No Additional Money for School Board – July 22, 1895

No Additional Money for School Board – July 22, 1895
Texas Lake Ice Company, 42 East Pender St., 1895

The Texas Lake Ice Co. [pictured] asked that the City water main be sapped to supply water to their offices and warehouse. The Finance Committee approved payment of $10 to Chief Capilano for pasturage related to the Water Works, but turned down the School Board’s request for an additional $1000 to make repairs to and add drainage around the Mount Pleasant School. The Committee considered a charge of $100.00 by the Brockton Point Athletic Association for Canada Day festivities to be excessive. Alderman Bethune and Brown were added to the Police Committee.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer / Proactive Building maintenance

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives
reference number AM54-S4-: Bu P151
[Texas Lake Ice and Cold Storage Co. 46 West Pender Street]

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 666 – 675
to see original hand written minutes for this date, click here

Vancouver July 22nd, 1895

[Volume 6 page] 666

The Council met on Monday July 22, 1895.
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, Wm Brown and Bethune.

The minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From James England asking for the 2nd quarter of the grant to the Children’s Home.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From S. K. Twigg drawing attention to a mistake in the Assessment Notice for Lots 24 & 25, B71, D. L. 185.

From T. O. Allen etal asking permission to use the race track at Hastings.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From F. D. Boucher complaining about the manner in which he was treated by the Plumbing Inspector.
Referred to the Health Committee

From McLeod & Cooke etal asking to know why there was no street sprinkling in the east end.
Referred to the Board of Works

From John Beattie and T. E. Fletcher applying for positions on the Police Force.
Referred to the Police Committee

From the City Solicitor stating that it did not require two thirds majority of the council to dis

[Volume 6 page] 667

miss a police officer.
Filed for reference

From the City Clerk of Victoria sending a copy of letter forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture asking for the fumigating of baggage coming from the Orient and asking Vancouver to send a similar request.
Referred to the Health Committee

From the Hon. James Baker, Provincial Secretary stating that the Old Man’s Home at Kamloops was ready for patients.
Referred to the Health Committee

From the Medical Association asking that private wards be provided in the City Hospital.
Referred to the Health Committee

From C. Spice asking for assistance for Mrs. Paine
Referred to the Health Committee

From F. W. Bauer asking for the payment of three new employed on the reservoir.
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

From G. R. Major etal asking for the opening up of part of Broughton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Mason & Co complaining about other Intelligence Officers running without a license.
Referred to the Police Committee

From J. Buntzen stating that rebates were only given on winter sales.
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

From W. H. Smith complaining about the assessment of Lot 2, B45, D.L. 185.

From S. Harcus & J. M. Holland asking that the express stand be removed from the

[Volume 6 page] 668

Corner of Hastings Street and Carrall Street.
Referred to the Police Committee

From A. H. B. Mac Gowan, Secretary of the Farmers Institute stating that a meeting would be held at Agassiz on the 1st & 2nd of August.


The following reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 12th 1895.
Present: Aldermen Wm Brown, Bethune, & Coupland

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Tax Department Stamps $6.15
News Advertiser Supplies 12.80
Clarke & Stuart “ 19.03
T. O. Townley Searches 7.00
A. St. G. Hamersly Disbursements 7.55

That the Assessors be paid as follows:
The land valuators $300 each and the building valuator $200. The duties of the Assessors shall be to value the land and buildings and enter up in the assessment rolls the value of the land and buildings, the description of same, the names of the owners and tenants and the number of persons in a household, the building valuator to do the census and write up the value of the buildings in the books. All to attend at the Court of Revision.

[Volume 6 page] 669

Resolved that $800 be appropriated for rock for D. McGillivray and $500 for completing Westminster Avenue.


From C. W. Rand, Secretary of the Dominion Day Celebration Committee furnishing a statement of the receipts and expenditures.

Sgd Wm Brown

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 19th, 1895.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Coupland and Gallagher

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

News Advertiser Ads $11.60
G. A. Roedde Supplies 5.50
C. P. R. Co. Rent 5.00
J. Wilson Labor 2.00

A deputation from the School Board waited upon the Committee with a view of securing a grant of $1000 in addition to their estimates for making necessary repairs to and drainage around the Mount Pleasant School.

No action was taken the Board being of the opinion that there was sufficient funds in their estimates to cover the extra expense.

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to put a notice in the papers for one week asking property owners to be prepared to give a proper description of their property when the Assessors call upon them.


From the City Solicitor in reference to the conveyance of 5 feet of land off each lot in Block 108, D. L. 196, stating that a search would have to be made in each case in the Land Registry Office.

The matter was referred back to the City Solicitor

[Volume 6 page] 670

with instructions to have the originator of the petition have these matters attended to, the Committee being of the opinion that the parties interested should bear all expense.

The statement from the Secretary of the Dominion Day Celebration Committee was again taken up for consideration.

The Committee desire to place on record that they consider the items of $100.00 charged by the Brockton Point Athletic Association for allowing the militia to enter their grounds excessive.

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Bethune

That the clause in the report in reference to $800.00 for rock for McGillivray be amended to read “Board of Works” instead of “D McGillivary”.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Coupland

That the clause in the report in reference to $500.00 for Westminster Avenue be amended to read “$250 for Westminster Avenue and $250 for improvements to Robson Street”.

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Bethune

That the report as amended be adopted.

[Volume 6 page] 671

Water & Light Committee

The Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday July 10th 1895.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Coupland and Bethune.


From Norman McLean asking for a larger water pipe on 4th Ave.
Laid over

From the Toronto Rubber Co offering to supply diving apparatus.
Filed for reference

From the Gas Co asking for a portion of the City lighting.
Laid over

From the City Solicitor stating that the City was not liable for the injuries received by McDonald Bros horse.

From the Texas Lake Ice Co, asking that the water main be sapped so that the water could be supplied to their offices and warehouse.

Resolved that they be informed that the application has to be made through to the C. P. R. Co.

From W. T. Steward making an offer for lighting the City.
Laid over

From S. Madison furnishing monthly report.

It having been reported that Mssrs Crowder & Penzer were not delivering feed according to specifications it was resolved that if they do not do so in future that their contract will be cancelled.

That the application be made to the local government for a lease of the land required for water works purposes on the Capilano, said application being necessary on account of there being a dispute between Dominion & Provincial governments as to the control of Indian Reserves outside of the Railway belt.

[Volume 6 page] 672

Resolved that a six inch water pipe and a hydrant be placed for H. H. Spicer & Co.

Resolved that hydrants be sealed so that they cannot be tampered with unknowingly.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

G. F. Foreman Supplies $1.48
Van City Iron Works “ 84.44
J. Scott etal Labor 408.80
Gas Co Rent of Meter etc .75
B. C. Iron Works Supplies 94.08
John Boyd & Co “ 139.82
A. W. Morgan Labor 2.79
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 12.70
Clark & Stuart “ 2.09
Robertson & Hackett “ 1.25
Con Ry & L Co. “ 5.00
Chief Capilano Pasturage 10.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans Supplies 182.40
G. H. Campbell “ 6.50
Crowder & Penzer “ 31.87
Hooper etal Labor 509.45

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Wm Brown

That the report be adopted

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday July 17th 1895
Present: Aldermen McPhaiden, Shaw & Wm Brown


From E. Seacome etal in reference to the burial of Septimus Dale.

From Miss Macfie reporting that there were 32

[Volume 6 page] 673

electric lights in the new hospital and 34 in the old building.

Resolved that candle power of the lights be burned in the burned in the old hospital be ascertained and the total cost of lighting the new hospital for one year.

From James McGeer furnishing milk report.

From Miss Macfie enclosing a note for $50.00 from John Montgomery in favor of Joseph Cook who desires to turn over said note to the City for collection and receive in him thereof $50.00 to help pay his passage to England.

Referred to Alderman Shaw to ascertain the financial standing of the maker of the note.

Resolved that Miss Macfie be allowed to engage a temporary assistant cook while the present incumbent is away on her holidays.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Mrs J. W. Smith Washing $44.91
C. S. Philp Supplies 13.69
C. Nelson “ 55.61
J. Stevens & Sons “ 16.68
International Ice Co “ 3.00
Central Fish Market “ 4.92
Champion & White “ etc 11.00
W. D. Brydone-Jack Expert Evidence 15.00
J. D. Davis Glazing 1.50
Gas Co Gas .70
Thos Dunn & Co Supplies 8.18
Crowder & Penzer “ 30.64
Cassady & Co “ 1.50
J. C. Woodrow “ 38.39
C. F. Foreman “ 49.68
News Advertiser “ 7.50
Wm Urquhart “ 5.75
James Carnahan Scavengering 3.00

[Volume 6 page] 674

W. H. Mason Milk $40.58
Clarke & Stuart Supplies 2.16
J. Dodson “ 11.20
C. P. Ry Co. “ 36.00
News Advertiser “ 1.85
B. C. Electrical Co. Repairs 2.00

Sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Wm Brown

That the report be amended so that the Chairman of the Health Committee be empowered to take such action as he may deem necessary to secure a passage for J. Cook, a patient in the City Hospital to England.


Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Bethune

That the report as amended be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Queen

That the following accounts be paid if found correct:

Payroll $886.75
D. McGillivray Paving 4153.93

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Queen

That Aldermen Bethune and Brown be appointed members of the Police Committee.

[Volume 6 page] 675

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland

That Mr. Baldwin be instructed to see that all the licences due in the City are collected.

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland

That Mr. Baldwin send a statement to this Council re: the clearing of Lot 185 giving the total cash and balances due the City and the reasons why those parties have not settled these accounts.

The Council then adjourned

Henry Collins

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk