Future of City Wharf uncertain – May 20, 1889

Committee formed to either settle with Vancouver Wharfage and Storage re: purchase of wharf as previously agreed or that β€œthe right to purchase same should be abandoned.” Cost of installing phone line from City Hall to cemetery quoted at $70.00 and monthly rental charge of $4.00; Board of Works empowered to go back to Telephone Company and ask for a better price.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 18-23

[volume 3 page 18]

Vancouver May 20th 1889

The Council met on Monday May 20th 1889.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Horne, Mason, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Charles Hillier et al praying that a sidewalk be laid on Keefer Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From B. Crickmay notifying Council that she had dismissed the Porter. Referred to the Board of Health.

From J. B. Babington resigning his position as Pound Keeper. Filed.

From R. A. McMorran et al petitioning for the opening up of Melville Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Alfred Bunker offering to fill lane in Block 12, 541 for 15 cts per cubic yard. Filed.

From W. H. Evans petitioning for the grading of Keefer Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From A. J. Alcock et al petitioning for the Bridging of Westminster Avenue over Tenth Avenue. Referred to the Board of Works.

[volume 3 page 19]

From Thos. Thain claiming $10.00 on account of James Hall deceased. Referred to Finance Committee.

From the reporters asking to be furnished with a better light. Filed.
From Mayor Grant extending an invitation to the Mayor and Council of Vancouver to be present at Victoria on the occasion of the celebration of the Queen’s Birthday. Filed.


Health No 5

The Health Committee met on Tuesday May 14th 1889.

Present Aldermen Whetham, Salsbury and Costello.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Scuitto & Co. Groceries $125.60
Vancouver Wharfage Co. 7.50
Hong Sing, Washing 17.50
Thos. A. Greer, Milk 50.40
R. I. Winch, Groceries 23.75
Palmer Bros. Coal 16.50
J. S. Clute & Co. Supplies 6.45
Jacob Sehl, Supplies 3.60
G. Robertson, Supplies 4.25
Wm. Draper, Drugs 21.05
Russell, McDonald & Co. 1.75
Charles Nelson, Drugs 11.10
Telephone Co. 8.00
W. J. McGuigan, Inquest etc. 20.00
Electric Illuminating Co. 30.00
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. Meat 38.25

[volume 3 page 20]

2. That the plan submitted by the Chairman of the Board of Health, showing the proposed subdivision of the upper ward of the City Hospital be approved of and that the City Engineer be instructed to give an Estimate of the cost of same and that tenders be called for the carrying out the work.
Sgd. James Wetham, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the report of the Health Committee be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 14

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 17th 1889 at 8 P.M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Salsbury, Clark, Mason and Whetham.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:

Charles Nelson, Grass Seed $1.50
W. Harrison, Mucilage Bottles .85
E. L. Kirkland, Taxes .22
News Advertiser, Circulars 3.00
Robertson & Co. Desk etc. 120.00
Munroe Miller, Printing 80.00
F. W. Hart, Desk 18.00
Palmer Bros. Coal 16.50
Thomson Bros. Stationery 14.00
The World P & P Co. 90.77
Henry Avison, Seeds etc. 9.00
John Clough, Stove Polish 1.00
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 23.00
Charles Walker, Pound fees 14.00
H. Blyth et al Street Work 120.00

[volume 3 page 21]

The Board of Works accounts recommended at last meeting of Council and the Board of Health, accounts are hereby confirmed for payment.

In reference to the Telephone line to the Cemetery we recommend that the matter be referred back to the Telephone Co with a view of getting more favourable terms for the construction of said line.

Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the Finance Report be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the following Police accounts be paid:

J. C. Miller, Straight Jackets $10.00
Starrett and Leatherdate 7.50
C. P. Telegraph Co. 23.55
S. T. Tilley, Stationery 14.00
L. W. Haywood, Fares 19.50
Tattersalls Stables Buggy hire 10.00
John McLaren, fares 7.00
Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Mason. That the Board of Works be empowered to appoint a pound keeper. Carried.

[volume 3 page 22]

Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the City Clerk be instructed to accept the kind invitation of Mayor Grant on behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver and thank him for same. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Mason. That Mr. Babington’s resignation as Pound Keeper be accepted. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Whetham seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That Mr. Bunker’s offer to grade the lane in Block 12, back of the Post Office be accepted viz. at 15 cts per cubic yard, work to be done under the City Engineer’s direction. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Salsbury seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the Loan By-Law be read a third time and be signed, sealed and gazetted. Carried.

The By-Law was accordingly read and signed etc.

Alderman Salsbury introduced the first reading of a By-Law to levy, a [tax? unreadable] for the year 1889.

[volume 3 page 23]

Moved by Alderman Salsbury seconded by Alderman Horne. That the rules be suspended and the By-Law read a second time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Clark. That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with Alderman Salsbury in the Chair. Carried.

In Committee the By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported back to Council as complete without amendments.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury seconded by Alderman Horne. That the By-Law be read a third time. Carried.

The By-Law was accordingly read and signed.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Horne gave notice that at the next regular meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to amend the Liquor By-Law.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk