Hospital Verandahs Need Repair – October 21, 1895


The City Engineer reported that the Verandahs around the old hospital (pictured here) were rotted away in many places. Retailers McLennan & Mc Feely submitted a claim for $10.00 for a stove rented to the City for election purposes and which was damaged in transit. Milk Inspector James McGeer asked for more clarification of his duties.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: detail of COVA image BUP369
[Man and nurses in front of City Hospital – 530 Cambie Street]

Original handwritten minutes:
COV Series 31 pages 801 – 806

To see or download images of the handwritten minutes for this date’s Council Minutes click on the buttons below (two parts):

[Volume 6 page] 801

Vancouver October 21st 1895.
The Council met on Monday October 21st 1895.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Gallagher, Queen, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, Sanders, McDonald, and Bethune.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Wm Ward reporting on the electric lights. Filed

From the Manager of the Hudson’s Bay Co. asking for a Crossing on Cambie Street to the North side of Water Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Tomlinson and McTaggart asking to have Westminster Av repaired in front of Lot 2.B.18.196
Referred to the Board of Works

From M. W. Thain, Harbour Master asking if the City had obtained permission to drive piles west of the Coal Harbour bridge.
Referred to the Water & L Committee

From the Hon G.B. Martin and Hon J.K. Turner acknowledging letters from the City Clerk re Dead Man’s Island and stating that the matter would be laid before the Executive. Filed

From the City Engineer reporting that the Verandahs around the old hospital were rotted away in many places.
Referred to the Board of Works

[Volume 6 page] 802

From the Secretary of the Underwriters stating that the Companies would be willing to pay the City License from the 1st of July and asking that a test be made to shew the pressure to be obtained from the Reservoir.
Referred to the Water & L. Committee

From A. G. Ferguson, Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking the Council to grant $100 to repair the Park Road which was damaged by the contractors who laid the main across the Narrows.
Referred to the W & L Committee

From the Lieut-Governor and Deputy Attorney General acknowledging receipt of letters from the City Clerk re the cancellation of the Commission of the Police Magistrate.

From James McGeer asking the Council to pass a resolution certifying as to the manner in which he performed his duties as Milk Inspector.

From A.W. Scoullar tendering his resignation as Assistant Health & Water Inspector.

From Mrs McLeod, Secy W.C.T.U. conveying thanks of that body for the favorable consideration of their application for a grant to the Young Women’s Home.

From W.T. Stewart asking for 15 days extension of time to complete arrangements for closing electric light contract.

[Volume 6 page] 803

Moved Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Queen
That he be granted an extension of time to the 31st of October.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday, October 16th 1895.
Present – Aldermen McPhaiden, Brown and McDonald.


From the Health Inspector reporting the Crematory premises clean but stating that the Caretaker required a larger door into the furnace.
Laid over to be ex inspected by the members of the Committee.

From the Health Inspector reporting on the condition of the slaughter houses
Laid over until the premises are visited by the Committee.

From the Health Inspector reporting on the unsanitary condition of Mr Fraser’s property on the corner of Oppenheimer Street & Campbell Av.
Referred to the Chairman to rectify

From R.A. McCullough reporting that he had finished his contract for cleaning one acre in the Cemetery with the exception of cutting three trees

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Crowder & Penzer supplies $4.12
C.P.R. Co. “ 6.40
Hopkirk & Spence “ 8.50

[Volume 6 page] 804

Wm Ralph Supplies $1.25
J. C. Woodrow “ 34.38
Clarke & Stewart “ 12.
B.C. Mills “ 2.
J.W. Smith Washing 54.04
C. Nelson Supplies 67.29
Wm Ralph “ 2.50
H. McVean Labor 7.00
D. Wilson Supplies 1.90
I.G. Johnstone Sharpening Tools 2.40
C.F. Foreman Supplies 44.70
W.H.Mason “ 32.09
Wilson Herald Witness Fees 4.00
W. J. McGuigan Inquest 10.00
Thos Dunn & Co Supplies 3.29
City of Victoria Care of Lepers 23.81
Champion & White Supplies 3.75
J. Dodson “ 10.74
Gas Co “ 1.25
Miss Brown “ 6
C.S. Phelp “ 15.89
Cassady & Co “ 7.80
News.Advertiser “ 7.50
Crowder & Penzer “ 29.99

sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 6 page] 805

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 18th 1895
Present – Alderman Bethune, Coupland, Gallagher, and Brown
The Contract of James Brook with surety for plastering Fire Hall No 1 was approved and authorized to be signed and sealed by the Mayor and City Clerk.


From J.W. Weart submitting a statement of receipts and disbursements in connection with the McColeman estate. Filed

From McLennan & Mc Feely submitting a claim for $10.00 for a stove rented to the City for election purposes and which was damaged in transit.
Resolved that they may be paid $2.50 for the rent of the stove and for fixing it up.

From W. E. Johnstone, Poll Tax Collector submitting the names of Geo.H. Blair and J.F. Gladwin as his sureties.
Referred to the City Solicitor

Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to sign a petition asking for the Appointment of the City Clerk as Administrator for winding up the estate of the late Robert Beard.

sgd Alex Bethune

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Report be adopted

[Volume 6 page] 806


Moved by Alderman McDonald
Seconded by “ Sanders
That in the opinion of this Council the Salary of the Police Magistrate of this City should not exceed $1200 per annum and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to His Honourable The Lieutenant-Governor in Council Henry Collins
Laid over for one week.

The Council then adjourned.

Henry Collins

Thos. F McGuigan
City Clerk