City hospital now in operation – October 15, 1888

City hospital informally opened Sept 22 with only one ward operative. Visiting hours Wednesdays and Sundays only between 3:00 and 4:00 pm. Citizens object to council’s “irregular” election of hospital medical staff. James Hartney to be compensated $280 for his property destroyed while he was quarantined.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 529-539

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Vancouver Oct 15th 1888

The Council met on Monday Oct 15th 1888 at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Coldwell, Dougall, Humphries, Lefevre, McConnell and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From James Hartney offering to take $500.00 in settlement of his quarantine claim. Filed.

From R. G. Tatlow submitting plan showing portion of Forbes Street he wishes closed. Referred to Board of Works.

From James Hartney offering to allow of a deduction of $80.00 from the amount due him on the Park Road in lieu of burning on Sections 2, 3 & 4. Referred to Board of Works.

From H. T. Wilgriss asking permission to lay a crossing over Georgia Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From Joseph Huntly drawing the attention of the Council to the inability of the horse used in flushing the Sewers to perform his work and asking for instructions. Filed.

From the Residents on Seymour Street asking that said street be opened up

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and a sidewalk laid thereon. Referred to the Board of Works.

From H. J. Hill, Manager and Secretary of the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto conveying a Silver Medal, which was awarded to the British Columbia Exhibit from Vancouver. Filed.


Health No 21

The Board of Health met on Friday October 12th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:

Vancouver Wharfage Co. $8.50
Morrow and McDowell 17.75
F. X. Martin 87.42
F. W. Hart 15.00
McLennan and McFeely 19.50
Palmer Bros. 19.00
Frank Baker 30.00
Hayes & McIntosh 30.17
R. I. Winch 2.50
W. J. Smith 1.50
Thos. J. James 61.77
Thos. A. Greer 22.93

We recommend for adoption the following report received from the Medical Board:

The New City Hospital was informally opened on Saturday September 22nd 1888. At present there is only one ward in full running order, the others not being completely furnished.

The Board have held two meetings and matters pertaining to the welfare of the hospital have been discussed

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In the future the regular monthly meeting of this Board will be held in the Hospital Board Room on the first Wednesday of each month at 4 P. M.

The rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Health for the use of the hospital have been rigidly adhered to and the Medical Board would hereby respectfully beg to recommend the following:

1. That visitors be admitted to the public wards only on Wednesdays and Sundays between the hours of three and four o’clock except by Special permission and order.

2. That no public religious services be held in the public wards.

3. That clergymen and missionaries be permitted to attend only by request of patients and permission of the attending physician.

4. That power be granted to the attending physician to order extra drugs and stimulants in urgent cases.

5. That the Medical Board be authorized to purchase a special set of books and stationery for hospital use.

6. That telephonic communication be made with the hospital as soon as possible.

Sgd., A. M. Robertson, Secretary to Board

A communication has been received from James Hartney claiming compensation for goods destroyed under quarantine regulation which has been referred to the Health Inspector to make out a comparative statement of goods destroyed and

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value of same. We recommend that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the C. P. R. Co to immediately construct good and sufficient culverts at the foot of each street where the railroad embankment now is being filled up and also that all private and public drains now terminating on the beach be extended into and through said culverts on their completion by the railroad company.

We further recommend that the beds recently ordered for the City Hospital be made 6 ft 6 in in length.

Re the claim of James Hartney.

Your Committee do not know of or recognize any offer that may have been made to James Hartney in regard to losses alleged to have been sustained by him while in quarantine and although your committee are advised that they are in no wise liable for any losses so sustained they would recommend that the Council donate to him the sum of $280.00 the valuation put upon the goods destroyed by order of the Mayor and Board of Health or such other sum as to the Council may seem fit while he and others were in quarantine in April and May last, he or his representatives having been present when said valuation was put on the goods so destroyed.

Sgd., J. M. Lefevre, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Board of Health be adopted. Carried.

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Finance No 26

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 12th and beg to recommend:

1. That the City Clerk be authorized to purchase 4 bound copies of the British Columbia Gazette for the year 1886 and 1887 for the sum of $7.50 each said copies to be kept for the use of the City officers.

2. That the following accounts be paid.
News Advertiser $23.35
C. P. Tel Co. 2.45
J. Miller P. O. Box 1.75
F. X. Martin 75 cts.
S. T. Tilley 24.60
Tattersall’s Stables 11.50
R. Mathison 67.75
Starrett & Leatherdale 7.50
Thos. Dunn & Co. 2.70
H. A. Berry & Co. 4.00
Royal City Planing Mills Co 4.09
Palmer Bros. 10.00
Steamer Vancouver 30.00
Vancouver Transfer Co. 10.00
Abrams & Co. 2.00
F. A. Boehlofsky 7.50
Jacob Sehl .75 cts
Russell, McDonald & Co. 2.00

We beg to report that there are sufficient funds available and of Board of Works contingent fund for the construction of a three plank sidewalk on Burrard Street from Georgia Street to the

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school house and for the grading of Hornby Street full width one block and the construction of a three plank sidewalk on said street from Drake to Pacific and on Drake Street from Granville to Hornby.

In Ward No 2 there are sufficient funds for the filling up of Hastings Street between Abbott Street to Cambie Street and Cambie Street from Hastings to Cordova leaving a balance sufficient to gravel the three lanes in the business portion of the City.

We would recommend that the Board of Works be asked to have these lanes gravelled as soon as possible so that they will be passable during the rainy season.

In wards No 3 and 4 there are sufficient funds for lowering the grade of Hastings Street and in Ward No 5 for laying a three plank sidewalk on Westminster Avenue from Seventh Avenue to Tenth Avenue.

The funds remaining out of the City Hospital debentures will admit of the construction of a fence around the hospital grounds.

Sgd., Rich H. Alexander, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.
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Works No.

The Board of Works met on Friday October 12th and beg to recommend:

1. That the following lanes be improved. In Block 11 District Lot 241 and in Blocks 5, 56 and 57 in District Lot 196.

2. That Westminster Avenue be filled to grade between Johnston Street and Westminster Bridge.

3. That Westminster Avenue be filled to grade in front of James Stables be reported on by the City Engineer.

4. That the City Engineer examine and report upon the cost of grading the lane in Block 36, District Lot 541 and the quantity of gravel required for streets and lanes.

5. That tenders be called for the construction of a sidewalk on Richards Street as follows:

From Georgia to Robson, six feet wide
From Robson to Helmcken two feet wide
From Helmcken to Pacific six feet wide
of ½ inch plank estimated cost $527.00

6. That tenders be called for the filling up of Hastings Street between Abbott and Cambie and Cambie Street between Hastings and Cordova.

7. That the City Engineer be empowered to erect a railing on Seaton Street Bridge.

8. That the attention of the Council be called to a former resolution passed by this Board regarding an offer made by E. J. Clark of Toronto offering cer-

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tain grounds for athletic purposes and that it be taken up and acted on.

9. That Burrard Street be graded on the West side between Nelson and Robson and a sidewalk laid thereon and that the City Engineer report upon the cost of constructing a sidewalk on Westminster Avenue from Seventh to Tenth Avenue.

10. That 15 in ft of lumber be purchased from the Moodyville Saw Mill Co. for sidewalks.

11. That a 2 foot sidewalk be constructed on Pender Street from Bute Street to the junction of Georgia and on Melville Street from the end of the present sidewalk to the west end of the street distance 1200 feet.

12. That the tender of A. Bunker the next lowest tenderer on Hastings Street east be accepted R. H. King having withdrawn his tender.

13. That the chain gang be utilized as soon as convenient to level off the recreation grounds as prayed for by the Foot Ball Club.

14. That the following accounts be paid:

Brunette Saw Mill Co. $2.70
Queen Bros. Livery 13.00
F. X. Martin Groceries 10.55
R. C. P. Mills Co. 268.93
Lye & Co. 5.45
J. A. Kemp, signs etc. 10.98
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. 159.05
E. Cook, Sewer from Hospital 450.45
James Hartney, Extra on Park Road 106.75

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H. Connacher, 1 Day’s labor 2.25
McDonald & Co. do 2.25
Tierney & McDonald, Fifth Av. 172.31
James Hartney, Section 6 787.15
J. J. Tierney, Georgia St. 24.00
R. H. Connacher, Oppenheimer St 222.04
Boyd & Co. Pender, Dupont & Beatty 968.88
D. McAlister, Nelson St Sidewalk 400.54
H. Connacher, Heatley & Hawkes 75.43
Goodmurphy & McLellan, Ninth Av. 390.00
A. Bunker, Hastings St 291.00
Cerra & Co. Sixth Av. 207.00
McDonald & Cameron, Hastings St. 774.26
A. Bunker, Bute St. 188.50
John Matthews 2.50

Sgd., Chas A. Coldwell, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.

Introduction of By-Laws

Alderman Lefevre introduced a By-Law to grant permission to Messrs Turner and McCraney and others to construct and operate street Railways in the City of Vancouver which was read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman McConnell. That J. T. Abray be refunded $3.00 paid on account of City for Mrs. Knight’s passage to Victoria. Carried.

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Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the Chairman of the Fire, Water and Light Committee be empowered to purchase a horse to be used for flushing the Sewers. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws

Alderman Humphries moved, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the amendments to By-Law No 8 regulating the sale and manufacture of opium be read a second time. Carried.


The Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman Lefevre in the Chair.

The By-Law was numbered 69 and read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

The By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Coldwell and ordered to be signed, sealed and gazetted on motion of Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Brighouse.

The following resolution of a public meeting held to discuss the appointment of the Hospital Staff, was presented to the Council by Alderman Humphries. Resolved that this meeting is of the opinion that the late election of the Medical

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Staff to the New City Hospital was informal irregular and void and calls upon the City Council to proceed to a new election forthwith.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk