Road to Hastings Mill in Poor Condition – May 13, 1895

Hastings Mill - detail - cropped from 1898 Van Pan Map

Mr. C. M. Beecher wrote to Council regarding the poor condition of Dunlevy Avenue leading to Hastings Mill (pictured above). S.H. Boardman etal asking for a small culvert across the ravine at 6th Av Fairview west of Cedar Street W. K. Mason’s dairy to supply milk to the City at 16 3/4 cents per gallon. The question of liability for the scow load of gravel accidentally dumped into False Creek was referred to the City Solicitor.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon.

Illustration: detail of Hastings Mill 1898 on Wikimedia Commons (originally from Library and Archives Canada online database)

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 Volume 6 pages 569 – 579
to see or download photos of the original pages from May 13th 1896 click the buttons below:

[Volume 6 page] 569

Vancouver May 13th 1895
The Council met on Monday May 13th 1895
Present – His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Gallagher, Queen, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Thomas, W. P. Brown and Bethune

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From C. M. Beecher, B. C. Mills, drawing attention to the condition of Dunlevy Avenue leading to Hastings Mill.
Referred to the Board of Works

From G. S. Gore, Surveyor General stating that the Government would fix the road leading to the cemetery when funds were available. Filed.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed

From Abray & Wellington asking that a new side be built around the Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Referred to the Board of Works

From James England on behalf of the orphans and thanking the Council for placing an amount in the Estimates for them. Filed

From John Devine claiming that property on Oppenheimer Street and Keefer was being destroyed.
Referred to the Police Committee

[Volume 6 page] 570

The following were received and read:-

Water Committee

The Water Committee met on Wednesday May 8th 1895
Present – Aldermen Wm Brown, Bethune, McCraney, Coupland and Gallagher


From J. W. McFarland and C. E. Tisdall asking to have street lights removed from Alberni Street to the corner of Burrard and Georgia. Laid over

From W. T. Steward asking if the Committee will accept his tender for electric lighting if it is the lowest.
Resolved that he be informed that when tenders are received the Committee intends to deal with them in what they consider to be in the best interests of the City

From S. H. Boardman etal asking to have water pipes extended on 6th Av.
Laid over for the Secretary to examine and report.

It was resolved to give Dr. I. W. Powell a note of $20.00 per month for two years for an elevator for the Inns of Court building.

The foreman’s report of work done during the month of April was received and filed.

It was resolved to order one bilge pump and one pressure pump.

It was resolved to call for tenders for finding the Reservoir, tenders to be in by 12 o’clock noon on Monday May 21st 1895.

It was resolved to put S. Madison, foreman

[Volume 6 page] 571

on the monthly payroll at $65.00 per month to date from May 6th 1895.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
B. F. Henry Lines $2.50
John Boyd & Co Supplies 52.75
Clark & Stuart Stamps etc 3.50
B. C. M. T. & T. Co Supplies 2.50
Geo Cassidy & Co “ 5.46
Con Ry & L Co “ 1681.77
W. B. Harris Repairs 9.00
Dunn & Co “ 7.30
Van City Iron Works “ 127.40
McLennan & McFeely “ 1.00
Hooper etal Labor 433.85

sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Thomas
Seconded by “ W. P. Brown
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday May 9th 1895
Present the full Board


From St . George & Co. agents stating that the Heaman sprinkler for duplicate of which the City has let a contract to Messrs Dunlop & Cook is patented

Resolved that a copy of this letter be sent to the contractors

[Volume 6 page] 572

From the City Solicitor reporting on the question of the Scowload of rock lost in False Creek stating that in his opinion Cook the Contractor for the delivery of the rock was liable.

From Dr Kendall submitting a bill for lumber for repairs to scow.

Resolved that all bills including that of cost of recovering the rock be sent to the City Solicitor for his opinion as to who is liable for same and that Mr Cook be requested to call upon the City Solicitor and tell him all he knows about the matter.

From D. McGillivray, Contactor for paving, stating that he will be ready for crushed rock in a few days.
Contractor notified and letter filed for reference.

From F. S. Barnard asking that ½ the cost of cutting grading and filling be paid for by the City on Robson Street extension Filed

From S. M. Eveleigh applying for inspectorship on Street paving. Filed

From Major & Eldridge referring to a dangerous cedar tree on Lot close to Hastings road and asking that it be removed.
Resolved that they be informed that if it is not on the street the City has no control over the matter.

Several petitions for street improvements were laid over for later consideration.

A petition for grading and sidewalk on 12th Av was referred to Alderman W.P. Brown

From C. E. Tisdall and J. W. McFarland asking

[Volume 6 page] 573

that the spaces under the sidewalks at Christ Church be filled in with spare earth.
Resolved that the City Engineer be authorized to send any spare earth from Granville Street for this purpose

From Geo Martin, C. M. C. South Vancouver in reference to the bad state of the Westminster Road to City Boundary.

Resolved that this portion of road be repaired and that the City Clerk be requested to write to the Provincial Authorities to place in repair the remainder of the road through D. L.301 to the boundary of South Vancouver Municipality on the road to the Cemetery and between on the road to Westminster.

From S.H. Boardman etal asking for a small culvert across the ravine at 6th Av Fairview west of Cedar Street
Resolved that the Ward foreman for the Ward attend to this

Resolved that the City Engineer be authorized to make arrangements with Messrs Evans, Coleman & Evans for all Vitrified pipe and functions required for sewer to be put in Blocks 8 & 22, D. L. 185 that is if they will supply them at the old costs.

For balance of Report see next page

[Volume 6 page] 574

Resolved that the plans submitted by Messrs Garden, Hermon & Burwell in connection with the Robson Street extension of the Street Railway be approved and the City Engineer be empowered to sign same, also resolved that the Street Ry Co be permitted to run their track straight on Robson Street where the 3 ft. jog occurs at Burrard St.

Resolved also that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare an estimate of the probable cost of the Robson Street extension and have some ready for Monday night’s Council meeting.


Resolved that tenders be called up to 4 P. M. on Thursday the 23rd next for the following new work:-

  1. 6 ft sidewalk on Bute Street east side from Comox to Pendrell and down on the North side of Pendrell to join the existing walk
  2. Westminster Avenue filling at sides between the bridge and Lorne Street
  3. 6 ft walk on Smythe Street on the south end from Homer to Cambie and crossings
  4. Dundas Street grading 40 ft wide from Powell Street to Government Road at City Limits
  5. Barnard Street cut on North side between Hawkes and Campbell and filling in as far as Raymur and Culvert.
  6. Dunlevy Avenue. 6 ft walk E side between Keefer and Princess.
  7. 7 8’ Sewer in Block 8 & 22, D.L. 185

Day Work

That the following be done by day work:-
Beach Av. Old sidewalk removed from Barclay

[Volume 6 page] 575

Street and placed on Beach Avenue at Nicola Street as far as it will go.
Smith Av 3 plank sidewalk on the south side from Ontario Street West two blocks.
Raymur Av. 3 plank walk from Hastings St to Laneway

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
C. F. Foreman $2.95
E. Denton 3.25
Cassady & Co. 178.84
Clark & Stuart 6.53
Champion & White 35.
Fulthorpe .75
Crowder & Penzer 12.00
McLennan & McFeely 8.00
W. H. Kendall 1427.40
W. S. Cook 430.49
Bazaar Store 50
Pay Roll 910.80

sgd H.P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the Clause in the Report relating to the construction of a sidewalk on 9th Av be referred back. Carried

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Shaw
That the Report as amended be adopted

[Volume 6 page] 576

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday the 11th day of May 1895.
Present – Aldermen McCraney, Gallagher, Coupland, and Wm BRwon.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Crowder & Penzer Supplies $41.86
Clark & Stuart “ 26.77
Telephone Co. Rents 37.80
C. P. Telegraph Co Telegram 2.21


From A & B Macgowan asking for a share of the City Insurance Filed

From J. T. Brown President of the Alexandra Orphanage asking for the first quarter of the grant made by the City Council.
That the request be granted and that the money be paid through James England

That the Board of Works be requested to have four maps mounted showing the location of Streets, sewers lights hydrants etc

That applications be called for two Assessors for the City of Vancouver, said applications to be received up to the 27th next.

sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Thomas
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 6 page] 577

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Monday May 13th 1890
Present – Aldermen McPhaiden Wm Brown Shaw and Queen


From A.W. Scoullar reported defects in the Kitchen and water closets in the Manor House
That the proprietor be instructed to connect the water closets with the tanks and made good the defects.

The following tenders were received for supplying milk:-
Ewan McLeod 17 cts per gallon

W. Caucollen 17 ¾ “ “
W. H. Mason 16 ½ “ “
J. Jones 19 “ “
S. Gorman 18 ¾ “ “
F. Ellison 17 ½ “ “
J. Wolfe 17 ½ “ “
Geo Emery 17 “ “ to Nov
do. 20 to March

That W. K. Mason’s tender be accepted

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Geo Cassidy & Co supplies $19.15
C. F. Foreman “ 9.62
C. Nelson “ 2.65
Clark & Stuart “ 4.28
C. Nelson “ 80.48
Provincial Govt. Clearcut Work 1.80

[Volume 6 page] 578

Champion & White Scavengering $4.50
Wm Ralph supplies 6.75
G. I. Wilson “ 13.00
Gas Co. “ 1.25
J. James “ 40.15
Mc Lennan & Mc Feely “ .50
Champion & White “ 5.50
Weeks & Robson “ 1.50
J. Dodson “ 16.00
C. Nelson “ 35
C. F. Foreman “ 71.22
J. C. Woodrow “ 54.28
Dr. Bell Irving Med Ex 35.
Dr. Thomas “ “ 26.
M. J. James Wood 109.60
Crowder & Penzer Coal 11.38
E. P. Fewster Supplies 12.25
Crowder & Penzer “ 49.30
Hudson’s Bay Co. “ 9.80
Mrs J. W. Smith “ 50.14
Thos Frizzell Gardening 51.30

sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted

[Volume 6 page] 579


Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by Coupland
That the City Solicitor be asked to report in writing in what manner if any Barber Shops can be compelled to close their shops on Sundays.

The Council then adjourned

Henry Collins

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk