Fish Offal Polluting English Bay Beach – August 9, 1898

Fish Offal Polluting English Bay Beach  – August 9, 1898

J. M. Maclean Medical Health Officer reported on nuisance caused by fish offal now coming in at English Bay Beach. MacLean and the Board of Health will communicate with the Provincial Health Officer over this matter. H. Mutrie and Frank Granville were appointed Assessors of Land and J.C. Garvin, Assessor of Buildings to act under instructions from the Finance Committee.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives
Item : CVA 677-226 – Salmon cannery, near Vancouver, B.C.

Source: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 715 G 05 Vol 8
Volume 9 pages 409-415

[Volume 9 page] 409

The adjourned meeting of the City Council was held on Tuesday 9th August 1898.
Present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Brown, Foreman, McGuigan, Neelands, Painter, Townley and McQueen.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Finch Wood Preservative and Paint Co. stating they shipped a Barrel of their preservative as a test for the City.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From A.E.E. Clark in the matter of the overturned scows of Crushed Rock asking for payment for same that the scows be righted and repaired and also payment for recovering same, which went adrift after upsetting.
Referred to Board of Works and City Solicitor.

From Health Inspector with a report of his visit to English Bay Cannery.
Laid over.

From Chas Nelson complaining of Street Crossing on Pender Street west of Post Office.
Referred to Board of Works.

From W.F. Gore and R.E. Gosnell replying to a Communication from the City of 29th inst respecting Cemetery.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From R.H. Cooke asking that St. George Street might be opened and a fence removed.
Referred to Board of Works.

From J.M. Maclean Medical Health Officer reporting on nuisance caused by fish offal now coming in at English Bay Beach.
Referred to Board of Health.

[Volume 9 page] 410

From Ald. A. Bruce asking for one months leave of absence.
Laid over.

From J.W. Mallory reporting Sundry alterations and to strengthening Y.M.C.A. Building, making same safe, until permanent improvements are made.

From Trades & Labor Council enclosing letter from Thos. Madigan complaining of treatment by police officer.
Referred to Police Committee.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights from Aug. 1st to 7th.

The following Reports were received and read

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday 5 Aug 1898.
Present Aldermen McQueen, Painter, Brown & McGuigan.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

The following a/cs were ordered to be paid.

B.C. Electric Railway Co.Electric Lighting1575.70
F.A. LeeHack Hire38-
C.P.R. Co’sTelegram2.49
McFarland & McMahonFire Insurance36-
Geo. HuntPainting90-

The following additional applications for assessors of Land & Building were received
From E. Lunn D. Todd Lees, F.L. Budlong, R.H. Cooke, J.C. Garvin, T. Mathews and C.G. Hobson.
Referred to Council to make appointment.

Moved by Aldm McQueen.
That the Committee recommends that Mr. Boultbee gives a Bond of $1500. Mr. Henderson for $1000 and Mr. Devine for $1000 in a Guarantee Society to be elected by Chairman, the premium to be paid by the City.

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ McGuigan,
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 9 page] 411

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday 3 August 1898.
Present Aldermen McGuigan, Foreman, Townley and McQueen.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

The following a/cs were recommended for payment:-

T. JamesCommissions21.79
Trudgeon Bros.Wood70.80
A. Nottle?Labor12.-
J. Boyd & Co.Globe Valve4.-
F.A. LeeHack Hire3.-
W. CollierLabor16.-
Pioneer SteamLaundry89.45
N. Pacific P.P. Co.Fare3.-
H.H. LayfieldTowels2.70
Champion & WhiteScavengering.50



From W. Ralph re his Tender for Plumbing Alterations? Tender confirmed at a total of $225.50.

From A.M. Robertson Hon. Sec. Medical Health Board re Rules & Regulations is unable to forward same in time for the meeting.

From Actg Matron Miss Pirt notifying the Board that Miss Hunter left the Hospital on 31 July and that she had engaged Miss Pearson to take charge of Woman’s Ward.
Approved temporarily.

Also asking for a probationer as she finds it impossible to manage Woman’s Ward with one day nurse.
Laid over.

From A. St. G. Hamersley re St. Paul’s Hospital claim for Compensation for loss and expenses incurred during Quarantine. ‘In his opinion the City is not legally liable for this claim, any matter of payment that might be considered by the Council must come under the power of Council in relation to Charitable Institutions
Referred to Health Inspector to enquire into the last two items of account and report at next meeting.

From H. Parker re Sewer Outfall on Inlet asking permission to try a process of his to destroy smell and so forth at his own expense, if successful, the City to adopt and pay fixed sum for same.


[Volume 9 page] 412

Monthly Report of Hospital in July from Actg Matron.

Report of Crematory for July received and filed.
From Health Inspector furnishing his monthly Report for July. That part referring to Sewers in Block 58 Sub Div. 541 and also Blk 49 Sub Div 196 to be sent to Board of Works asking them to take action and see into the matter.


Moved by Aldm Townley
First. That this Committee recommend that a House Surgeon be appointed at the City Hospital.

