Council will meet again on Thursday to consider 1892 budget – May 9, 1892

Lawyer J.J. Blake informed council that his client Mrs. Mary Winch had a $300 mortgage on the Hose Wagon. Officer O’Grady was granted $15.00 for a suit of clothing, and (cemetery groundskeeper) Mr. Alex McDonald’s salary was raised by $10.00 per month. City dump and garbage burning supervisors Champion and White’s salaries were also raised by a total of $25.00 per month.

This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer Krystyna Richards

original handwritten minutes
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 770-777

[vol 4 pg] 770

Vancouver May9th 1892.
The Council met on Monday May 9th 1892.
Present. His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Anderson, Connon, Scoullar, Collins, McGuigan, McCraney, Odlum, Franklin, Miles and Gavin.
The minutes of last meeting were read + adopted.

The following Communications were received and read:
From Henry Corn etal asking for sidewalks on 8th + 9th Av.
Referred to Board of Works.

From the Reading Room + Free Library asking for an additional grant.
Laid over for Estimates to be considered

From Angus McAlister, and others asking for water on Hornby Street.
Referred to Board of Works.

From G. L. Thomas asking for submitting weekly Report on the Market.
From A.E. Beck, Dep Registrar of the County Court garnisheeing the money of J. R. Winch.
Referred to F.W.+L. Committee

From the Midnight Adieu Club asking for the use of the Market Hall for the 20th inst for a Ball in aid of the Alexandra Hospital.
Moved by Alderman Connon
Seconded by ” Odlum
That the Hall be granted to the said Club free of Charge.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Collins
Seconded by Alderman McCraney

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That the Hall be granted for a fee of ten dollars.
From Stanley James asking for an increase of Salary.
Laid over for Estimates

From the City Auditor submitting Report for March.
From J. Huntly enclosing, a Communication from the Lepers of Darcy Island, asking to be sent to China.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From James + Richards, asking for the grade of the sidewalk to be raised on Hastings Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From H. McDowell asking for the City Hall for a meeting of the Pharmaceutical Association on the 9th of June.

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by ” Collins
That his request be granted.

From S.H. Ramage etal pressing to have the name of Oppenheimer Street changed to Cordova.

From Thos+Lee on behalf of the Zion Church giving notice that they would not require the Market Hall after June 1st.

From M.H. Hirschberg, Clerk of North Vancouver asking that a meeting be arranged to consider J.F. Garden’s report on the Capilano Road.
Referred to the F.W.+L. Committees
From C. Tetley Submitting pay roll for the Water Works employees for April, the amount being in all $1100.55.
Moved by Alderman Franklin

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Seconded by Alderman Connon
That the amount be paid.
From J. J. Blake notifying Council that his client Mrs. Mary Winch had a $300.00 mortgage on the Hose Wagon.
Referred to the F.W.+L. Committee

From John Lovett asking to be allowed to run his Cattle on Fairview.
Referred to Police Committee

From J. W. Jackson etal asking for Water on 7th Av.
Referred to F.W.+L. Committee

From Jos. Huntly making report on Slaughter Houses.

From John McLaren reporting on the Streets.

The following Reports were received and read:-
Special Committee

The Committee appointed to purchase Lots for Fire Hall purposes on Mount Pleasant met on May 4th 1892.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Franklin, Anderson, and McCraney.
After looking over the different sites offered the Committee agreed to purchase Lot 12, Block 51. 200 a for $70000 and Lot 11. Block 51 for $800oo the former from Thos. Dunn and the latter from Douglas + Co.
The Committee also decided to recommend the purchase of Lots 30+31. Block 10. 196 for $320000
sgd J. L. Franklin

[vol 4 pg] 773

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by ” McGuigan
That the report be adopted as read.
Moved in amendment by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by Alderman Collins
That the first portion of the Report be adopted.
Motion Carried.

Board of Works Report:

The Board of Works met on Thursday May 6th 1892. Present Aldermen McCraney, Connon Gavin, Franklin and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1. That Mr. A.E. McCartney be informed that the F.W.+L. Committee will take up at its next meeting the consideration of the location of the new road from North Vancouver to the Dam.

2. That the Fire Inspector be instructed to see that J. M. Holland, has the cornice on his new building corner of Water and Cordova Streets covered with galvanized iron, and all the bay windows with fire proof paint, also that the fire inspector be instructed to strictly enforce Clause 2 of the Fire Limit By-Law, and that a printed form be drawn up for signiture [sic] in each case in which, a permit is given, by the City Engineer.

3. That the Police Committee be requested to see that Clauses 2+3 of the By-Laws for regulating Streets and sidewalks be strictly enforced.

4. That the Vancouver Electric Railway + Light Co. be requested to furnish this Board with a resolution properly drawn up consenting to the connections and turnouts +c proposed to be made by the W.+V. Tramway Co. in their

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Communication of April 13th last said resolution to be kept on file.

5. That the stumps and logs along Venables Street + Park Drive to City Limits be burned off by day work under the direction of the City Engineer

6. That the City Engineer by authorized to get 10 Carloads of Yale Gravel for use on Streets

7. That the following tenders be accepted:-
Granville Street Sidewalk Bailey
Richards ” ” do.
Nelson St. W. Jones
Quebec St. grading Thos Thomas

8. That the following tenders be held over some being too high:-
Boundary Av. grading
Dufferin Street “
Alberni St “

9. That the following tenders be invited returnable May 12th at noon:-
Grading lanes in Blocks 6 + 20. 185
” ” ” ” 7 + 21. 185

10. That the following accounts be paid:-
J. Foster Lanes $180.00
Gibbons + Meyers. 8th Av. 320.00
W.H. Fraser Hospital 669.37
J. Telford. Scotia St. 99.00
J. Telford. Nelson St. 60.00
Gibbons + Meyers Lanes 46.95
T. Thomas 14th + 15th Avs. 189.00
D.H. Morgan. Prior St. 315.00
S.T. Tilley & Son. Stationery 5.90
Fraser + Co. Supplies .40
Gurney Cab Co. Drayage .75

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C. P. Ry Co. freight $19.00
Leamy + Kyle, Wood 54.81
H. Lomas etal Labor 772.10
sgd H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by ” McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Report:

The Finance Committee met on Friday May 6th 1892.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, McGuigan, Odlum and Mills.
It was recommended:-
1. That Champion + Whites salary be increased by $2500 per month dating from the 1st of June.

2. That fund sufficient to be placed to the credit of the Park Commissioners to pay $266.00 and that said amount be deducted from the amount placed to their credit in the Estimates.

3. That Alex McDonald’s salary be increased by $10.00 per moth dating from May 1st 1892.

4. That a By-Law be submitted to the people to provide for the purchase of Block 48. D.L. 541. for City Hall purposes.
Alderman McGuigan objected

5. That the following accounts be paid:-
S. T. Tilley + Son. Stationery $10.40
Ideal Grocery. Supplies. 5.50
Marshall + McRae. ” 14.20
S. T Tilley + Son. ” 5.90
The Estimates were finally completed and are herewith referred to Council for adoption.
sgd. R.A. Anderson, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by ” McGuigan
That the Council to into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Report.
Alderman Connon was appointed Chairman.
The Report was read over clause by clause.
It was moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That the Estimates by laid over to be considered at an adjourned meeting
The Committee then rose without reporting

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by ” Mills
That the clause relating to the purchase of Block 48.451 be struck out.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by ” Franklin.
That the balance of the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by ” McCraney
That an order be granted for the sum of $15.00 to purchase a suit of Clothes for Officer Grady and that the amount be charged to the Police Estimate.

Notices of By-Laws.

The following Notices of By-Laws were given:-

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(1) From Alderman Collins for the purchase of Block 48. D. L. 541.

(2) From Alderman Anderson to strike the rates for 1892.

(3) From Alderman Franklin to enforce the Cutting Clearing etc of Certain Blocks in D.L. 185.

(4) From Alderman McCraney to raise by way for loan on the credit of the City the sum of $ (no amount given) for the purpose of paying one third of the cost of Certain Local Improvements to the following streets by paving, etc. under the provisions of Section 202, Vancouver Incorporation Act 1886 and Amendment Act 1892 viz:-
Cordova Street from Carrall to Granville
Hastings St from Cambie to Gravely
Cambie St from Water St to S. Side of Hastings
Abbott St from Water St to Hastings
Carrall Street from Water to Dupont:
Also to raise a sum for the improvement of the above names Streets said sum and interest to be repaid by an, annual special tax on the frontage benefited by such improvements.

The Council then adjourned to meet on Thursday at 7.30 P.M.

F. Cope

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk