“C” Battery Artillery to Relocate to Vancouver? – May 29, 1893

C Battery, Canadian Artillery, 1890

Mr. Beatty [Market superintendent] and the Health Inspector to discuss how to improve drainage at the City Market. Collectors to be paid ten cents for each new name they add to the Provincial Voters’ List. City Council urges Victoria to relocate C Battery of Canadian Artillery to Vancouver, rather than sending them to Ontario, citing lack of any other military presence in British Columbia. Sergeant Heywood resented Alderman Brown’s insinuation that police sleep at the Gurney Stables overnight, rather than guarding Mount Pleasant’s chickens!

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick
Illustration: CVA Reference Code AM54-S4-: Mil P9
[“C” Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, 1890]

to see original handwriten minutes – click here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 page 431 – 436

[Volume 5, page 431]

The Council met on Monday May 29th 1893.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and full board of Aldermen.
The minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.

From J.A. Kemp asking for a sidewalk on Ontario Street {where he has erected 3 houses} between 9th and 18th Avenues. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Rich F. Swalwell accepting the position of examiner on the Plumbing Board. Filed.

From the BC Pottery and Terra Cotta Co. asking for information as to when the Council propose taking delivery of the balance of the sewer pipes {This letter was thought impertinent} Referred to the Board of Works.

From Ross & Ferguson asking for permission to add one storey to the Rossin House {hotel}. Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Metyer, asking the Council to pave the space in front of the Sherman House on Cordova Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From R.F. Campbell asking the Council to take some action towards celebrating the arrival of the first steamer from Australia. Filed.

From W.H. Shives, etal, offering to construct a six-foot sidewalk on Seventh Avenue Fairview if the Council would bear half of the expense. Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Potter, enquiring when he would be supplied with sewer pipes to complete his contract. Referred to the Board of Works.

[Volume 5, page 432]

{Alderman Brown enquired if there was a chance of obtaining better police protection on Mount Pleasant. He had heard of a great many thefts of chickens. It was understood, from the chief, that there was a man for that section, but that he only came as far as the Gurney stables, which was a comfortable place. Sgt Heywood said that there was a policeman on Mount Pleasant from 9 o’clock in the evening till 4 o’clock in the morning, and he was not in the Gurney stables.}

The following reports were received and read:

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday May 25h 1893.
Present: the full Board, also Alderman Towler

It was recommended:
1. That tenders be called up to 3pm on the 8th of June for bathing sheds to be built at the foot of Burnaby Street; the cost not to exceed $500 and that the Finance Committee be requested to place this sum at the disposal of the Board.
2. That J.P. Lawson be granted four weeks leave of absence to date from the day he leaves.
3. That the City Engineer be instructed to have a profile of Westminster Avenue {Main Street} prepared as far as the City Limits.
4. That the following tenders be recommended for acceptance:
Quebec Street – 6 ft sidewalk C.G. Garrison 17.5 cents
Seymour Street “ “ ditto ditto
Keefer Street “ “ ditto ditto
Campbell Avenue “ “ ditto ditto
Haro Street “ “ ditto ditto
3 plank walls Mount Pleasant H.T. Adams 3 cts for old; 2 for new planks
3 plank walls West End H. Movell 3 cts per foot

5. That tenders be called up to 3pm, 8th June for the following new work:
Comox Street grading Jervis to Nicola
Burnaby Street grading Burrard to Thurlow
Alberni Street grading Nicola to Cardero
Georgia Street grading Seymour to Beatty
Vernon Street grading Powell to Princess
Bismark Street slashing 66 feet wide and grading 30 feet wide in Ward 4 near W&V Tramway line
Gore Avenue 6 ft sidewalk prior to Barnard, east side and from Keefer to Hastings on the west side

6. That the following accounts be paid:

[Volume 5, page 433]

John Potter sec 8 sewers $1289.59
Com. Turney sec 11 sewers $651.97
John Poster sec 9 sewers $2135.81
W.H. Kendall crushed rock $2415.42
Th. Veitch deliver rock $793.26
Evans, Coleman & Evans sewer pipes $36.97
M. Goudron hardware $16.35
Th. Dunn & Co hardware $26.60
Tye & Co hardware $1.44
BC Iron Works supplies $53.07
W. George etal labor $670.60
Signed H.P. McCraney, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McCraney; Seconded by Alderman Towler.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday May 26th 1893
Present: Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Brown and Hobson.

It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Vancouver Club Supplies $52.00
Hudson’s Bay Co Supplies $6.50
Red Cross Brewery supplies $6.00
Union S.S. Co. boat hire etc $67.50
City Bond services rendered to YMCA $46.00
H. Robertson collecting Provincial votes $40.30
Bank of Montreal commissions $63.20

2. That the parties appointed to collect names for the Provincial Voter’s List in this City be paid ten cents a name for each new name to be added to the List.
Signed R.A. Anderson, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McCraney; Seconded by Alderman Collins
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 5, page 434]

Fire, Water and Light Committee
The F.W. & L. Committee met on Friday May 26th 1893
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Creamer & Langley pipes $85.16
Van Gas Co gas $3.00
W. Hoofer etal labor $258.25
Signed J.L. Franklin, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McCraney; Seconded by Alderman Brown
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Tuesday May 23rd 1893
Present: Alderman Collins, Towler and Hobson

It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
Atkins & Atkins supplies $82.47
C.S. Philp supplies $49.40
M.T.L. Lloyd hack hire $14.00
F.W. Hart burial $10.00
H.H. Layfield & Co supplies $.90
Godfrey & Co supplies $6.75
W. Sjullest labor $10.00
J.P. Blake supplies $28.00
Crowder & Penzer supplies $19.80
Layfield & Co supplies $5.50
C. Gocking supplies $2.00
Russell, McDonald & Co supplies $4.25
Texas Lake Ice Co supplies $8.30
S.T. Tilley & Son supplies $1.00
Wellington Coal Yards supplies $61.06
C.F. Foreman supplies $80.93
Pioneer Steam Laundry supplies $41.95
W.A. McIntosh & Co supplies $10.75
J.P. Blake supplies $1.90
C.F. Foreman supplies $59.22

[Volume 5, page 435]

Gurney Cab Co hack hire $14.00
J.L. Herrett & Co supplies $90.51
C.F. Foreman supplies $14.68
C.F. Foreman supplies $3.05
W.S. Cook supplies $2.50
Champion & White scavengering $4.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $21.00
W.A. McIntosh & Co scavengering $37.70

2. That the matter of making provision for the necessary drainage of the Market Building be referred to the Health Inspector and Mr. Beatty.
Signed Henry Collins, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Hobson; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Towler, Seconded by Alderman Hackett
That the amendments to the Market By-Law be read a first time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Collins; Seconded by Alderman Towler
That A.W. Scoullar be appointed temporarily to the office of the Plumbing Inspector in conjunction with his other duties. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Anderson; Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
Whereas at present there is no Militia or Volunteer Force established in Vancouver.
And whereas it is believed that the “C” Battery Canadian Artillery are about to be removed from Victoria to some point in…….

[Volume 5, page 436]

….Eastern Canada. And whereas if that is carried out there will be not Branch of the Canadian Permanent Force stationed in British Columbia.
Be it resolved that the Minister of Militia be urgently requested to order that the C Battery be stationed in Vancouver and that the Board of Trade be asked to cooperate with this Council in pressing the matter with the Minister and, further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to our Member. Carried.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope Thomas F. McGuigan
Mayor City Clerk

Note: Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper;
They Sleep Not, Sergeant Heywood resents an insinuation that the cops snooze in the Gurney Stables, May 30 1893, pg 2