New fire hall can be rented to “suitable” groups – November 1, 1886

New fire hall can be rented to “suitable” groups – November 1, 1886
Fire Hall 1886

Tait & Co allowed to rent space behind Fire Hall for Carriage House at a cost of $12.50 per month. Fire Engineer allowed $100 to build a small dwelling behind Fire Hall. Fire Hall allowed to be rented to Lodges and other “suitable” groups.

This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 152-157

Vancouver Nov 1st 1886

The Council met on Monday November 1st 1886 at 7.30.P.M.

Present His Worship the Mayor (presiding) Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Dunn, Humphries, E.P. Hamilton and L.A. Hamilton.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


Communications was read from A.J. Bradley Secretary of the Minister of Railways acknowledging the receipt of letter from City Clerk re False Creek.

From W.D. Le Seur Assistant Secretary of the Post Office Department acknowledging receipt of petition and resolution of Council. Filed.

From Davie and Pooley claiming $5000 damages for injuries received by Thos. Fennell in falling over wharf on Water Street.

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that Mr. J.J. Blake be authorized to act for the City re communication of Messrs. Davie and Pooley and report to Council the proper action to pursue. Carried.

From R.G. Tatlow re drain on Westminster Avenue referred to the Board of Works.

From H.R. Ceperley offering to insure City Hall at 2 per centum referred to Finance Committee.

Moody Saw Mill Corp, Lumber 119.06 B. of W.
Moody Saw Mill Corp, Lumber 14.82 B. of W.
Moody Saw Mill Corp, Lumber 10.20 B. of W.
Moody Saw Mill Corp, Lumber 10.12 B. of W.
Allen McLean, building flume 41.00 B. of W.
Vancouver Herald, printing 61.50 Finance
F.W. Mitchell, hauling one load 1.00 P. Com.
Judge Gray, Revision of V. List /35 Finance
George F. Baldwin, revision of V. List 20.00 Finance
Thos. F. McGuigan, Revision of V. List 20.00 Finance
J.B. Thornton, foods for Hospital 8.45 B. of H.
G.B. Wright, Wood for Hospital 3.00 B. of H.
J.M. Levre, Tables for Hospital 1.20 B. of H.
Abrams & Co, foods for Hospital 119.03 B. of H.
Owen Hughes, Washing for Hospital 2.00 B. of H.
Grant and Arkell, Blankets for Hospital 5.00 B. of H.
G.H. Wright, Bread for Hospital 3.96 B. of H.
McLennan & McFeely, Stove etc. 19.00 P. Com.
Jacob Sehl, furniture for hospital 20.00 B. of H.
Tair & Muller, Saucepans etc. 6.75 B. of H.
Tair & Muller, Tea Kettle etc. 2.85 B. of H.
Tair & Muller, Dishes etc. 1.25 B. of H.
Templeton & Northcott, flour etc 32.40 B. of H.
Templeton & Northcott, Coal oil 8.75 P. Com.
Templeton & Northcott, grease etc 11.35 F.W.L.
Geo. Barnes, teaming 1.25 B. of Works
W.B. McDougall, printing 3.50 Finance
A.C. Perry, Stationery 18.35 Finance
D.A. Reosor, Clock 4.50 F.W.L.
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 30.85 Finance
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 3.55 Finance
Geo. W. Gibson, laying sidewalk 24.00 B. of W.
Robert Mathison, printing 10.25 Finance


The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Saturday Oct 23rd 1886 at 7.30 P.M.

The following accounts we recommend to be paid.
Berry and Rutherford 1.00
T. Dunn & Co 24.35
Palmer Bros. 1.00
Chas. M. Hawley 4.00

The Communication of Tait and Co referred to this Board was considered and we would recommend that they be allowed to erect a building for a Carriage house on rear of Fire Hall Lot, 25 foot frontage on lane by 50 feet back and that they be charged a monthly rental of 12.50 and have the buildings removed subject to one weeks notice on the part of the Corporation.

It would also be advisable for the City to furnish the material for a small dwelling to be erected by the Fire Engineer on the East side of Fire Hall and a small room partitioned off rear end of Fire Hall for an ante room so that it can be rented for Lodge purposes And that the Fire Department be granted all monies accruing from said rents and we ask the Council to empower this Committee to rent the hall to such parties as we may consider proper.

This Committee considered the instructions of the Council re purchase of furniture for Fireman’s Hall and would ask for one weeks extension of time in order to Consult with the Chief of the Fire Department as to requirements.

We would also ask to be empowered to purchase 40 lineal feet of Angle Iron for tracts for Engine and Hose reels.

sgd Thos. Dunn
for Chairman

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries
That the Report of the Fire Water and Light Committee by adopted as a whole and that they be authorized to purchase material for the erection of a building for the Fire Engineer at a cost not to exceed one hundred dollars, said building to be erected under the supervision of the Fire Water and Light Committee. Carried.

Report of Police Commissioners.

The Board of Police Commissioners met on Wednesday October 20th 1886 at 2.p.m.

The following accounts were examined by the Board and found correct.
J.M. Stewart, Boarding prisoners in August 98.00
J.M. Stewart, Boarding prisoners in September 73.00
F.A. Mack Faul, Stone for City Prison 25.00
Total $196.00

We ask the Council to place that amount to the credit of the Board to satisfy the above Claims.

sgd M.A. MacLean

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries

That the Police Commissioners be requested to bring before the Council a ration list for City Prisoners. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Dunn
That the Report of the Police Commissioners be adopted as a whole. Carried.

A petition was read from the property owners on Abbott Street praying the Council to pass a By-Law for the improvement of said Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Dunn,
That the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to communicate with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company asking them if they will entertain an offer of exemption from taxation on their workshops, yards, round-houses etc. provided that said workshops, round-houses etc. be erected on the North side of False Creek.

Moved by Alderman Cordiner seconded by Alderman Humphries
That the Finance Committee be empowered to buy furniture to furnish the City Offices.

The Council went into Committee of the whole on a By-Law to authorize the issue of $6300 debentures for the improvement of Cordova Street, with Alderman L.A. Hamilton in the Chair.
In Committee the By-Law was numbered 17 and read over Clause by Clause after which the Committee rose to report the By-Law as amended in Committee.

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Dunn that By-Law No 17 be now read a third time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Balfour that By-Law No 17 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and a copy sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Humphries that the Council now adjourn to meet on the next Monday on the usual hour in New City Hall on Powell Street. Carried.

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk