Many Vancouver tax assessments reduced – September 8, 1886

A Court of Revision was held to make amendments to the (City Tax) Assessment Roll, in response to citizens’ individual appeals against their tax assessment.

This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 100-102

Court of Revision

Vancouver Sept 8th 1886

The Court of Revision for the Revising of the Assessment Roll for 1886 was held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday September 8th 1886 at 10 o’clock, A.M.

Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Balfour, Coldwell, Humphries, L.A. Hamilton, E.P. Hamilton and Griffith.

The following protests were received.

Assessment of 26 acres of C.P.R. property at foot of Granville @ $2000 per acre considered too high, changed to $500 an acre.

Public Park consisting of 1 1/2 acres exempted from taxation.

Block 73, Lots 2 – 18 in 541 changed from $700 a lot to $525 a lot.

Block 48, C. & D. Changed from $5000 each to $3750 each.

Block 72, Lots 21-37 in 541 Changed from $700 each to $525 each.

Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Block 5 and 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 in Block 4 Changed from $3300 to $2500.

Court then adjourned till 2. P.M.

At 2 o’clock the Court resumed business.

92 acres between surveyed lots and and False Creek in 541 Changed to $625 an acre.

Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 10 Changed from $2400 to $1700.

John Devine sent in an appeal against the assessment of his property but as he did not appear it was allowed to stand.

Kent & Talcotts assessment on Block 2 Lot 8, Confirmed.

John Boultbee was entered as tenant on Lot 2, Block 3.

Nicol Allen’s name was struck off as leaseholder on Lot 3, Block 3 and Christina Allen’s inserted instead.

Dr. D.L. Beckinsale was allowed 1 foot off his lot on Cordova Street.

Frank Miers assessment was reduced to $200.

Lots 1 – 10 Block 1 in 200 A belonging to James Leamy reduced from $100 a lot to $75 a lot.

Lot 6, Block 16, 200 A belonging to E. Crow Baker reduced to $150.

Britton & Silvanius assessment confirmed.

That part of 541 lying North of Water and Cordova Streets and West of Cambie containing 5 3/10 acres reduced to $15000. Block 30 & 31 B 38 in 541 changed from $425 to 350.

M.A. MacLean was entered as tenant of Lot 8 Block 5 in old Granville Townsite.

The Court then adjourned to meet on Saturday at 10.A.M.

The Court met again on Saturday Sept 11th in the same place but on Motion of Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Ald. Balfour they adjourned to the Mayors office.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Ald. Griffith that the assessment roll as now amended in Court of revision be finally passed and certified by the City Clerk accordingly. The Court then adjourned. Carried.

Omitted by oversight:

A General Appeal was made by Messrs. Angus & Smith against the Assessment of 1886 on the Ground that they had already paid taxes for the current year on the property assessed to them. The applicants stated that said appeal would not be pressed if the Council did not levy a rate of taxation for 1886. The Court of Revision resolved to recommend to Council that they forego the right to levy a rate and that the necessary expenditure should be met by a loan under By-law.