Police to monitor Vancouver’s street lighting – October 22, 1888

City Engineer must keep a separate contract book for each ward. Police men to report location and date of broken streetlights. City drains to be diverted into culverts being dug by C.P.R to reduce fouling of Burrard Inlet north of Water Street. The Chief of Police to order uniforms for policemen, mattresses and blankets for the new jail cells.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 540-551

[volume 2 page 540]

Vancouver Oct 22nd 1888

The Council met on Monday Oct 22nd 1888 at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Coldwell, Clark, Dougall, Humphries, Lefevre, McConnell and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Dr. Reinhart and others asking for the improvement of Dupont Street between Carl and Heatley Avenue. Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. S. Gore Surveyor General acknowledging receipt of communication re False Creek School. Filed.

From Hanson Bros. asking for information regarding general loan By-Law. Clerk Instructed to reply.


Park Committee No 2

The Park Commissioners met on Saturday October 20th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following account:

James Hartney, Park Road $36.25

Sgd., Rich H. Alexander, Acting Secretary

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Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Coldwell. That the report of the Park Committee be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 23

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 19th 1888 and beg to report:

That the last report of the Board of Works recommending certain works has received consideration from your committee but in the absence of a proper statement , no action has been taken until the City Engineer furnishes a report showing the amount of money expended in each ward since the beginning of the year and the contracts now under way and the estimated cost of the same.

That the City Engineer be instructed to keep a contract book for each ward in which shall be entered all contracts entered all contracts entered into by the City since the beginning of the year with the estimated cost of each and whenever an estimate is passed in favour of a contractor same shall be entered in the contract book.

That as the appropriation for the grading of the Park Road is exhausted we recommend that the account of James Hartney for $893.90 be paid out of Board of Works Contingent Fund.

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The following accounts are recommended for payment:

Hudsons Bay Co. $31.75
S. R. Comer 3.00
P. Carey 5.00

Sgd., Rich H. Alexander, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That clause 3 of the Finance Report be struck out. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Police No 9

The Police Committee met on Saturday October 20th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:

W. A. Cumyow, Interpreter $2.50
F. X. Martin, Groceries 42.26
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. 19.25
Wm Murphy, Police Clothes 32.50
J. Scuitto, Bread 32.52
J. M. Stewart 12.75

We further recommend:

1. That the Chief of Police be instructed to order consistent clothing for the Police Officers and furnish the new cells in the lock up with mattresses and blankets.

2. That John McKeown and John Lock now employed by private citizens as night watchmen be sworn in as constables and paid $5.00 per month

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each for their services.

3. That the Police Court Clerk be instructed to forward to the Deputy Attorney General the returns asked for by the Provincial Government.

The contracts of hiring signed by the Chief of Police and the other members of the Force were forwarded to this Board and when approved of were signed by the Chairman.

Sgd., G. S. McConnell, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the report of the Police Committee be adopted. Carried.

F. W & L. No 20

The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Thursday October 18th and beg to recommend:

That the following accounts be paid.

Charles Nelson, Drugs $2.50
H. A. Berry & Co. 8.00
F. X. Martin 3.50
Telephone Co. 33.00
Veysey & Creelman 7.45
Electric Ill Co. 192.75
Tattersall’s Stables 15.00
S. W. Hart 3.00
H. L. Leonard & Co. 43.00
Vancouver City Foundry 2.28
Leamy & Kyle 99.45
E. S. Scoullar & Co. 18.50

[volume 2 page 544]

John McAllister $21.35
Chas. M. Hawley 8.75
James Moran 2.25

2. That the Police Officers in their report on the electric lights be hereafter required to state the locality in which the lights are out.

Sgd., J. Humphries, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Coldwell. That the report of the Fire, Water, and Light Committee be adopted. Carried.

Works No 36

The Board of Works met on Friday October 19th 1888 and beg to recommend:

That if Mr. Vernon will grant the City an equivalent for the closing of Forbes Street and be answerable for all claims for damages by property owners on said street that the prayer of his petition be granted.

That Mr. Wilgriss be permitted to lay a crossing over Georgia Street provided he lays same to grade.

That the City Engineer be instructed to put down a crossing on Thurlow Street.

That the City Engineer be instructed to report upon the petition of the

[volume 2 page 545]

residents on Seymour Street between Drake and Pacific Streets.

5. That tenders be called for the fencing of the school house lot, the erection of 10 Water Closets and a woodshed the furnishing of the requisite number of desks and the sinking of a well and placing of a pump therein.

6. That a ten foot sidewalk be constructed on Granville Street from the Hotel Vancouver Sidewalk to Robson Street if the Finance Committee will grant the funds and if they fail to do so that Mr Power’s offer to advance the money be accepted and refunded to him at some future time.

7. That the petition of A. Holman and others for the construction of a sidewalk on Howe Street be laid over for further consideration.

8. That tenders be called for the grading clearing and burning of Campbell Avenue.

9. That the petition of A. T. M Holman to erect a Carriage Factory on Hastings Street be referred to the City Solicitor and if no objection is urged that permission be granted to him.

10. That we consider the action of the Council dilatory in regard to Mr. Clark’s offer and the Athletic Park and beg again to call their attention to the offer and to act upon it.

11. That Dupont Street be filled to grade and planked from Carrall

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Street to Columbia Avenue at a cost not to exceed $500.00

The following tenders were opened and read:

Richards Street Sidewalk

Thomson and Ellison
Six foot sidewalks per ft 26 cts
D. McAlister
Six ft sidewalks per ft 23 cts
3 ft sidewalks per m ft 5.75

Burrard Street Sidewalk from Georgia to Nelson

Thomson and Ellison
Three ft sidewalk per m ft $6.50
D. McAlister
Three ft sidewalk per m ft 6.00
H. Connacher
Furnishing all material per m ft 16.75

Hornby & Drake Streets

Thomson and Ellison
Sidewalks per m ft 6.50
D. McAlister
Sidewalks per m ft 5.25

Westminster Avenue

Thomson and Ellison
3 ft sidewalks per m ft $6.00
D. McAlister
3 ft sidewalks per m ft 6.00
H. Connacher
Sidewalks complete per m ft 16.00
Hastings Street filling per ft $1.65
Boyd & Co.
Box drains per m ft 16.00

[volume 2 page 547]

A. Bunker
Filling per ft $2.13
H. McDonald
Filling per ft $1.08
Box Culverts per m ft 17.00
J. J. Tierney
Filling per ft $1.35
Plank per m ft 17.50

Cambie Street

H. McDonald
Grading per ft 90 cts
Plank per m ft 17.00
A. Bunker
Grading per ft $1.62
Plank per m ft 18.00
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 97 cts
Lumber per m ft 17.00
J. J. Tierney
Grading per ft $1.00
Lumber per m ft 17.50

Grading Lane in Block 11, 541

H. McDonald
Grading per ft 28 cts
Box Culverts per m ft 17.00
J. J. Tierney
Grading per ft 16 cts
Lumber per m ft 17.50
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 30 cts
Lumber per m ft 17.00

[volume 2 page 548]

Lanes in Block 5, 196

H. McDonald
Grading per ft 26 cts
Culverts per m ft 17.00
McColl and Wade
Grading per ft 50 cts
J. J. Tierney
Grading North and South lanes per ft 37 cts
Grading East and West lanes per ft 24 cts
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 23 cts
Box Culverts per m ft 17.00

Lanes in Block 56, 196

A. Bunker
Grading per ft 59 cts
Culverts per m ft 18.00
Boyd & Clandening
Grading per ft 34 cts
H. McDonald
Grading per ft 70 cts
Culverts per m ft 17.00
Wm. Tierney
Grading per ft 50 cts
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 39 cts
Culverts per m ft 17.00
Lane in Block 57, 196

H. McDonald
Grading per ft 27 cts
Culverts per m ft 17.00
McColland and Wade
Grading per ft 50 cts
Wm. Tierney
Grading per ft 22 cts
Lumber per m ft 17.50

[volume 2 page 549]

H. Connacher
Grading per ft 33 cts
Lumber per m ft 17.00

We recommend that the tenders be awarded as follows:

Wm Tierney for lanes in Blocks 11 and 57.
H. Connacher for lanes on Blocks 5 and 66.
H. McDonald for Cambie and Hastings Streets.
D. McAlister for Westminster Av.
Burrard, Hornby, Drake and Richards Street Sidewalks.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:

Van Volkenburgh & Bro. Park Road $116.56
Mallandene & Samson Const’n on School 18.65
do do Cost’n on Morgue 10.00
James Stanford 2nd payment on Morgue 170.00
do do 2nd payment on City Hall 950.00
James Hartney Nelson St 418.40
James Hartney Park Road Section 6 44.79
McDonald & Co. Pender St 323.77
Stephenson & McCraney Georgia St 1341.98

Sgd., Chas A. Coldwell, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted with the exception of clauses awarding the contracts for Hastings Street and Richards Street Sidewalk which will be laid over for one week. Carried.

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Introduction of By-Laws

Alderman Alexander introduced a By-Law to raise money by way of Debentures for the purchase of a Post Office Site in a central location which was read a first time.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Lefevre. That Market By-Law be numbered 70 and read a third time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the By-Law be signed sealed and gazetted. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the street railway By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Alexander. That the Amendments to the Liquor By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would introduce

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a By-Law to amend the Fire Limit By-Law permitting the erection of corrugated Iron buildings within the Fire Limits as allowed in other cities.

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk