City Staff to “Make Due Provision” against Sickness Or Death – October 29, 1894

Vancouver City Council required each number of the City’s staff to make “due provision in case of sickness or death” as it would not be responsible. The case of an abandoned three month old child was referred to the Health Committee.  Tenders were advertised to finance $4,000 for Civic Improvements and (in spite of opposition) for $90,000 for Electric Lights A chimney was authorized to be added to the cemetery house, and ventilation for new hospital.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer  Gerald Soon
original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 284 – 292

[Volume 6 page] 284

Vancouver October 29th 1894

The Council met on Monday October 29th 1894.

Present – Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown and Bethune

Moved by Alderman Salsbury.
Seconded by “ McDowell

That Alderman Wm Brown be appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Evans, Coleman & Evans stating that they would hold the City responsible in case the City paid more that the actual men employed by Purdy & Williams.
Referred to the Water Committee

From Purdy & Williams assigning $625.00 out of the monies due them on the Reservoir Contract. Referred to the Water Committee

From the Secretary to the Governor General stating that he would reach Vancouver at 4 o’clock on Wednesday. Filed.
From W.B. Ross asking for protection from annoyance when walking on the Streets.
Referred to the Police Committee

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed

From the City Clerk furnishing list of officials with insurance etc. Filed

[Volume 6 page] 285

From Miss Macfie asking for provision to be made in the new hospital for better ventilation etc.
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the communication be handed to the Chairman of the Board of Health with power to act on the suggestions of Miss Macfie. Carried.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Thursday September Wednesday October 24th 1894.
Present – the full Board.

From the Pound keeper furnishing report. Filed
From O. Evan Thomas complaining about concerts being given in unlicensed halls.
That the License Inspector be instructed to strictly enforce the Trades License By-Law on the lines complained of by Mr. Evan Thomas.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
John McLaren          Railway Fares   $9.50
F. Filion              Supplies                  26.37
McIntosh & Co      “                          24.80
Lee & Stewart    Hack hire                  1.00
Dunn & Co.        Supplies                     .50
C.S. Philp            “                            13.10
Tenders were opened for the supplying the Police with uniforms and water proof coats. The Committee adjourned to consider them on Thursday at 2 P.M.

[Volume 6 page] 286

The Police Committee met on Thursday October 20th 1894. Present Aldermen Shaw (in the Chair) Wm Brown and McPhaiden.

The following tenders were received:-
For Police Uniforms:-
From Dan. Steward & Co J.G. Campbell, Wm Murphy, and A.J. Sharp & Co.
Water Proofs
A.J. Sharp & Co. Johnston, Kerfoot & Co, D.J. McLean and R. Clark.

That the tender of J.G. Campbell be accepted for the uniforms from the Cloth the same as the Firemen’s Suits at $23.00 for the Sergeant’s and officers suits and $5 extra for the Chief’s suit. All the suits to be furnished not later than one month from the date of notice of the acceptance of the tender.

That the tender of Johnston, Kerfoot & Co be accepted for supplying the water proofs from sample No 140 at 14.00 each.
The Chief of Police furnished a list shewing the amount of insurance carried by each police officer.

sgd C.L. Brown

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by C.L. Brown

That the Report be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 6 page] 287

Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday October 24th 1894
Present – Aldermen McDowell, McPhaiden, Wm Brown and, C.L. Brown.
The following accounts were recommended for payment :-
Mellish & Gray            Wood              $36.87
Alfred Somerton           Labor                 2.10
Champion & White      Scavengering     1.50
Diplock & Co               Supplies             5.65
C.P.R. Co                      “                         6.00
R.S. Parsons                 Hack hire            1.50
Van Gas Co                   Supplies           11.45
J.S. Pierce & Co           Milk Tester etc 49.25

From Dr Thomas reporting on the unsanitary condition of Dupont Street
Referred to the City Solicitor

From Alexander McDonald asking that a this Chimney be constructed at the cemetery house.
That the length of the Chimney be ascertained and the work done.

That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Government with a view of ascertaining when the Old Man’s Home at Kamloops will be ready to receive inmates.

That the matter of testing milk be left in the hands of the chairman to arrange.

sgd John McDowell

[Volume 6 page] 288

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday October 21st 1894.
Present – Aldermen Salsbury, McPhaiden, Wm Brown and Bethune

The following accounts were recommended for payment
Wm Ralph                          Supplies            $3.00
H.M. Henderson                 Clerical Work   60.00
Hammersby & Hamilton    Disbursements  38.80
J.J. Chowdery                     Clerical Work   10.00
E. Kingcombe                    on account         25.00

The City Clerk was instructed to have his office entrance cased in at a cost not to exceed $15.00
Wm McGirr appeared before the Board and asked for a final settlement on his contract for the roofing of the Grand Stand at Hastings Consideration deferred.

From R.G. MacKay, St. Paul Minn. asking that a large photograph be taken of the City from the harbour and placed in some conspicuous window in St. Paul.
That he be informed that the matter will be taken into consideration at some propitious date

[Volume 6 page] 289

From J. Ruth reporting on the condition of affairs at the race track, Hastings, and advising that certain notices be printed and placed on the gates leading into the grounds.

That the required notices be put up and the Caretaker instructed to exercise strict supervision over the property under his charge.

That the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the purchase of the $4000.00 Local Improvement Bond lately authorized to be issued such tenders to be in by Friday next at 4 P.M.

That the sum of $250.00 be set aside to pay for the Reception to his Excellency the Governor General.

The auditors report for September was received and filed.
sgd W.F. Salsbury

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McDowell

That a clause be added to the report empowering the City Clerk to advertise for tenders for the purchase of $90,000 of the $100,000 Debentures authorized to be issued for the installation of an electric light plant for the City such tenders to be received up to Friday the 23rd of November at 4 P.M.

Moved in amendment that the by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown.
That the Report be adopted as read.
Amendment lost. Ayes Alderman Salsbury & C.L. Brown
Nays Aldermen McCraney, Franklin, Bethune, McPhaiden, Queen, McDowell, & Shaw.

[Volume 6 page] 290

Motion Carried Ayes Aldermen Shaw, McDowell, Queen, McPhaiden, McCraney, Franklin, and Bethune

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the Clause in reference to notices and the gates at the race course as referred back. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the clause relating to a grant of $250.00 for reception purposes be referred back struck out. Withdrawn.

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Mr. J.T. Brown appeared before the Bar of the Council asking him to provide funds for the support of a 3 month’s child deserted by its mother
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Shaw
That the matter be referred to the Health committee with power to act. Carried

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the By-Law to amend By-Law No 160 known as the Trades License By-law No 160 known as the Trades License By-Law be read a first time. Carried.

[Volume 6 page] 291


Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to take all necessary steps to urge on the Postal Authorities the immediate establishment of a free delivery in this City. Carried

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Queen
That the report of the City Clerk on the salaries received by the Civic staff be filed in for future reference; that the Council require each number of the City’s staff to make due provision in case of sickness or death and that any failure to do so shall not entitle him or his family to any compensation from the Council. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by ”           McPhaiden
That the City Engineer report to the Council at its next regular meeting the grounds of his certifying the account whereby the Council pays one third the cost of tile pavement laid in front of the Miller Block, also in front of Messrs McLennan and McFeely’s store on Cordova Street. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by C.L. Brown
That the Rules be suspended and the amendments to the Trades License By-Law read a second time. Carried.

[Volume 6 page] 292

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the Council go into committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law

Alderman Wm Brown was appointed Chairman

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.
The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McDowell. Seconded by Alderman Salsbury.
The Council then adjourned.

W. Brown

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk.