Hospital medical staff appointed – September 17, 1888

Vancouver Hospital staff 1893
Vancouver City Hospital staff 1893

Doctors Bell-Irving, Langis, Lefevre, McGuigan and Robertson appointed to medical staff for City Hospital. Board of Works has decided to have electric lighting in the new hospital. Request from John H. McMillan et al asking that the Corporation remove the (newly-built) Morgue from present location.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland

and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages

[Volume 2 page 484]

Vancouver Sept. 17th 1888

The Council met on Monday September 17th 1888 at 7:30 P. M.

Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Brighouse, Couth, Clark, Dougall, Humphries, Lefevre and Oppenheimer.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From D. McAlister, asking to be relieved of his contract on Hastings Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. S. Gore re well at School house on South Side of False Creek. Referred to Board of Works.

From R. T. Williams donating stamp to City Hospital. Filed.

From H. M. Yates offering to insure City Horses. Referred to Finance Committee.

From Louisa Wilson asking for compensation for rubbish dumped on her Lot on Seaton Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From R. Ross et al asking for the improvement of Melville Street. Referred to Board of Works.

From President of Electric illuminating Co. offering to guarantee that their machinery was powerful enough

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to run the lights proposed to be used in lighting the City. Referred to F. W & L. Committee.

From W. S. Gore re Road to Cemetery and Title to Cemetery Grounds. Referred to Filed.

From John H. McMillan et al asking that the Corporation remove Morgue from present location. Referred to Board of Works.

From Campbell McIntosh et al praying that Sixth Avenue be improved about eight chains further east. Referred to Board of Works.

From R. J. Myles asking for permission to raise a building on Hastings Street. Referred to Board of Works.


Health No 18

The Board of Health met on Friday September 14th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:

Stevens & Son Surgical In $228.90
Charles Nelson 4.40
Vancouver Drug Co 35.50
Campbell and Martin 9.45
Vancouver Wharfage Co 15.00
Starrett & Leatherdale 3.00
F. X. Martin 39.27
F. W. Hart 36.00
H. Butler 2.50

[Volume 2 page 486]

Hayes and McIntosh $46.18
Thos. Dunn & Co. 31.93
Vancouver Wine Co 2.75
F. C. Birks 8.25
Thos. F. McGuigan, Express on Stamp .25 cts

Applications for Membership on the Medical Staff were received from Drs. Beckingsale, Bodington, Bell-Irving, McGuigan, Langis, Lefevre, Robertson, Stevenson and McAlpine.

We recommend that Drs. Bell-Irving, Langis, Lefevre, McGuigan and Robertson be appointed on said staff.

Sgd. J. M. Lefevre, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Couth. That the report of the Health Committee be adopted with exception of clause relating to appointments on the Medical Staff. Carried.

Finance No 20

The Finance Committee met on Friday September 14th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:

Telephone Co. $8.00
Thomson Bros. 5.65
F. W. Hart 1.50
S. T. Tilley 25.40
J. J. Blake 50 cts
F. X. Martin 4.75

[Volume 2 page 487]

News Advertiser $27.00
Thos. Dunn & Co. .38 cts
Palmer Bros. 10.00

Re T. T. Black’s Communication

The City Solicitor is of the opinion that Mr. Black has no grounds on which base a claim against the City. He holds that a Salaried Police Magistrate is bound to try every case of breach of law whether municipal or otherwise which occurs within the limits of the City of Vancouver.

We recommend that a copy of the City Solicitor’s opinion be forwarded to Mr. Black.

We further recommend that as the appropriation for Ward No One is about exhausted that no new work be undertaken until the contracts now under way are completed.

Sgd., Rich H. Alexander, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Couth. That the report of the Fire, Water and Light, Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

F. W. & L. No 18

The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Thursday September 13th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:

[page 488]

Thos. Dunn & Co. $3.45
Henry Arkell 20.37
Charles Nelson 3.75
Electric Ill. Co. 197.75
Leask & Johnson 88.00
W. Beavers 2.75
McLennan & McFeely 3.10
Tattersall’s Stables 15.50
Telephone Co. 69.00
Royal City Mills 102.69
Godfrey & Co. 38.29
F. X. Martin, Coal etc 7.35

A Communication has been received from the Vancouver Water Works Co offering to supply 75 hydrants and give sufficient water for public fountains, sprinkling of streets and flushing the present System of Sewerage for $5,000 per year payable monthly.

We recommend that their offer be accepted and the hydrants located as follows:

1 On the corner of Georgia and Nicola
2 On the corner of Georgia and Jervis
3 On the corner of Georgia and Thurlow
4 On the corner of Georgia and Hornby
5 On the corner of Georgia and Granville
6 On the corner of Georgia and Richards
7 On the corner of Georgia and Cambie
8 On the corner of Dunsmuir and Burrard
9 On the corner of Dunsmuir and Howe
10 On the corner of Dunsmuir and Seymour
11 On the corner of Dunsmuir and Homer
12 On the corner of Dunsmuir and Cambie
13 On the corner of Pender and Thurlow
14 On the corner of Pender and Hornby

[Volume 2 page 489]

15 On the corner of Pender and Granville
16 On the corner of Pender and Richards
17 On the corner of Pender and Hamilton
18 On the corner of Pender and Beatty
19 On the corner of Hastings and Burrard
20 On the corner of Hastings and Howe
21 On the corner of Hastings and Seymour
22 On the corner of Hastings and Homer
23 On the corner of Hastings and Cambie
24 On the corner of Hastings and Abbott
25 On the corner of Hastings and Carrall
26 On the corner of Hastings and Westminster
27 On the corner of Hastings and Dunlevy
28 On the corner of Hastings and Carl
29 On the corner of Cordova and Granville
30 On the corner of Cordova and Richards
31 On the corner of Cordova and Cambie
32 On the corner of Cordova and Abbott
33 On the corner of Cordova Carrall
34 On the corner of Oppenheimer and Columbia
35 On the corner of Oppenheimer and Gore
36 On the corner of Oppenheimer and Jackson
37 On the corner of Oppenheimer and Heatley
38 On the corner of Water and Cambie
39 On the corner of Water and Abbott
40 On the corner of Water and Carrall
41 On the corner of Powell and Columbia
42 On the corner of Powell and Westminster
43 On the corner of Powell and Dunlevy
44 On the corner of Powell and Carl
45 On the corner of Powell and Hawkes
46 On the corner of Alexander and lane in Block 3
47 On the corner of Alexander and Gore
48 On the corner of Alexander and Jackson
49 On the corner of Alexander and Heatley
50 On the corner of Dunlevy North of Railway

[page 490]

51 On the corner of Carrall near R. C. P. Mills
52 On the corner of Dupont and Carrall
53 On the corner of Dupont and Columbia Av.
54 On the corner of Dupont and Gore
55 On the corner of Dupont and Jackson
56 On the corner of Westminster & Keefer
57 On the corner of Westminster & Burrard
58 On the corner of Westminster Centre of B. 24
59 On the corner of Westminster at Bridge
60 On the corner of Granville and Smithe
61 On the corner of Granville and Helmcken
62 On the corner of Granville and Drake
63 On the corner of Drake and Richards
64 On the corner of Drake and Hornby
65 On the corner of Davie and Seymour
66 On the corner of Hornby and Helmcken
67 On the corner of Hornby and Smithe
68 On the corner of Howe and Davie
69 On the corner of Howe and Nelson
70 On the corner of Howe and Robson
71 On the corner of Bute and Melville
72 On the corner of Bute and Seaton
73 On the corner of Burrard and Nelson
74 On the corner of Burrard and Robson
75 On the corner of C. P. R. Wharf

Sgd., J. Humphries, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the portion of the report relating to the placing of hydrants etc be laid over for one week and that the balance of the report be adopted. Carried.

[Volume 2 page 491]

Works No 31

The Board of Works met on Friday Sept. 14th 1888 and beg to recommend:

1. That Mr. R. G. Tatlow be communicated with asking him to give particulars of the portion of Forbes Street he wishes closed and the property owners effected thereby.

2. That Mr. E. Crow Baker be asked to set a price on the balance of Lot 14, Block 64 District Lot 185 with a view of the City acquiring same for an entrance to the bridge across Coal Harbour.

3. That the City Engineer be instructed to examine and report upon the petition of Thos. M. Merrill and others for the improvement of a street running Southward from Seventh Avenue to City Boundary.

4. That the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a fence around the hospital grounds.

5. That Columbia Street be opened up from Ninth Avenue to False Creek if the funds are forthcoming and that the City Engineer be empowered to repair Lorne Street by days labour.

6. That Davie Street be graded 20 feet wide from Granville Street to Homer Street.

7. That tenders be called for the delivering of 4,000 cubic yards of gravel to be distributed on the streets where required part of this amount can be obtained in the vicinity of the Chinese ranches

[Volume 2 page 492]

and can be utilized for the gravelling of Georgia Street.