Second. That the Health Committee be empowered to draw up and submit for the Council’s approval such rules and regulations as they deem necessary for the proper defining and regulating of the said office of House Surgeon.

Third. The salary attached to said office shall not until further resolution be more than $100 per month.

Moved by Aldm. McQueen
That this meeting to adjourn to meet again a 11 o’clock of the forenoon of Thursday 4 Aug. 1898 at the City Hospital to take into Consideration the Communications of Acting Matron Miss Pirt.

The Health Committee met on Thursday 4th August 1898 at the City Hospital.
Present Aldermen McGuigan, Townley, McQueen and Foreman.

Moved by Aldm McQueen
That Miss Pirt be authorized to engage a probationer Nurse temporarily at a salary of $10 per month.

The Health Inspector furnished a further report of need of Sewerage to Block 14 Sub Div 541 also the unsanitary condition of the Dams on the East Side of Mount Pleasant 200d.

The First Matter to be handed to the Board of Works to attend to, and the second the Health Inspector was authorized to interview the parties and have the nuisance abated.

Moved by Ald McGuigan.
“ “ ” Foreman,
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 9 page] 413

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on 4th August 1898.
Present Alderman Painter in the chair and Aldermen Neelands, McPhaiden, Foreman and McMorran.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Plans:- The “Fairfield” Co. submitted plans through their Architect Mr. Blackmore for proposed Brick Block to be erected at N.W. Corner of Granville St. & Pender St. Plan approved subject to being found correct by the Engineer and proper fire escape being provided.


From J. L. Powell asking for a crossing at 6th Avenue Westminster Avenue.
Referred to Aldm. McMorran & Engineer.

From C. Doering asking that Scotia St. be improved.
Referred to Aldm. McMorran & Engineer to have rock put on as soon as there is any to be had.

From a large number of “Express” men asking that their stand be allowed to remain where it is.
Resolved the Chief of Police be notified to allow them to remain where they are now.

From W.P. Turner claiming to have been hurt while riding a bicycle in Mount Pleasant.,
Resolved the Engineer give the City Solicitor requisite particulars of this claim.

From Capt. J. Gaudin Marine Dept. referring to position of foreshore right applied for by the B.C. Sugar Refinery Co.
Resolved that the B.C. Sugar Refinery Co. be requested to attend the next meeting of the Board and state what they want.

Resolved the Chief of Police be instructed to see that Messrs. Lash & Exley remove the tent put up by them on Cordova Street within a fortnight same being an infraction of the Fire Limit By-Law.

Resolved the Engineer be instructed to see that a box sewer is laid in Blk 49 Sub div. 181 as soon as possible, also to obtain the necessary information as to providing Blk 58- 541 with Sewerage.

[Volume 9 page] 414

Resolved that the Engineer have a Sewer put in connecting with existing sewer to mitigate the nuisance complained of at Cordova Street Blk 14 Sub 541.

Resolved the curb on the portions of Richard and Seymour Streets to be paved be laid 12 ft. 6 in. out from the line.

Resolved a temporary bridge be built according to Engineer’s estimate at the point of Granville Street Bridge when the Steel Swing and span is to be put in the probable cost being estimated at $1400) and the City Clerk be instructed to ascertain from the B.C. Electric Railway Co. how much of the cost of said temporary Bridge they would be prepared to bear.

Resolved that the Engineer see what an 8 ft. Single dressed walk be laid by ward men on Alexander Street from Jackson to Carl Avenue on South Side.


The following accounts were recommended for payment.

B.C. Electric Railway Co.Tickets5.-
Atkins & JohnsonExpress.50
Campbell Rennie Co.Wood Paving5400.-
R.C.P. MillsLumber551.49
Evans, Coleman & EvansPipe655.80

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan,
That the Report be adopted except the Clause referring to Lash & Exley’s tent, same to be referred back to the Board of Works.


Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan,
That the Council ballot for the assessors of Land & Building.

On the Ballot being taken for Land assessors it was found that H. Mutrie and Frank Granville received majority of votes.

After a number of Ballots was taken for Building Assessor J.C. Garvin was found to have the largest number of votes.

It was then moved by Alderman McQueen and Seconded by Alderman McGuigan that H. Mutrie and F. Granville be appointed Assessors of Land and J. C. Garvin Assessor

[Volume 9 page] 415

of Buildings to act under instructions from Finance Committee.

Moved by Aldm. McQueen.
Seconded by Aldm. Painter,
That the Fire Insurance on Fire Hall No. 2 be renewed.

Moved by Aldm. Painter.
Seconded by Aldm. Foreman,
That A.E.E. Clark’s Estimate for Crushed Rock amounting to $357.94 be paid.

Moved by Aldm. McGuigan.
Seconded by Aldm. Townley,
That applications be called for House Surgeon up to noon of 17th August.

Moved by Aldm. McGuigan.
Seconded by Aldm. Foreman,
That Alderman Bruce be granted one months leave of absence.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by Alderman McQueen,
That the Medical Health Officer and Health Inspector communicate with the Provincial Health Officer reflecting the pollution of English Bay by the fish offal.

The Council then adjourned.

James F. Garden,

Thp F. McGuigan,
City Clerk.