Chinese citizens to be buried separately – December 29, 1890, 7:30 pm

Chinese citizens to be buried separately – December 29, 1890, 7:30 pm
Chinese citizens at the Vancouver Cemetery, about 1900

Chinese community granted separate plot in Cemetery. Telephones needed to connect the Sheriff’s office in Vancouver and in the New Westminster Courthouse to “facilitate the processes of the law.” A clock to be placed on the Market Building tower, cost not to exceed $60.00

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pg 166-173

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Vancouver December 29th 1890

The Council met on Monday December 29th 1890 at 7:30 P.M.
Present: His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Horne, Fox, Sentell, Costello, McLeod and Doering.
The minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.

From J. W. McFarland, Secretary of the Vancouver Water Works Company informing the Council that free water would be supplied to the fountain on Hastings Street and refunding $11.92 for previous rates paid to them. Filed.

From Chas. Slade asking that certain trees be cut down on 14th Av in Block 111, 301.  City Engineer.

From Chief of Police furnishing weekly report of Street Lights.  Filed.

From W.P. West making certain charges against the Pound Keeper.  Board of Works.

From Alfred Steigenberger asking that the City drain the water off his lot on 5th Av.  Board of Works.

From G.W. Thomas reporting on the Market Receipts.  Filed.

From A.J. Mouat, Secretary to the Vancouver Free Reading Room and Library submitting his Report for A.D. 1890 and asking that a Committee be appointed to take charge.  Finance.

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From Wm H.H. Johnson asking for a bonus for a varnish factory.  Finance Committee.


Finance No. 32
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 26th 1890.

Present: Aldermen Browning, Garden and Costello.
It was resolved:
1.       That Geo. F. Baldwin and Charles Tetley be paid $300.00 each and Thos. F. McGuigan $300.00 less the amount already received by him from Park Commissioners in lieu of an increase of salary from the beginning of the present year and that in future they be paid $125.00 per month respectively in consideration of Geo. F. Baldwin performing the combined duties of Treasurer, Assessment Commissioner and Collector, Charles Tetley that of Accountant and Thos. F. McGuigan that of City Clerk and Secretary of the Park Board.

2.       That the following accounts be paid:
Drake, Jackson & Co, Law Costs                                                       $34.00
J.J. Blake, Legal Services                                                                       100.00
C.E. Pooley, Legal Services                                                                    75.00
Sgd. J.M. Browning
Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted.  Carried.

Crematory                                                                                                                                                         Report
Some time ago the Council authorized your Committee to conclude arrangements with Engle Sanitary & Cremation Co for the

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erection of a Crematory furnace in this City and also to obtain a site for the same in a suitable position.
In accordance with that resolution we invited Mr Engle to come to Vancouver and he arrived last Friday.
He met your Committee on Saturday and submitted plans and model for an improved furnace which will yield better results than the one which the Company tendered to build for $6000.
Though it will cost more to erect he states that the Company will give the benefit of their improved system to the City and will agree to abide by the price which they quoted.
He asks however that the Council will as the works progress make advances to the Company on account for wages and materials to an amount not exceeding $3000.00 in all and that the balance shall be held over after due trial. The furnace has worked to the complete satisfaction of the Council when it shall be paid. Your Committee think that this is a very fair and reasonable proposal and recommend it to the favourable consideration of the Council.
Sgd Malcom McLeod

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Horne
That the Report of the Crematory Committee be adopted.  Carried.

Works No. 36

The Works Committee met on Friday December 26th 1890.
Present: Aldermen Browning, Costello and Sentell. Alderman Browning in the Chair.

It was resolved:
1.       Re the Bunker Accounts

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That the whole matter be referred to the City Solicitor and the City Engineer conjointly to look into each individual case and that upon their joint certificate the City Treasurer be authorized to pay all recommended claims.
2.       That the City Engineer be empowered to spend $60.00 the amount in the estimates on a sidewalk on the south side of Burrard Street from Westminster Avenue to Dunlevy Avenue, the width of said sidewalk being decided by the City Engineer according to requirements.
3.       That Mr John Boultbee’s request on behalf of certain Chinese of the City be granted and that they be allowed a piece of land on the extreme southern limits of the present cemetery and having a length of the full width of said cemetery and depth enough to make one acre. The precise situation of the said piece of land to be decided by the City Engineer.
4.       That the tender of Bradshaw and Urquhart for the construction of a drain in the East Park be accepted with the understanding that the storm drain “No 1 b” be put in instead of the log drain “No 1 a” price $638.00.
5.       That the tender of Ch P Coulson for the supply of 1 Burford & Perkins 12 ton Steam Road Roller at 2 mos delivery, for the sum of $2883.00 be accepted.
6.       That the tender of Ch P Coulson for the supply of 1 Baxter’s Rock Crusher at 2 mos delivery for the sum of $2576.00 be accepted.
7.       That the tender of Thos Dunn & Co for the supply of 1 16 horse power steam engine be held over for the City Engineer to report on the most suitable class of engines and also pending the acceptance of tenders for granite road metal.
8.       That J.G. McDonald be allowed his claim of $66.00 for repairs to the City Wharf, the City looking to the City Wharf for repayment.
9.       That the City Engineer be instructed to have a box drain put in the lane in Block 53

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541 from Georgia Street towards Robson St.
10.   That the following accounts be paid:
H.B. Warren, Car fares etc.                                                                    $7.05
R. Hemphill, Fencing lots                                                                          7.50
A. Godfrey & Co, Supplies                                                                         4.50
Boyd & Clendenning, Centre St extra                                              525.00
11.   That the City Engineer be authorized to have a box drain put on the north side of Georgia Street from the St. Andrews Church to the east side of Homer Street at once.
Sgd. J. W. Horne

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the report.  Carried.

Alderman Horne was appointed Chairman.
Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That clauses 5 and 6 be laid over for two weeks for the consideration of the incoming Council.  Lost.

All the other clauses passed without amendment.
The Committee then rose and reported the Report complete without amendment.

Moved by Alderman Sentell
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted.  Carried.

The Draft of the Agreement to arbitrate between the Vancouver Water Works Co and the City was produced and read over clause by clause.

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Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That the following words be inserted in one of the clauses in the agreement: “Notwithstanding the present works do not extend throughout the City of Vancouver”.  Carried.

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That in lieu of the words “necessary pressure” the words “to stand the pressure due to the height at which the dam is situated” be inserted in lieu thereof.  Lost.

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Doering
Be it resolved that the agreement drafted with reference to the purchase of the property, real and personal of every nature and kind whatsoever of the Vancouver Water Works Company by the City of Vancouver, be forwarded to that company with a request that it be duly executed by said company without delay as by Resolution of the Council the arbitration has to commence by the 15th January 1891.
And be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same when so returned and affix the City Seal thereto.  Carried.


Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Sentell
That the Market Committee be instructed to place a clock in the Market Tower, cost not to exceed $600.00.  Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the following labor

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account be paid:
B. Romang et al                                                                $142.90

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That the following account be paid:
E. Cook, foundation of Market scales                       $88.00

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the City Treasurer be instructed to pay the City officials on the last day of this month instead of on the 1st of January to enable the accounts to be closed for the year.  Carried.

Moved by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That the offer of fifteen dollars a month from the Secretary of the Union Steam Ship Co for the dumping of garbage over their wharf be accepted for such time until the crematory is built.  Carried.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by Alderman Costello
Whereas in order that the Sheriff’s officer at this place be in a position to promptly execute processes of law it is necessary that he have some speedy means of searching the Records at New Westminster, therefore be it resolved that this Council request the Honourable the Attorney General to at once have telephones placed in the Sheriff’s office in the City and also in New Westminster, in order that the business of said officer be facilitated for the good of the general public.  Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the following account be paid:
Henderson Directory Co, Book                                      $3.00

Moved by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the following account be paid:
A. Carwell, Towing pest house                                      $5.00

The Council then adjourned to meet again at 10 A.M. on Monday the 5th of Jan 1891.
D. Oppenheimer
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk