Warren to contest Tracy appointment – Mar 31, 1891

Warren to contest Tracy appointment – Mar 31, 1891
Balmoral Saloon, 2 West Cordova St., ca 1905, courtesy Vancouver Archives

License for the What Cheer house transferred to Mr. Sciutto. Transfer for license of the Germania Hotel not approved. Plans for the city market hall approved, tenders for building to be invited. Mr. H.B. Warren will continue his post as City Engineer, but will sue for damages if the job is given to Mr. Tracy. The salaries of Miss Woodward and Miss Drummond, nurses at the City Hospital. were increased to $30 per month each.

This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 269 – 283

[Vol 4 page 269]

Vancouver March 31st 1891

The Council met on Tuesday March 31st 1891.

Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Godfrey, Scoullar, Templeton, Hobson, Brown, McDowell and Doering.
Moved by Alderman Templeton

Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That Alderman Brown be appointed Chairman pro tem. Carried.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:

From D. McGillivray enclosing an account from Chas A. Stoess C.E. amounting to $225.00 for preparing plans and specifications of the Cambie Street Bridge. Referred to the Board of Works.

From C.M. Fowler, late pound keeper, demanding a month’s salary for being discharged without thirty days’ notice. Referred to the City Solicitor.

From W.S. Gore Surveyor General stating that the parcel of land used as a cemetery will be officially reserved for that purpose, also stating that no Crown grant could be given for Lot 2, Block 2, O.G.T. Townsite pending the registration of the conveyances from the Municipality to the Crown of certain lands in 185. Referred to Finance Committee.

From G.E. Corbould Esq M.P. acknowledging the receipt of a resolution of Council re volunteers. Filed.

From James O’Connor, Thos. Shirley and Fred Giles in reference to the Police Magistrate. Referred to Police Committee.

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From E.A. Snyder asking for a culvert on Harris St. Referred to Board of Works.

From the Market Clerk furnishing his weekly reports. Filed.

From the Chief of Police giving weekly report on Street Lights. Filed

From F. C. Cotton Esq M.P.P. acknowledging the receipt of a resolution of Council re amendments to City Charter. Filed.

From Thos. H. Tracy stating that he would leave for Vancouver within a week after the 1st of April. Filed.

From A.G. Ferguson et al asking for a basement drain on Hastings Street from the Leland Hotel to Richards St. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Wm Webster Manager of the Union S.S. Co. stating that unless fresh arrangements are made at once relative to depositing garbage and night [sic] through the above company’s wharf the space will be closed. Referred to Health Committee and Solicitor.

From R.H. Wallace on behalf of the debating Society asking for the Market Hall on Saturday nights. Filed.

From E. Kingcombe et al asking for a sidewalk on Smythe Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From Chas. Hay et al asking for certain

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improvements on Burnaby Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Robt Marrion making suggestions to guard the public health. Referred to the Health Committee.

From H.B. Warren stating that he would continue to hold his services as Chief Engineer at the command of the Council and should claim damages against the City if the course indicated was persisted in.

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the communication be filed. Carried.
From James McPhee withdrawing his application to erect poles and string wires. Filed.

The following reports of Committees were read:

Market No 4

The Market Committee met on Friday March 20th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Godfrey, Brown and Brighouse.
The plans and specifications of the proposed exit to the City Market were received and on examination approved.
The City Clerk has been instructed to call for tenders for having the work carried out.
sgd A. Godfrey

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the Report of the Market Committee be adopted. Carried.

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License No 2

Your Licensing Board met on Thursday March 19th 1891 to consider the applications of Merrill and Harkness of the Germania Hotel for a transfer to John Williams, of Mr. McLeod as Landlord of said premises for a transfer of said license to him, and of R. Campbell of the What Cheer House for a transfer of that license to G.B. Scuitto. The City Solicitor furnished the Board with a full opinion re the claimants to the Germania Hotel license and in conformity with that opinion it was decided that the application of Messrs Merrill and Harkness for transfer to John Williams be entertained and confirmed and the application of Mr. McLeod be denied.
The application of R. Campbell transfering the license of the What Cheer House to G.B. Scuitto was granted.
The Board then adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
sgd A. Godfrey
for the Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That the Report of the Licensing Board be adopted. Carried

Works No 8

The Board of Works met on Thursday March 19th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Brown, Godfrey and Templeton.

It was recommended:
1. That Mr. Wm Crickmay’s tender for a 40 horse power Pelson Wheel complete with all fittings; also 275 feet of 9 in and 275 feet of 11 in wrought iron pipe and 650 feet of steel wire rope of 5/8 in diameter be accepted, de-

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livery to be made in one month in accordance with tender.

The tender was as follows:
40 horse power water wheel $425.00
275 feet 9 in wrought iron pipe 84 cts per ft
275 feet 11 in wrought iron pipe 95 ½ cts per ft
650 feet 5/8 in steel wire rope $82.00

2. That the following accounts be paid:
S.T. Tilley, stamps $3.00
Boyd & Clendenning, Abbott St. 372.37
McDonald & Barton, Labor 102.99
J. Romang et al, car fares 2.75
Rose & Marshall, Plumbing 7.50
H. McKie, Harris St. 1129.12
Woods, Turner & Gamble, Search 5.00
Boyd & Clendenning, Alberni St. 331.71
R.C.P. Mills Co, Lumber 19.82
D. Gibbons, Hastings Road 66.53
Robertson & Co, Labor 10.00
H. Connacher, Harris St. 93.31

3. That all petitions for street improvements be laid over until the estimates are being compiled.
sgd S. Brighouse

The Board met again on Tuesday March 31st 1891.

Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Brown, Templeton and Godfrey.

It was recommended:
1. That the accountant check Mr. Coulson’s account for machinery used in connection with the rock crusher and that the same be paid if found correct.
2. That Thos. Stephenson and J. Brenton be appointed temporarily to take charge of their respective departments pending the arrival of the new City Engineer and that A.K. Stuart be similarly appointed to take charge of the office.

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3. That all accounts for extra work on the sewer connections be submitted to the City Solicitor for his opinion.

4. That the following accounts be paid:
Matthew Kennedy on Bunker contract $61.00
Wm Thompson on Bunker contract 40.00
Boyd & Co, Thurlow St. 746.97
Boyd & Co, Princess St 928.32
Boyd & Co, Hornby St 410.72
Boyd & Co, Centre St 108.72
A. Parker, Salary 70.00
B. Romang et al, Labor 62.30

A communication was received from H.B. Warren protesting against the action of the Council in dismissing him and notifying the Board that he is prepared to carry on his duties as Chief Engineer and also notifying them of his intention to claim damages against the City. Filed.
sgd S. Brighouse

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 8

The Finance Committee met on Friday March 20th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Carroll and Scoullar.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Park Commissioners accounts
Board of Works accounts

Palmer Bros, Coal $14.00
J.A. Healey, Soliciting names 10.00
The communication from A. Tullis of

[Vol 4 page 275]

London England asking the Council to pay his salary as secretary to the Smelting Co out of funds forfeited by the City was received and the City Clerk instructed to inform him that the Council could not take any action in the matter.
sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

F W & L

The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Wednesday March 25 1891.
Present: Alderman Brighouse, Godfrey, Templeton and Brown.

It was recommended:

1. That the following accounts be paid:
H. McDowell & Co, Drugs $2.00
H.E. Langis, Med Attendance 5.00
Van Water Works Co 101.77
Palmer Bros, Coal 21.00

2. That 4 electric lights be installed in Fire Hall No 2 at a cost of $12.00 and a monthly rental of $11.60 for 16 candle power lights and that 10 lights be maintained at Fire Hall No 1 for a monthly rental of $17.00 as per offer from the Company.
The Estimates were submitted but were laid over for further consideration.
sgd Wm Templeton

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[Vol 4 page 276]

Health No 5

The Health Committee met on Wednesday March 25th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, Scoullar, Templeton and McDowell.

It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
J.R. Payne, Calsominning [sic] Hospital $35.00
Rose & Marshall, Plumbing 17.75
Wo Sing, Washing 27.05
Crean & Fleming, Boarding Kettleton 9.50
H.E. Langis, Attending Kettleton 12.50
Wm Williams, Nursing Kettleton 35.00
H.H. Layfield, Supplies 5.50
H. McDowell & Co, Supplies .80

2. That the salaries of Misses Woodward and Drummond, Nurses at the City Hospital be increased to $30.00 per month respectively

3. That the question of surface draining certain Blocks throughout the City be recommended to the favourable consideration of the Board of Works.

The communication from John Pentlow asking for an increase of salary and Mrs. Annie E. Webster asking an appropriation for the proposed hospital were laid over.

The Board then adjourned to meet on Friday April 3rd at 5 P.M.
sgd Wm Templeton
for Chairman

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Report of the Health Committee be adopted. Carried.

[Vol 4 page 277]

Park No 1
The Park Commissioners met on Tuesday March 17th 1891.
Present: Commissioners Costello and Tatlow. Tatlow in the Chair.
It was resolved:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Fewster & Co, Supplies $17.50
R.V. Winch, Supplies 2.00
Hayes & McIntosh, Supplies 2.50
Crowder & Penzer, Supplies 3.80
John Scuitto, Supplies 6.35
Hungerford et al, Labor 21.35
J. Mitchell, Blacksmithing X 10.00
Queen Bros, Teaming 35.00

2. That the Council be requested to place to the credit of the Park Commissioners the amount specified below to cover expenditures for maintenance and improvements in Stanley Park, Hastings Park and South Park viz:
Stanley Park
Maintenance $15.00
Improvements 15.00
Hastings and South Park
Improvements 25.00
Total $55.00

3. That the Park Horse be sold at once.

4. That the Council be urged to insist upon the speedy completion of the clearing now going on in the South Park to enable the Commissioners to proceed with improvements during the present year.

5. That the Council be requested to instruct the City Engineer to examine and report upon the most suitable location for a road leading from the present Government Road on the west side of Hastings Park across said park

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to the Government Road to New Westminster, said road to be so located as to connect with the clearing now in progress.
When such report is received and approved of that tenders be invited for carrying out the work.
sgd Thos. F. McGuigan

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Report of the Park Commissioners be adopted. Carried.

Police No 5
The Police Committee met on Wednesday March 25th 1891.
Present: Aldermen DePencier, McDowell, Hobson, Scoullar and Carroll.

It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Crowder & Penzer, Hay $1.70
S.T. Tilley, Book 1.00
John McLaren, Ry fares 3.00
D. Bell-Irving, Med attendance 10.00

2. That the communications from John McCulloch, James O’Connor and Robert C. Bucknal re the Police Magistrate be filed.

3. That Wm Murphy be awarded the tender for the supplying of Police uniforms as per sample A1 at the following rates:
For officers’ suits $30.00 each
Sergeants’ suits 35.00
Chiefs’ suits 42.50
Helmets at catalogue prices with freight and duty added.
The Police Magistrate appeared before your

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Board and asked that his salary be increased to $2700 per year and the removal of the restrictions in the way of practising in the courts.

While your Board is not inclined to recommend an increase of salary, we would recommend that the restrictions imposed be removed insofar as they relate to cases in which the City is not concerned but that neither he nor his partner be allowed to practice in the Police Court.

The following Estimates were laid before your Board:
John McLaren $1200
V.W. Haywood 960
Thos. Crawford 840
J. Gibson 840
J.W. Johnson 840
J.H. Grady 840
S. North 820
J. Eligh 810
J. McKeown 820
E. Harris 634.25
Mr. G. McLeod 720
John Clough 300
M. McLean 120
J.H. Hallet 1500
Uniforms 1250
Board of Prisoners 1500
Transport Prisoners 250
Contingent 1000
Total 15244.25

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That the sum of $540.00 be added to the Estimates to allow of an increase of salary for the Chief of Police and Sergeant, amounting to $25.00 and $20.00 per month respectively. Carried.
The Estimates were then adopted and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration.
A.W. Scoullar
for Chairman

[Vol 4 page 280]
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Report of the Police Committee be adopted. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the Market Hall be granted free of charge to the Debating Society free of charge on Saturday nights. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That the City Clerk be instructed to reply to the communication from Wm Webster informing him that the City will require a month’s notice before the present arrangements with his company can be annulled. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the By-Law governing the storage of inflammable materials be read a second time. Carried.
The By-Law was read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law. Carried.
Alderman Templeton was appointed Chairman.

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Several of the clauses of the By-Law was [sic] read over, after which it was moved by Alderman McDowell, seconded by Alderman Brown
That the Committee rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the amendments to the Pound By-Law be read a second time. Carried.
The By-Law was accordingly read.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law. Carried.

Alderman McDowell was appointed Chairman.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and passed without amendment.

The Committee then rose and reported the By-Law complete.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the By-Law be read a third time. Carried.

Note of Motion

Alderman Templeton gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce the following resolution:

Whereas it is deemed expedient and necessary that the City of Vancouver should have for the use and benefit of its citizens a wharf and landing place on the water front of said City
And whereas at the present time the only available water front is occupied by private individuals to the detriment of the City’s interest in such relation

[Vol 4 page 282]

Therefore be it resolved that the Council do forthwith give notice in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Vancouver City Incorporation Act and amending acts to all parties interested in the premises, that proper application will be made under said acts for the due appointment of arbitrators to fix and determine the price or compensation to be allowed by this City for any and all property that may be needed by this Council for the proper construction and maintenance of a public wharf or wharves and for the necessary approaches thereto.

And be it further resolved that the grounds property or parts of properties needed by this Council and which it is intended shall be expropriated for the purposes and in the manner above set forth includes and comprises:
1. The extension of Cambie Street north to deep water including any wharf or portion of wharf or other structure now comprised within the proposed extension.
2. The extension of Abbott Street north full width to the outer northern limit of the present existing wharf.
3. The extension of Carroll Street north full width to the outer or northern limit of the structure now erected on the continuation of said street.
4. The extension of Columbia Avenue full width to a point in line with the outer limit of the City Wharf produced easterly until it intersects Westminster Avenue produced northerly.
5. The extension of Westminster Avenue northerly through lots 43 & 44, in Block 1 in District Lot 196, thence northerly until it intersects an easterly and westerly line running from the outer limits of the present City Wharf produced easterly.
And be it further resolved that all proper and legal notices to all interested be drawn

[Vol 4 page 283]

up and served by the proper officials in conformity with our Act of Incorporation in respect of the subject matter of this resolution.
The Council then adjourned.
A.W. Scoullar
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk