Road from Squamish to Pemberton Meadows proposed – November 6, 1893

Road from Squamish to Pemberton Meadows proposed – November 6, 1893

Council endorsed a petition for the B. C. Government to open up a road from “the Squamish” to Pemberton Meadows. Photo shows Squamish First Nations Brass Band about 1900.

Lawyers Bowser & Lavell served a writ to Council on behalf of the heirs of Fireman Smalley (who was killed on duty six months prior). Five cases of diptheria and three cases of scarlet fever were reported for October 1893.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: In P139.2
Squamish First Nations Brass Band, 1889

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives COV S 31
Volume 5 pages 586 – 592

[volume 5 page 586]
Vancouver November 6th 1893
The Council met on Monday November 6th 1893.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, Haskett, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Towler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From the Medical Health Officer reporting 5 cases of Diphtheria and 3 cases of Scarlet Fever during October.

From F. G. Whibley endorsing a petition addressed to the praying Council to endorse and sign same, said petition being to induce the Government to open up a road from the Squamish to Pemberton Meadows.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the request of F. G. Whibley etal re petition to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works be hereby complied with.

From B.F. Cassellman etal asking for an electric light on the corner of Westminster & 13th Av.
Already attended to.

From H. Laughton drawing attention to the bad state of Princess St. in front of Block 73.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Messrs Corbould & McColl asking for compensation for Dr. Robertson for injury received in Stanley Park.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Messrs Bowser & Lavell serving

[volume 5 page 587]

a writ on behalf of the heirs of Fireman Smalley.
Referred to the City Solicitor

The following Reports were received and read.

F.W.& L. Committee

The F. W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday November 1st 1893.
Present – Aldermen Franklin, Hackett, Cargill, Towler and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That the Committee regrets that they cannot see its way clear to place a street light on the corner of Princess Street and Jackson Av. for the Zion Church.

2. That tenders be called for the construction of a reservoir in Stanley Park, tenders to be separate and in bulk for clearing, and grubbing, excavation concrete and pipe laying including valves, tenders to be in by Wednesday November 22nd next at 3 P. M.

3. That the Secretary be authorized to notify the plumbers that any plumber raising or altering the level of water pope will be prosecuted.

4. That the following accounts be paid:-
B.C. Iron Works Hire of Boiler $24.00
W.H. Armstrong “ “ pump 36.00
B.C. Iron Works. Supplies 1129.57
Keefer & Godden Towing etc. 1083.50
Hooper etal. Labor. 307.15

Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted with the addition of the following.
That a clause be inserted in the Specifications for work in connection with the proposed reservoir giving preference of employment to men whose names are on the voters’ list of this City. Carried.

[volume 5 page 588]

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday November 2nd 1893.
Present- Aldermen Franklin McCraney Brown Hackett and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That E. McDonough cannot be granted permission to build an addition to the Richmond Hotel.
2. That Mrs. Webster be informed that it is the intention of the Council to put crushed rock on the street in front of the Alexander Hospital.
3. That the Street Inspector put down a temporary walk with old plank if there are any on hand and if not to use new plank.
4. That D. Oppenheimer be informed that the City has already advertised all the streets it is considered advisable to pave next summer.
5. That the Street Inspector see that a crossing is put in on Pender St to Mr Twigg’s gate.
6. That $10.00 be allowed by the City for the new connections made back of F. Crosbie’s property on Georgia St.
7. That the Street inspector be instructed to give J. W. Smith access to his house from Victoria St. and also to make a crossing on Graveley St. at the tramway track sufficient to make it passable for residents there.
8. That the City Engineer be instructed to come to an arrangement with E. Cook, relative to his account for $426.50 for alleged delay at Court House and report;
9. That the Street Inspector be instructed to come to an arrangement to get any old plank on hand hauled to Beach Avenue and laid

[volume 5 page 589]

as for as they will go to accommodate the houses there between Burrard and Nicola Streets.
10. That the Street Inspector see that all street contracts are completed as soon as possible.
11. That Baker Bros be paid $200.00 in full of all claims in connection with the flooding of their gh cellar at the recent date.
12. That the following accounts be paid:
Market Hardware Store. Supplies $6.35
Mr. Thomas. Westminster Av. 70.00
do Quebec St 10.00
D.J. McLellan. Georgia St. 450.00
Evans Coleman & Evans supplies 4.00
G.O. Baldwin Repairs 15.00
Thos Veitch Delivering of
crushed rock 369.05
Thos. Dunn supplies .90
H. McDowell “ .50
THos. Dunn & Co. “ 21.80
Potter & Flett. Sewer contracts
final 150.00
Lomas etal. Labor. 276.05
sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by :Towler
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the Clause relating to the paving of Westminster Av with bituminous rock which is referred back to the Board for re-consideration.

Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Tuesday October 31st 1893.
Present – Aldermen Towler, McCraney, Hackett, Salsbury and Hobson
It was recommended;
1. That the following account be paid:-
Johnson Gibbons, Examination of horses. $2.00
2. That A. M. Beattie be informed that if he lays

[volume 5 page 590]

an information against the party violating the Market By-Law the city will bear the expenses of the prosecution.
The City Solicitor stated that it was the duty of the Health Committee to enforce the cubic space By-Law.
sgd Wm Towler

Moved by Alderman Hackett.
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday November 3rd 1893.
Present -Aldermen Cargill. Collins. & Hobson. It was recommended:-

1. That the following accounts be paid:-
A.K. Stuart address $5.00
Harold Henderson Clerical Work $66.90
W. Crickman. Rent of Imperial
Opera house 35.00
News. Advertiser. Ads 4.35
J. Gibbons Witness fees 4.00
A. St. G. Hamersley Law costs 550.00
A.J. Riffle Supplies. 1.00
Tilley & Son “ 19.15
2. That Rand Bros. be informed that the Council will be willing to reconvey the lots required by them in Block 48. 181 subject to a by-law being passed by the electors at the same rate as was paid by the City for the portions of lots purchased from Gallagher etal.
3. That Wm Hartley be refunded the amount paid by him for hospital dues.
4. That the communication from the Williams Directory Co be filed.

[volume 5 page 591]

5. That the City Treasurer be authorized to raise the taxes on Lots 27 to 90 Block 45. D. L. 541 giving the rebate as requested by McPhillips & Williams
sgd Wm Cargill
Acting Chairman
Moved by Alderman Cargill
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Tuesday October 31st 1893.
Present – Aldermen Collins, Cargill, Hobson and Towler.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid
R. MacLeod. Operating room. 110.75
Robt. Bauham. Express. 1.50
Cream & Thomas Board. 1.00

2. That the Chairman of the Board of Health communicate with the physicians practising in this City and draw their attention to clause 12 of the Health By-Law and request them to report all cases of typhoid fever to the Medical Health Officer.
3. That the Medical Health officer make an inspection of the City Hospital patients and ascertain the names of those who can be removed to the isolation hospital and report to the Chairman who is hereby authorized to take such action as he may think necessary.
4. That the Health Inspector be instructed to proceed against the C. P. R. Co for unloading logs at the Hastings street fin (?) of same should prove to be a nuisance.
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[volume 5 page 592]

Notice of Motion
Alderman Towler gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to amend the Market By-Law.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.