8. That a crossing be put in on Granville Street opposite Nelson Street and that tenders be called for the repairing of False Creek Bridge.

9. That another $500.00 be appropriated for the gravelling of the Park Road and $100.00 additional for the school house on the South Side of False Creek.

We have considered the application of N. J. Stanley for permission to erect a business directory on the corner of Carrall and Cordova Streets and find that we have no power to grant his request.

The following accounts are recommended for payment:-

Royal City Planing Mills Co. $385.74
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. 34.82
Brunnette Saw Mill Co. 1.02
C. B. Higginson 2.00
E. S. Scoullar & Co. 89.05
Queen Bros. 27.00
Thos. Dunn & Co. 86.32
E. McDonald 23.00
James Stanford, Morgue 200.00
Lye & Co. 29.25
E. Crow Baker, Balance on Lot 14 8.65
James Reid, Balance on Hawkes Av. 43.63
D. McAlister, Street Crossings 67.13
S. Dominick Seaton St 325.00
A. Bunker, Howe & Haro Street 1217.12

That Hornby Street be graded full width from Drake to Pacific Street

[page 493]

at a cost of $137.00 if the funds are forthcoming.

Sgd., S. Brighouse, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted with the exception of clauses relating recommending new work which will be referred to Finance Committee to see whether there are funds available for the purposes recommended. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the Thanks of this Council be and is hereby tendered Mr. R. T. Williams for his donation of Rubber stamp to City Hospital and the Mayor is hereby requested to forward same to Mr. Williams. Carried.

City Hospital Staff

Applications for the position of membership on the Hospital Staff were received from Drs. Bodington, Bell-Irving, Beckingsale, Lefevre, Langis, McGuigan, McAlpine and Stephenson.

The Alderman voted upon these applications as follows:

Alderman Alexander, for Drs. Bodington, Lefevre, Robertson, Bell-Irving and Beckingsale

[Volume 2 page 494]

Alderman Brighouse for Drs. Bell-Irving, Langis, Robertson, Lefevre & McGuigan.
Alderman Clark for Drs. McGuigan, Langis, Lefevre, Bell-Irving & Robertson.
Alderman Dougall for Drs. Langis, Lefevre, McGuigan, Bell-Irving & Robertson.
Alderman Couth for Drs. Bodington, McGuigan, Beckingsale, Bell-Irving and Robertson.
Alderman Oppenheimer for Drs. Lefevre, McGuigan, Bell-Irving, Bodington & Langis.
Alderman Lefevre for Bell-Irving, McGuigan, Robertson, Langis and Lefevre.
Alderman Humphries for McGuigan, Bell-Irving, Beckingsale, Lefevre and Langis.

The vote stood thus:
Bodington 3.
Beckingsale 3.
Lefevre 7.
Bell-Irving 8.
Langis 6.
McGuigan 7.
Robertson 6.

Drs. Bell-Irving – Langis, Lefevre, McGuigan and Robertson were declared duly elected members of the Hospital Staff.

Report of Special Committee on Lighting of Hospital

Your Committee beg to report that after due consideration of lighting the City Hospital with gas or electricity we have decided to light the hospital with electricity and have accepted the tender of the Vancouver Electric

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Illuminating Company for wiring the hospital for the Incandescent Light. Amount of tender $142.80.

We have also accepted their offer for lighting the hospital at a cost of 30.00 per month less 5% if paid before the 10th of each and every month. Attached is their tenders.

Sgd., R. Clark, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the report of the special Committee be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the Market By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

After the second reading the Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman Clark in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause after which Committee rose to report By-Law as complete.

Alderman Clark introduced a By-Law to fix the time and appointment Returning Officers to take the Voters on the Electors on the Market By-Law which was read a first and second time.

[Volume 2 page 496]


The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with Alderman Clark in the Chair.

The By-Law was numbered 67 and read over clause by clause after which Committee rose to report By-Law as complete.

By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark and ordered to be printed and gazetted.

Park By-Law

The Park By-Law received a second reading on motion of Alderman Coldwell Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark.

Committee of the Whole

The Council went into Committee of the Whole with Alderman Oppenheimer in the Chair, the By-Law was numbered 68 and the title and part of the preamble read after which several Alderman quitted the Council Chamber leaving no quorum.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor

J Huntly, City Clerk per tem