Cemetery needs draining, fence repair – May 14, 1894

Cemetery needs draining, fence repair – May 14, 1894

Cemetery caretaker Alexander McDonald reported cemetery needed both drainage and repair of the north fence. Miss R. McDowell hired as a nurse at only $10 per month. The Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Company advised it may not put up any more electric light poles without prior permission from Council.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Illustration: Vancouver Archives Item Dist P9
[The first caretaker’s cottage at Mountain View Cemetery
near Bodwell Road (33rd Ave) and North Road (Fraser St).
Photo shows Mrs. Alex McDonald holding a child.]

Original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 73-80

[Volume 6 Page 73]

Vancouver May 14th 1894

The Council met on Monday May 7th 1894 at 8pm.

Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Alderman Salsbury, Shaw, Queen McDowell, McCraney, McPhaiden, William Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From G.W. Hobson, Secretary of the Fire Underwriters stating that if a license were imposed on the {Insurance} Companies, the rates would be raised 7.5%. Laid over.

From H.B. Small, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture stating that the $1000 granted for the keep of lepers was not intended for Victoria alone. The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with Victoria on the subject.

From Howard Kent asking for permission to cut wood on the Cemetery Grounds. Referred to the Board of Health.

From Mrs. R.H. Payne asking for the permanent grade of her lot [on Barnard Street]. Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Grant asking for improvements on Robson Street {asking that the chain gang be ordered to remove stumps from Robson below Nicola}. Referred to the Board of Works.

From E.H. Downing asking to be allowed to ply his trade as plumber until the end of the fiscal year without a license. Referred to the Police Committee.

[Volume 6 page 74]

From James Hartney, etal, asking for the improvement of Powell Street to the City Boundary. Referred to the Board of Works.

From H.T. Ceperley offering to sell the arc lighting plant for $53,412. {Including three 50 light arc dynamos, 142 arc lamps, hoods, cutouts, arc lines & polies, seven circuits, 40 miles long, arc testing room and sundries, 2 boilers, 2 engines, electrical equipment, buggy and 2 horses, supplies 32 lamps, globes, arc station and arc sundries, subject to mutual use of poles where such are now used for both arc and incandescent wires}. Referred to the Fire & Light Committee.

The following Reports were received and read.

Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Friday May 11th 1894.
Present – Aldermen Salsbury, McDowell, McPhaiden and William Brown

From Miss Macfie furnishing Hospital Report for April. Filed.

From Miss Macfie stating that she had engaged Miss R. McDowell as nurse in the City Hospital at a salary of $10 a month in place of Miss Devine, resigned.

Appointment confirmed, engagement to date from time of appointment by matron.

From the Department of Agriculture stating that the $1000 granted by the Dominion Government was not for Victoria but was intended to cover the expenses of lepers in British Columbia. Referred to the Council.

From Donald Smith, Secretary of the Nanaimo Hospital stating that they were receiving $10.00 a week from the Dominion Government for the Board and Medical Attendance of sick mariners in the hospital. Filed.

[Volume 6 page 75]

From H.T. Adams, Caretaker of the Crematory asking for an addition to his salary sufficient to pay extra help. Referred to Alderman William Brown to interview him.

From Alex McDonald, Caretaker of the Cemetery asking for help for the summer. Laid over.

From Theodore Horrobin, etal, insisting upon the removal of the Crematory. Laid over.

From Alex McDonald, Caretaker of the Cemetery asking for certain notices for the Cemetery. Laid over pending amendments to the Cemetery By-Law.

From Alexander McDonald, calling attention to the necessity of draining the cemetery grounds and repairing the north fence. Laid over.

From Ernest Cooper enclosing a copy of the National Life Boat Association Rules for the treatment of the apparently drowned and asking that copies be printed and posted upon the different boathouses, wharves, etc. Laid over.

From J.R. Anderson, Statistician Victoria, stating that cows on Lulu Island wee suffering from big jaw or tumor which had a deleterious effect on the milk, said information being given in order that the City might take steps for the protection of the Public Health.

The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with Mr. Anderson to get more definite information on the subject.

That the Cemetery Caretaker be allowed the disinfectants he requires.

That James Reith be appointed caretaker of the Isolation Hospital at a salary of $50 per month

[Volume 6 page 76]

Dating from the termination of his last engagement.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
A.E.Somerton labor $17.65
Crowder & Penzer supplies $14.24
C.S. Philp supplies $34.66
J.C. Douglas supplies $10.00
McLennan & McFeely “ $11.50 + .75
J. Mitchell repairs $1.80
M.S. Rose repairs $5.25
Filion supplies $9.08 + 51.95
City Printing Works supplies $5.00
D.H. Wilson med attendance $5.00
T. Windebank teaming $6.75
C. Nelson supplies $81.48
G.L. Allan supplies $3.00
W.D. Brydone-Jack Post-mortem $10.00
W.H. DeBow supplies $40.59
Champion & White hauling etc $26.00
W. Kirby hauling etc $.50
A. Cecil Green labor $2.15
W.A. McIntosh & Co supplies $1.34
B.C. Iron Works supplies $138.00
Mrs. McCool supplies $1.25
CPR Co supplies $16.00
Mellish & Gray supplies $141.87
F. Filion supplies $73.14
J.W. Burrell repairs $2.90
Pioneer Steam Laundry washing $68.06
Lockhart & Center burials $26.70
William Ralph repairs $3.70

Signed John McDowell, Chairman
The Report was adopted on motion of Alderman William Brown, seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown

[Volume 6 page 77]

Fire & Light Committee
The Fire & Light Committee met on Wednesday May 9th 1894. Present: Alderman Franklin, Shaw and Bethune.

From the City Engineer reporting upon the water power of the Capilano and other streams. Laid over.

From J. Buntzen, Business Manager of the Vancouver Electric Railway & Light Co stating that they had ordered a number of meters, and asking whether the contracts for lighting the Fire Halls would be temporarily renewed until their arrival.
Resolved that the present contracts remain in force until the arrival of the meters.

The following applications were received to fill the position of fireman left vacant through the absence of fireman Biggar: Stephen, T. Gardner, John Horrobin, Alex McFarlane, Thomas Holland and J.A. Lester.

Resolved that J.A. Lester be appointed at a salary of $45 per month dating from the 1st instant.

Resolved that 2 gauges be ordered for the Fire Halls and that the duty be paid on zincs and collars ordered on arrival.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Welsh BrP. Supplies $95.99
A.McDowell & Co supplies $5.40
F. Filion supplies $14.02
Van Elec Ry & L Co lights $1801.19
Wm Ralph supplies $9.10
James Carnahan scavengering (sic) $1.50
London Carriage Works repairs $5.50
Crowder & Penzer supplies $20.91

[Volume 6 Page 78]

Johnson Gibbins attendance on horses $5.00
McLennan & McFeely supplies $12.40

Signed J.L. Franklin, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday May 11th 1894.
Present: the full Board

The following Insurances were renewed on the City Hospital extending over a period of 3 years:
Porvis & Whitehead $3000
Carles E. Hope $3000
Robert Ward & Co $3000

From E.C. Cargill & Co asking for assistance in erecting a flouring mill in the City.
Resolved That they be given free water and exemption from taxation for ten years on condition that only white labor is employed.

From D. McGillivray submitting figures for laying a street railway on Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall Streets. Laid over.

Resolved. That the Mayor City Clerk and Finance Committee be authorized to sign a note for $10,000 on behalf of the City of Vancouver bearing interest at 5% per annum, said note being drawn under authority of By-Law No 198, passed on the 3rd day of March 1894.

[Volume 6 Page 79]

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Telephone Co rents $35.30
CP Telegraph Co telegrams $6.46
The Shareholder ads $35.30
Signed W.F. Salsbury, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden

That the clause in the Report in reference to Insurances be struck out. Carried.

Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by Alderman Queen
That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by Alderman Salsbury

That the By-Law providing funds for clearing in 185 be read a first time. Carried.
The By-Law was accordingly read a first time. Carried.
The By-Law was read a 2nd time.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
That the City Clerk be refunded the sum of $2.00 paid out by him to the butcher of the SS Warrimoo for bringing over 4 Laughing Jackasses {duties on the laughing jackasses from Australia were ordered to be paid}. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman William Brown

[Volume 6 Page 80]

That the Board of Works Pay Roll for week ending May 9th amounting to $161.60 be passed for payment. Carried.

Moved by Alderman William Brown
Seconded by Alderman McCraney
That the Water Works Pay Roll for the week ending May 7th amounting to $189.05 be passed for payment. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That notice be given to the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co that no more poles can be erected in the City by the Company for purposes of electric lighting without the City’s permission. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman Shaw
That the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to furnish the Committee with a report upon the companies (sic) plant and assets and a full inventory of same with estimated value, and to employ an electrician to cooperate with him if necessary. Carried

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman Queen
That the By-Law repealing By-Law No. 22 be read a 2nd time. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan R.A. Anderson
City Clerk Mayor

Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; The City Council column, May 15, 1894, pg 3.