Wash Houses locations to be strictly regulated – May 15, 1893

Wash Houses locations to be strictly regulated – May 15, 1893

A petition from A. St. George and others “confirming wash houses within certain limits” led to a by-law being formed, read three times, and finalized during the meeting. Council “regrets the action” of the School Board’s criticism of Council’s decision not put forward a by-law for more school building, and insists the present accommodations “is ample.” Any City cheques payable to The Monitor printing and publishing company will be diverted to cover their overdue water rates (taxes).

This transcript was made in 2019 by Krystyna Richards

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo SGN 435
[Wah Chong family outside laundry business on Water Street]

photo of original handwritten minutes here: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 415-422

[Page 415]
Vancouver May 15th 1893

The Council met on Monday May 15th 1893 at 8pm.
Present. His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Towler.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.


From E.E. Penzer etal, asking for a public sewer between Nelson and Comox Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From James Illingsworth etal, asking to be informed what action had been taken in regard to the Beattie matter.
Referred to the Police and Market Committee

From the City Auditor, accepting $60 a month for doing all City auditing.

From A. St.George etal, asking the Council to take steps to prevent the erection of a wash house on Ninth Av. Mount Pleasant.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From George Kemp etal, asking for the grading of 8th Av. one block.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were considered.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday May 12th 1893.
Present. Aldermen Collins (in the chair), Hobson and Cargill.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following Accounts be paid:-
The World P&P Co. Advertising $45.74
News Advertiser “ 90.60

[Page 416]

A. St.G Hamersley Disbursements 68.00
Van Elec. Ry&L Co. Tickets 10.50
Wellington Coal Yards Supplies 52.09
S.T. Tilley & Son. “ “ 26.35
Telephone Co. Telephones 39.80
Bank of Montreal Insurance of Bonds 30.40
Thos. Clough Drayage 3.00
F.W. Hart Supplies 4.50
D. McRae Supplies 6.00
Rounsefell etal Deputy Returning Officers 40.00
E. Clough Drayage 10.00
A. St. G Hamersley Law Costs B.I & F.V. Ry 832.00
Reading Room Grant 1000.00

2. That the monies applied for to be loaned from the Sinking Fund be given subject to the sureties being found satisfactory and that H.P. McCraney be appointed Valuator without salary.
3. That the salary of the Auditor be fixed at $60.00 per month for all City auditing and that the present Auditor be offered that amount and if he declines to accept; that some other person be appointed.
Sgd. H. Collins
Chairman protem
Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Report be adopted as read with the exception of the item relating to the payment of $832.00 to A. St.G. Hamersley which will be paid if on examination it is found correct and satisfactory to C. D. Rand President of the Burrard Inlet and Fraser Valley Railway Co.

F. W & L Committee
The F.W & L Committee met on Wednesday May 10th 1893.
Present. Aldermen Franklin, Hackett, Salsbury, Cargill and Towler.
It was recommended:
1. That S. Kerfoot etal who applied for an electric

[Page 417]

light on Westminster Road near the City Boundary be informed that the City has decided not to place any more lights until next Fall when the petition will be considered.

2. That the tender of the B.C. Ironworks for making a cast iron flexible main for the narrows be accepted, the figure being $3.50 per 100lbs, as the pipes will be made in the City and under the supervision of the City Engineer.

3. That the secretary be instructed to reply to the communication from the B.C. Sugar Refining Co, dated the 5th of May to the effect that the Board recognizes the fact that the City has undertaken to provide water used in connection with the Sugar Refining business but that such cannot be construed to include any water used for power purposes.

4. That the following accounts be paid:-
Crowder & Penzer Supplies $37.11
McLennan & McFeely “ 11.54
C.F. Foreman “ 1.55
Creamer & Langley “ 325.63
B.C. Iron Works Co. “ 62.77
McLennan & McFeely “ 8.06
Russell, McDonald & Co. “ 4.25
G.H. Bazley Horse shoeing 9.50
Godfrey & Co. Supplies 4.51
Crowder & Penzer “ 120.08
Thos Dunn & Co. “ 2.65
Van Elec Ry & L. Co. Lights etc 1440.05
C.F. Foreman Supplies 13.49
W. Hooper etal Labor 325.65
sgd. J.L. Franklin

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the Report be adopted.

[page 418]

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Friday May 11th 1893.
Present. Aldermen McCraney, Franklin, Brown, Hackett and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-
1. That the communication from Wm. Frodsham asking for the removal of stumps etc off his lots be referred to the City Engineer for attention.
2. That the Communication from J.R. Defoe asking for a sidewalk on Alberni Street be referred to the Street Inspector to move the 3 plank sidewalk which is now being replaced to where it is needed.
3. That the Communication from Mrs F.E. Hill etal, asking that the crossing on Thurlow and Pender St be replaced be referred to the City Engineer for immediate attention.
4. That the matter of seeing the conditions of D. McGillivray’s contract carried out be referred to the City Engineer to see them carried out as far as possible.
5. That the sidewalk petitioned for by J. Wolfer etal on Seymour Street be included among the new work for which tenders are to be called.
6. That the petition from W.S. Westcott for a sidewalk on 5th Av be referred to the Street Inspector to furnish old plank as soon as possible.
7. That the petition from Kerfoot etal for a sidewalk on 15th Av be referred to the Street Inspector to furnish old plank as soon as possible, the petitioners to do the work themselves.
8. That the petition from James Nash etal, asking for the opening up of Barnard Street be referred to the City Engineer to report on the case.
9. That the Municipality of South Vancouver be paid

page 419

to fill in on Centre Street within the City Limits, subject to the grades being satisfactory to the City Engineer.

9 That the Vancouver Elec. Ry & L Co be permitted to extend their track along Robson Street to Stanley Park and along Powell Street to the City Limits under their existing agreement with the City.

10. That the City Engineer be instructed to examine and report upon the probable cost of repairs to the bridge crossing Coal Harbour; also that he see Mr Browning with a view to the survey of Heather Street to the City Limits.

11. That tenders be called for the following work up to 3 P.M on Thursday the 25th inst:-
Seymour Street 6ft sidewalk between Smithe & Helmcken
Keefer Street 6ft sidewalk between Heatley & Campbell
Campbell Av. “ “ 5 blocks south of Hastings St.
Quebec St. “ “ from 6th to 9th Av.
Haro St. “ “ extended to Mr. Palmer’s house
Pacific St. 3 plank walk from Granville to Burrard
Haro St. “ “ “ Jervis West
Brusnwick st. “ “ “ 5th Av to school
Prince Edward St. “ “ “ 6th to 7th Av.
Carolina St. “ “ “ 7th to 12th Av.
9th Av. “ “ “ Carolina to school
8th Av. “ “ 2 blocks East of Carolina St.

12. That the following Accounts be paid:-
E.C. Britton Princess Street. $217.17
A.D. McDonald Alexander St. 83.01
W.H. Kendall Crushed Rock 1050.00
Thos Veitch Del crushed rock 457.20
B.C. Iron Works Castings 98.40
Godfrey & Co. Supplies 4.50
Crowder & Penzer “ 7.90
Evans, Coleman & Evans “ 107.87
H. Lomas etal. Labor 818.40
sgd. H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Towler
That the Report be adopted. Carried

[page 420]


Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That all cheques in the hands of the Treasurer in favor of the Monitor Printing & Publishing Co be disposed of by passing them to credit of the said Co’s account for water rates.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Brown
That a sum not exceeding $20.00 be granted to Mrs Katoll to enable her to leave the country.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the time for receiving tenders on the hose wagon be extended two weeks.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Towler
That the following Accounts be paid in connection with the Isolation Hospital:-
Dr Thomas. Medical Attendance $159.00
Mrs Hansall. Nursing 375.00
Robert Campbell Guarding 6.00

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the City Solicitor be authorized to take the necessary steps to obtain for the City the deed of No.1 Fire Hall.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Street Inspector be authorized to take all necessary steps to prevent the erection of a new shack on the end of a short street at False Creek situate on Grove Crescent.

Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the following fines be refunded to the Customs Vancouver for fines imposed.

[page 421]

Kingario a Jap. fined $50.00
Jackey “ “ “ 50.00

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Council regrets the action of the School Board in passing a resolution at their meeting of the 10th instant condemning the City Council for refusing to place before the people, a By-Law for the purpose of raising additional funds for school accommodation.
That such resolution is calculated to mislead the public mind, and is therefore mischievous.
That this Council is credibly informed that the accommodation at the command of the School Board in the present buildings is ample if utilized judiciously.
That it will be the duty of this Council to recommend to the ratepayers further expenditure for increased school accommodation at the proper time.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ McCraney
That a Committee of the whole Council be appointed to meet the Hon. the Minister of Militia and Defence who is on his way to the coast; to press on him the necessity of establishing a corps of militia here, and other purposes, reasons etc.


Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That a By-Law be introduced and read a first time, confirming wash houses within certain limits.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the rules be suspended and the By-Law read a second time.

[page 422]

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with Alderman Collins in the Chair.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.
The rules were again suspended, and the By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McCraney.
Seconded by Alderman Franklin.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McCraney gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to regulate the width of wagon tires.

The Council then adjourned.
Thos. F McGuigan
City Clerk