Sidewalk obstruction by-law is not popular – September 6, 1886

Sidewalk obstruction by-law is not popular – September 6, 1886

Citizens protest against a new bylaw forbidding verandahs, sidewalks, etc. on City property. Vancouver will contact both the Coquitlam and Vancouver water works companies to see which would be better to supply Vancouver water. If neither is satisfactory, the City may incorporate its own Water Works.

This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 92-99

Vancouver Sept 6th 1886

The Council met in D. Oppenheimer’s office on Powell Street on Monday September 6th at 7.30 P.M.
Present His Worship the Mayor presiding. Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Coldwell, Griffith, Humphries, L.A. Hamilton, E.P. Hamilton and Northcott.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

A petition was read from Gilmore and Clark and others praying the Council to strike out the Clause in By-law regulating streets and sidewalks, preventing the erection of verandahs (sic) on the streets of the City.
No action taken.

A petition from the Moodyville Saw Mill Company asking permission to erect a building at the foot of Cambie Street for storing lumber. Referred to the Board of Works.

The following accounts were read
E. Langhorn, Work on Tanks $9.00 B of W.
Brunette Saw Mill Corp. Lumber 5.40 B of W.
Ayer & son Moving tanks etc 36.00 B of W & F.W.L.
J.W. Palmer Coal etc 10.00 F.W.L.
Berry & Rutherford 6.50 F.W.L.
J. Swift painting sign 5.00 Finance
R.W. Armstrong 6.20 Finance
Telegraph & Signal service 2.00 Finance
A. Burns bring prisoners to N.W.M 3.00 P. Com.


Report of Police Commissioners

The Board of Police Commissioners met on Friday Sept 3rd 1886 at 2 p.m. and submit the following report.
We have examined the following accounts referred to this Board by the Council and find them Correct.
Fred Kingston, Painting logs 5.00
J.G. West, hay for beds 1.00
Forbes & Linton, Making shackles 12.75
Total 18.75
And we ask the Council to place that amount to our credit to satisfy the above claims.
M.A. MacLean

Report adopted on motion of Alderman L.A. Hamilton.

The Board of Health met on Friday Afternoon Sept 3rd at 3 o’clock and submit the following report.

The following account were presented and being satisfied as to their correctness we recommend them to be paid.
Dr. McGuigan
To attendance on Thos. Fennel $5.00
To attendance on Wm. Stott 5.00
To attendance on Thos. Simmons 5.00
To attendance on Bertie Stratford 2.50
Inquest on A.G. Underwood 10.00
Dr. Beckinsale
To giving evidence on Inquest $5.00
We have instructed the Health Inspector to examine into the sanitary condition of the City and report to a subsequent meeting of this Committee.
E.P. Hamilton

The Council went into Committee of the whole on Health Report on Motion of Alderman L.A. Hamilton with Ald. E.P. Hamilton in the Chair.

After examining the several accounts and finding them correct the Committee rose to report and adopted the Report of the Board.

The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Monday Sept 6th at 7 o’clock p.m. and submit the following report.

We have examined the following accounts and finding them correct recommend them to be paid.
Pioneer Lumber Corp 27.56
Pleace & Co 2.62
Carpenter Work 15.50
J.R. Northcott

Report adopted.

The Board of Works met on Monday Sept 6th 1886 at 7 o’clock p.m. and submit the following report.

We have received the report of the City Engineer approving of the bank on Hastings Street completed by Wm. McPherson on which approval we recommend him to be paid.

He has also approved of the banks completed by Messrs. McDonald and Cameron and we recommend that they be paid the balance of their money.

He has examined Water Street and finds it completed according to contract and we recommend that the Contractors be paid for the work done on said street.

E.P. Hamilton
Acting Chairman

Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Ald. Griffith that the Report of the Board of Works be adopted with the exception of the last Clause thereof. Carried.

Tenders were received for the Improvements on Carrall Street on which the Council went into Committee of the whole with Ald. Coldwell in the Chair.

The following were received.
Geo. J. Carey $52.70
Cameron and McKay 63.79
McDonald & Cameron 65.93
Gillis & Finley 67.53
Harkins 72.00
Stephenson & McCraney 73.70
R. City Planing Mills 76.70
Gibson & Rainey 82.00
Keefer & Cameron 90.00

The tender was awarded to Geo. J. Carey on the condition that he give the proper security and was allowed until Tuesday at 2 o’clock to come up with the money.

Moved by Ald. Northcott seconded by Ald. Coldwell that the Board of Works meet the Contractors to-morrow at 2 o’clock and that they have full power to deal in the matter. Carried.

Alderman Balfour introduced a By-law to raise a sum of money for the erection of a Fire Hall, City Hall, and Lock-up which was read a first time.

Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Ald. Northcott that By-law be read a second time. Carried.
The Council went into Committee of the whole on By-law with Ald. Balfour in the Chair.

The By-law was numbered ten in Committee and read over clause by clause after which committee rose to report.

Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Ald. Northcott that By-law No 10 be now read a third time. Carried.
The By-law was read a third time and passed.

Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Ald. P. Cordiner that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign contract for the erection of Fire Hall & City Hall.

Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Ald. Coldwell that the Board of Works be instructed to advertise for tenders for the improvements Cordova Street as called for in Petition of property owners on said street. Carried.

Moved by Ald. Northcott seconded by Ald. Griffith that the Board of Works be authorized to ask for tenders for the improvement of Hastings Street from Howe Street to Westminster Avenue according to the petition of the property owners on said street. Carried.

Moved by Ald. L.A. Hamilton seconded by Ald. Balfour that the Finance Committee be authorized to negotiate for a loan by promissory note or notes to the amount of $4000.00 to meet the cost of Water Street improvements pending the sale of the Debentures therefor. Carried.

Moved by Ald. Northcott seconded by Alderman Coldwell.
Whereas it is necessary and expedient that a supply of water and a system of waterworks be established in the City of Vancouver for fire protection and general use
And whereas two certain companies known as the “Coquitlam” and “Vancouver” Water Works Companies have obtained special Acts of Incorporation at the last sitting of the Legislature of this Province enabling them to establish Water Works within the limits of the City of Vancouver.
Be it therefore resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council assembled
That the City Clerk be instructed to Communicate with the provisional directors of said Companies respectively to ascertain when and upon what terms said companies respectively shall be in a position to supply water to this City and that after three months from the date hereof this corporation shall if the terms offered by either of these said Companies be not favourable apply to the Legislature of this Province at its next sittings for power to Construct equip and maintain a system of Water works and for power to procure a supply of water at such point in this District as the City Engineer may deem advisable and for power to expropriate such lands as may be necessary for the purpose of erecting constructing and maintaining such system of Water Works and that the City Solicitor shall be instructed to apply for such legislation as may be deemed proper for that purpose at the said sitting of the Legislature.

The Council then adjourned to meet again in the same place.

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk