Council of 1888 wraps up – January 7, 1889, 11:30 am

Final reports from the Fire Brigade and the Board of Health were received. Aldermen Coldwell and Clark tendered thanks to Mayor David Oppenheimer for the “phenomenal progress” Vancouver has made under his leadership.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 626-628

[volume 2 page 626]

Vancouver Jan 7th 1889

The Council of 1888 met on Monday January 7th 1889 at 11:30 A. M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Clark, Coldwell, Dougall, Lefevre, McConnell and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


A report was received and read from J. H. Carlisle, late Chief of the Fire Brigade which was filed on motion of Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark.

Alderman Lefevre furnished the Annual Report of the Board of Health in conjunction with one from Dr. Robertson Health Officer which was received and filed on motion of Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer.


Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Clark. Whereas in reviewing at our last meeting the phenomenal progress Vancouver continues to make as shown by the various Committees reports, we feel it a duty before retiring from office to place among the records of this Council a testimony of our hearty appreciation of the

[volume page 627]

valuable services rendered to the City by the Mayor and to inform him and the citizens generally, that we consider our present prosperous position due in a great part to the wisdom and energy of his administration not only has Mayor Oppenheimer devoted himself most assiduously to the performance of the numerous duties devolving upon him as Chief Magistrate of the City but matters of very great importance to Vancouver although not coming within the scope of his duties have engaged his attention with decided benefit to our City.

The erection here of Smelting works on a large scale, the collection of our fine exhibit of Provincial productions for the industrial Fairs of Toronto and London, the compilation of the latest missing information throughout the Province for circulation amongst the Capitalists of the World; the effort to establish the Beet Sugar Industry in British Columbia and many other subjects were taken up by him vigorously and brought to a successful conclusion, which will be of great financial benefit to our interests and bring the name, resources and prospects of Vancouver conspicuously before the world.

And, whereas, though these services so beneficial to us as citizens engaged the whole of Mayor Oppenheimer’s time he has refused to accept any remuneration

[volume page 628]

And whereas, in addition to the loss of time a large expenditure of money is necessary to entertain in a manner suitable to the City’s position, those distinguished visitors who from time to time come amongst us and in procuring assistance in carrying on the necessary correspondence involved which it seems have hitherto been borne by the Mayor himself.

Be it therefore resolved that the hands of this Council and the Citizens whom it represents are due to His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer for his great public services gratuitously rendered.

And be it further resolved that we strongly urge the incoming Council to place in their estimates at an early date a liberal sum to cover the necessary disbursements of the Mayor in his official capacity.

And be it further resolved that these resolutions be entered in the minutes of the Council and a copy of them suitably engrossed and presented to His Worship by the City Clerk in the name of the retiring Council. Carried.

The Mayor made a suitable reply to these resolutions after which the old Council dissolved.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk