Stempel Fire Extinguishers Offered to Council for Purchase – October 3, 1898

Stempel Fire Extinguishers Offered to Council for Purchase – October 3, 1898

The B.C. Agent for the Stempel Fire Extinguisher asked the City to purchase a number of fire extinguishers (pictured here) at $20.00 each. L. J. Cody complained that two boxes of cigars claimed to be stolen from him and recovered by the Police were emptied while in the possession of the Police. A By-Law was introduced to amend the Trades License By-Law so as to prohibit Sparring Exhibitions, practising as a Clairvoyant, Fortune Tellers, Spiritualistic Medium or professing to foretell the future by any occult means.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Lynn Shane.

Stemple Fire Extinguisher patented March 6, 1894

Text: COV S31 715 G 05 Volume 8 pages 490 – 496.

[Volume 8 page] 490

Vancouver October 3rd 1898.

The Council met on Monday October 3rd 1898.
Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman and McMorran. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the City Clerk of New Westminster, acknowledging receipt of resolution of sympathy from the City of Vancouver and thanking them for same.

From Roy. W. Brown, thanking Council for resolution of sympathy passed on the death of his father.

From Thos. H. Moore complaining of a stable being built opposite his lot on 11th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Martin and Dicon [Deacon], Solicitors for A.B. Smith, stating that he refused to accept the valuation placed upon his lots on English Bay and that D.C. McGregor was appointed Arbitrator in the matter.

From Arthur Malins, Secretary of the Provincial Exhibition, New Westminster, asking the Mayor to proclaim a Civic holiday for Vancouver during the Fair Week.

Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by. “ McMorran.
That the Mayor be requested to proclaim Friday next a Civic holiday.

From G.S. Stirtan asking for balance over sale of impounded horse.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

[Volume 8 page] 491

From B.T. Rogers asking for the extension of the Fire Limits east to Westminster Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday Sept. 30th 1898.
Present: the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:

G.A. RoeddeSupplies28.85
McDonald Bros.Hack hire5.00
Mining CriticSupplies7.70


From the City Auditor certifying to the correctness of the City’s Accounts for August.

From A.K. Munro for Williams Directory Co asking how many directories the City would purchase from them.
Resolved that two be purchased from them.

From Jesse Betts, Nanaimo asking if he gave half the proceeds from the sale of his pills to the New Westminster sufferers would the City let him sell without a license.

From J .R. Carmichael, Victoria, B.C. Agent for the Stempel Fire Extinguisher, asking the City to purchase a number at $20.00 each.
Laid over for consideration.

The City Solicitor submitted the Contract for the construction of a Steel Swing in Granville Street Bridge which was approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.

Resolved that as the City’s Caretakers

[Volume 8 page] 492

duties are continuous they are not included in the half-holiday resolution recently passed by the Council.
sgd Jas McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Painter.
That the Report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday Sept. 28th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McMorran, McPhaiden, McQueen and Brown.

The following accounts were recommended for payment.

R.A. MuskettSupplies$5.34
McDonald Bros.Hack hire1.00
W.J. McGuiganInquest10.00
G.A. RoeddeSupplies1.20
Letson & BurpeeRepairs17.25
B.S. ParsonsHack hire3.00
Clarke & StuartSupplies3.00
W. A. CumyowInterpreting4.00
Goro [Goss] Kaburagi [Kaburaji]2.00

Resolved that the Chairman and the Chief of Police be authorized to purchase an extra pair of pants for each member of the Police Force and that the Chairman and Chief of the Fire Brigade purchase an extra pair of pants for each of the firemen.

The Chairman reported that he had purchased a team of horses for the Fire Department for $400 and had sold the old team for $175.
Resolved that his action be confirmed.

L.J. Cody complained that two boxes of cigars claimed to be stolen from him and recovered by the Police were emptied while in the possession of Police.

[Volume 8 page] 493

Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to replace the cigars and return to Mr. Cody.

Sgd. R.A. McMorran

Moved by Alderman McMorran.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden.
That the Report be adopted.

Water and Market Committee.

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday Sept. 28, 1898.
Present: Aldermen Brown, McMorran, Townley and McQueen.
Mr. McDowell’s account for Repairs to the Sewer Pipe on Pender Street was left in the hands of the City Engineer to adjust.

The City Engineer reported that Mr. Sankey, with whom the bargain for the refit of the boats was made was notified on July 20th that the City had finished with his boats, and recommending that he be paid the amount certified to by Mr. Foreman.

The City Engineer submitted an Estimate of the quantity of pipe required for extensions etc.
The Estimate was submitted to the whole Council, the City Engineer to attach prices.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

C. G. HenshawSupplies$10.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans8.00
Vancouver Carriage Works2.75
Wm. McMorranExpress1.00
N. Laurs.Labor7.00
John JohnsonSupplies1.50
Union S.S. Co.Towing5.00
Thos. VeitchTeamming27.80
Mining CriticSupplies5.00
Water Works PayrollLabor852.85

Sgd. Wm. Brown.

[Volume 8 page] 494

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McMorran.
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 29th of September 1898.
Present: the full Board.


From Robertson Bros. complaining of public urinal attached to the Mackinnon Block, and requesting that same be removed at once.
Urinal to [be] moved further back from street and not to be attached to building.

From R. Marrion Health Inspector re lane in Block 26. 200a, recommending grass to be cut in
To be attended to.

The Engineer was authorized to fix the crossings on Westminster Avenue at Hastings Street and charge the cost of same to the Street Railway Co.

The Chairman was authorized to arrange with the City Solicitor re securing lane at rear of Dupont St.

Mr. White interviewed the Committee re the Wharf in rear of lane of False Creek.
Left in abeyance.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Evans, Coleman & EvansSupplies$548.20
B. C. M. T & T Co.63.24
Robertson & Hackett10.04
W.L. Tait370.37
Pay SheetLabor2036.04

sgd. H.J. Painter

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Foreman
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8 page] 495

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Monday September 26th 1898.
Present: Alderman McGuigan, Townley, McQueen, and Foreman.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Crowder & PenzerSupplies$21.95
City Grocery Co.115.75
Clarke & Stuart7.15
Champion & WhiteScavengering.50
Dominion Fish Co.Supplies45.44
J. Dodson20.70
John CowperBurial15.00
Cleeve Canning Co.Supplies28.90
Knowdell & Co.1.50
Hopkins & Spence14.25
F.A. LeeHack hire2.00
Mining CriticSupplies4.90
W. C. MarshallExpress.50
S. JamesCommissions11.67

A communication was received from the Medical Health officer complaining about a possible nuisance from a rag factory on Water Street.
The communication was filed, the Health Inspector having been instructed to see that the nuisance from dust was abated.

sgd W.J. McGuigan

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McQueen.
That the following account be paid:

Chas. StimsonCable$289.00


[Volume 8 page] 496

Notice of Motion

Alderman McQueen gave notice of the introduction of a By-Law to amend the Trades License By-Law No. 160 and amendments thereto so as to prohibit Sparring Exhibitions, practising as a Clairvoyant, Fortune Tellers, Spiritualistic Medium or professing to tell the future by any occult means.

The Board then adjourned.

James F. Garden

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.