W.W. Committee.

From J. W. McFarland enclosing accounts for hydrant rent and asking for a settlement. Referred to F.W. & L.

From the City Solicitor informing Council that he had forwarded resolution re Oppenheimer and Princess St pipes to Hon. A. M. Richards, Q.C. Filed.

From the Pound Keeper furnishing monthly report

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From Bodwell Bros asking for a refund of $30.00 for constructing a fence on Oppenheimer St, made necessary by a change of grade. Referred to Board of Works

From James Morrison offering to sell as Crematory site in Block 7 264A. Referred to Crematory Committee.

From A. C. Muir enclosing an account for $118.50 for wood claimed to be taken by the City from his client Dr. G. McLean. Referred to Board of Works.

From Mrs. E. Gold asking for the street line of her lot on Water Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From Goodwin and Wilkinson et al praying for the sidewalking of Robson St. Referred to Board of Works.

From the City Auditor submitting Report for July 1890. Filed.

From the City Auditor applying for an increase of salary. Referred to Finance Committee.

From James Henderson submitting a sample of street numbers. Referred to Board of Works.

From the Secy of the Board of Trade, enclosing a Resolution from the Board urging the Council to take steps for the thorough cleansing of the City. Referred to Board of Health.

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From Wm. Malkin asking permission to construct approaches to his house on Carroll St. Referred to Board of Works.

From Kelley Beckett & Co submitting plans of machinery in connection with water works etc. Referred to F.W.&L. Committee.

From H.B. Small, Secy to Department of Agriculture, replying to resolution re establishment of Quarantine Station at this port. Referred to Board of Health.

From J. W. McFarland complaining about cows being allowed to run at large. Referred to Board of Works.

From Thos. D. Cyrs asking permission to construct a veneered building on Lot 3 Block 2 O.G.T. Referred to B of Works and Fire Inspector.

From D.J. McDonald asking payment for repairing the City Wharf. Referred to Board of Works.

From J.J. Blake, Solicitor for Leamy and Kyle, submitting Bond guaranteeing the repayment of $1500.00 in three years to the City, being half of the additional cost of putting a draw in Cambie Street Bridge, and also agreeing to perform the additional work of putting in a draw for $3000.00. Filed.


Street Railway Committee
The Committee appointed by Council to consider the application of the Street Railway

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Company for an extension of their line, met in the City Hall on Friday September 5th 1890.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, Costello and Doering and the City Solicitor and Messrs McKee and Dunn on behalf of the Street Railway Co.

After discussing the question at issue the Committee begs to recommend:
“That permission be granted to the Company to extend their line along Westminster Av to Ninth Avenue, thence along Ninth Avenue to Centre Street, thence along Centre Street to the south end of Granville Street Bridge, thence across Granville Street Bridge, if an addition is constructed at the expense of said Company on which to lay their track, the City granting to them the privilege of using the swing portion of the bridge for running over, if they guarantee to arrange the overhead wire so that navigation will not be obstructed.”
Sgd M. Costello
Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Report of the Committee be received. Carried.

Works No 24

The Board of Works met on Thursday August 28th and September 4th 1890 at 5 o’clock.
Present: Aldermen Browning, Sentell, Doering and Costello. Alderman Costello in the Chair.
It was recommended:

1. That a platform scale of the Fairbanks pattern manufactured by C. Wilson, Toronto, capacity 15 tons, price $175.00 F.O.B. Toronto, be ordered for the Market.

2. That there are no funds available for the sidewalking of Robson St. from Bute Street

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west as petitioned for by M. P. Thomson.

3. That Nelson Street be graded full width as far as the balance of the appropriation for said street will go.

4. That the City Engineer examine and report upon the funds available for the grading of Jervis Street.

5. That Hornby Street between Pender and Dunsmuir be sidewalked provided funds can be had for that purpose.

6. That J. Bailey be allowed sufficient old planks to lay 360 feet of 3 ft sidewalk in front of his premises.

7. That the chain gang be employed to make approaches and crossings in the lanes in Blocks 51 & 52, 181, also to clear the lane to the rear of the City Hall.
8. That tenders be invited for the following improvements:
(1) Homer St six ft sidewalk from Robson to Nelson.
(2) Grading Smithe St from Richards to Homer.
(3) Grading and planking part of the lane in Block 28, 541, said work to be done in lieu of the box drain on Homer St.
(4) Completing the grading of Homer St from Davie to Drake.
(5) Clearing, close cutting and burning Victoria St 30 feet wide and grubbing and grading it wide enough to construct a road bed 22 feet wide between the ditches.

9. That the following accounts be paid:
Mr. McIntyre, 11th Av $71.94
Boyd & Clendenning, Hornby St 532.80
Boyd & Clendenning, Centre St 972.00

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Boyd & Clendenning, Thurlow & Robson $816.75
Costello & McDonald, Robson St 429.54
Urquhart & Morris, Robson St 191.25
Urquhart & Morris, Homer & Helmcken 83.96
W.G. Fraser, Hamilton St 180.60
A.D. McDonald, Pender St 6.00
A.D. McDonald, Heatley & Hawks 290.22
David Gibbons, Dupont St 145.47
Leatherdale & McDonald, 6th Av 104.65
Wm Tierney, Haro St 522.80
H. Connacher, Keefer St 321.30
A, Parker, Salary 75.00
Montreal Gazette, Advertising 22.54
F.L. Budlong, Cutting down trees 12.00
F.L. Budlong, 6th Av Bridge 197.22
Boyd & Clendenning, Gravel 2153.25
H. Connacher, Carolina St 129.61
Brunette Saw Mill Co, Lumber 15.60
McDonald & Lloyd, Westminster Av 902.70
Murray & Fraser, Clark’s Park 257.63
Murray & Fraser, Dunlevy Av 57.80
Murray & Fraser, 12th Av 829.20
Leamy & Kyle, Cambie St Bridge 1500.00
B. Romang et al, Street work 175.25
B. Romang et al, Street work 168.90
H. F. Keefer, Sewers 1421.95
H. F. Keefer, Sewers 1579.42
H. F. Keefer, Surface drains 30.53
D. Gibbons, Lane B 94, 541 115.74
Crowder & Penzer, Feed 17.05
Ross & Marshall, Hospital 40.07
D. Morgan, 12th Av 135.00
Brown & White, Cheese cloth 1.50
Strathern & Palmer, Victoria St 303.00
D.J. McDonald, 18th Av 230.40
D. Morgan, 11th Av 58.73
John Telford, David St 20.85
John Telford, Homer St 197.10

10. That the following contracts be awarded:
Prince Edward St grading Morgan & Gibbons

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Homer St sidewalk W.D. Hobson
Bute St Box drain Muir & Johnston
Smithe St grading Muir & Johnston
Lane in B 28, 541 Muir & Johnston
Haro St grading C.H. Lloyd
11. That the following tenders be invited:
(1) Grading Seymour St as far as the balance of the appropriation on hand will go.
(2) Laying a six ft sidewalk on Hornby Street from Georgia to Nelson and from Pender to Dunsmuir including crossings.
(3) Gravelling Helmcken St from Richards to Homer and on Homer St south to the south line of the factory.
(4) Close cutting etc of Victoria Street.

12. That C.H. Lloyd be notified to proceed with the grading of Jervis St, the expense for said work to be paid out of part of Smithe Street box and Jervis Street box drain.

13. That the City Engineer examine and report what gravel will be necessary for Nelson Street and the money there will be to spare after the gravelling is done.

14. That the ditches on Richards Street between Drake and Pacific be cleaned out and the street crowned.

15. That there are no funds available for the grading of Thurlow Street from Haro to Barclay as petitioned for by J. F. Galbraith.

16. That the communication from S.A. Charnock re the grade of Hastings St at Y.M.C.A. buildings be referred to the City Solicitor.

17. That the City Engineer report on the box drain at Williams Brewery and on the

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box drain on Howe St, Drake St and other places required and cost of same.

18. That Hastings road be repaired at a cost not to exceed $300.00.

Sgd M. Costello, Chairman pro tem

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Browning
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted as read without going through Committee of the Whole. Carried.

Finance No 23

The Finance Committee met on Friday August 29th and September 5th 1890.

It was recommended:

1. That as there are no large views of Vancouver obtainable, we would recommend that several small views be purchased and forwarded to Mr. Adam Brown, Hon Commissioner for the Jamaica Exhibition.

2. That as Mr. R.E. Gosnel has proposed to furnish at least 6000 copies of his pamphlet for $500.00 we recommend that his proposition be accepted.

3. That a large city map be purchased and the latest improvements added and forwarded to Toronto to be used in connection with the Vancouver Exhibits and that Alderman Browning be authorized to have the necessary alterations made to said map.
Several communications were received from the tradesmen of the City, protesting against the enforcement of certain clauses in By-Laws Nos 79, 84 and 102, and asking

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for a refund of licenses paid under authority of said clauses.
Your Committee after a careful examination of the By-Laws in question would beg to recommend as follows:

1. That clause 27 of By-Law 79 be amended by inserting the word “or” between the words “chop house and cafe” in the 2nd line thereof and by striking out all the words from “or” in the said 2nd line down to and including the word “premises” in the 6th line.

2. That clauses 7, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 42 in By-Law No 79 be struck out.

3. That lines 12, 13, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55 of By-Law 79 “Schedule A” be struck out.

4. That By-Law 102 be amended by striking out the words “Commercial Travellers” in the 3rd line of clause 2 and inserting in lieu thereof the words “person or persons” and by inserting after the word “in” in the 12th line of the said clause the words and figures “lines 10 and 11 of”.

5. That a By-Law be introduced covering the proposed amendments and that all licenses collected during 1889 & 1890 under the Sections hereby recommended for amendment be refunded.

6. That the following accounts be paid:
The World P&P Co, Printing 17.85
C. Nelson, Toilet paper 1.50
Stephen Green, Messenger 4.00
F.C. Hart, Lamp wicks .25

7. That H. B. Lewis be requested to give the cost of painting a large view of Vancouver 4×6 ft.

8. That the City Treasurer be authorized to

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have 5000 official cheques lithographed as per sample submitted to this Board.

9. That the Board of Works accounts be passed for payment.
Sgd J. M. Browning, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Mason
That the clause in the Report relating to the Gosnel pamphlets be struck out. Lost 2.6.

Moved by Alderman Browning,
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the Report be adopted as read. Carried.


Moved by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Sentell
That the Dominion Government be requested to advise the Harbor Master to prevent ships from discharging ballast in the locations at present selected but to have them discharge in a place appointed by him, provided he has not already the power. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Browning
That the Bond proposed to be furnished by Leamy and Kyle for the repayment of $1500.00, their share in the construction of the Cambie St Bridge draw, be referred to the City Solicitor and if found by him to be in accordance with the resolution of the Council that the Mayor be requested to sign the bond and contract and allow the work of construction to proceed. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the Board of Works be authorized to stop the grading now going on upon Westminster Avenue and Granville Street South and that they be empowered to consult such engineers or other practical parties as they may deem advisable with a view to ascertaining how the objectionable grade can best be overcome, and to take such action as they may deem fit in the matter. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Mason
That the City Engineer be requested to give the street line to Mrs. Emma Gold on Lot 13, Block 6, O.G.T. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Gordon
That the City Treasurer, City Clerk, Accountant, Health Inspector and City Engineer be allowed two weeks vacation respectively, to be taken alternately as may be arranged amongst themselves. Subject to the approval of His Worship the Mayor or the Chairman of the respective Committees. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Mason
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That the Street Inspector be instructed to hire such help as is necessary to at once give the surface drains a thorough flushing taking water from the nearest hydrants for that purpose and that in the future that this be done once a month as by this means only can the drains be kept from emitting nauseous odors detrimental to the health and comfort of the public. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Mason
That the following labor account be paid:
B. Romang et al, Street Work, etc. $160.15 Carried.

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Fox
Whereas it is desirable that the higher educational interests of the City should be provided for at as early a date as possible, and whereas the Dominion Government has ever manifested a desire to aid in a material way in the development of higher education in the various portions of the Dominion,
And whereas certain tidal lands within the City limits are still under the control of the Dominion Government:
Therefore be it resolved that this Council respectfully petition the Dominion Government to grant to the City for higher educational purposes all that portion of False Creek lying eastwards of Westminster Avenue bridge and below high water mark, and all that portion of Coal Harbour lying westwards of the park road bridge and below high water mark, and that a Committee consisting of His Worship the Mayor, Messrs Horne, Browning and Carroll, and the mover and seconder of this resolution be appointed to wait upon the Hon the Minister of Public Works on the occasion of his visit to Vancouver and lay the matter fully before him, and endeavor to secure his co-operation in the attainment of the object of the petition. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Gordon
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the City Engineer be requested to examine and report as to whether it is possible to launch and tow the old smallpox hos

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pital from its present site on Deadman’s Island to a place less objectionable, and cost of removal.
Motion withdrawn.

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That the matter be referred to the Health Committee. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the meeting stand adjourned until Tuesday Sept 9 at 4 P.M. Carried

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk