C.P.R. Terminal at foot of Granville Street to be built – September 14, 1891

C.P.R. Terminal at foot of Granville Street to be built – September 14, 1891

Letter received from H. Abbott, General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., stating that he was authorized to proceed with the construction of the terminal station at the foot of Granville Street (now Waterfront Station). Moved by Alderman Godfrey, Seconded by Alderman Templeton That the Dominion Government be petitioned to change the name of the “First Narrows” to “Lions Gate” and that of “False Creek” to “Pleasant Inlet”

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Martha Hazevoet
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 495-503

Vol. 4, pg. 495

Vancouver, September 14, 1891
The Council met on Monday, September 14, 1891.

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Carroll, Brighouse, Scoullar, Godfrey, Templeton, Hobson, Brown and McDowell.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:

From H. Abbott, General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., stating that he was authorized to proceed with the construction of the terminal station at the foot of Granville Street, simultaneously with the grading of Cordova Street to the level of the east corner of the planking of the roadway of Granville Street.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That the matter of grading Cordova Street to meet the views of the C.P.R. Co. be referred to the City Engineer and Board of Works with power to take immediate action if necessary.
From the Market Clerk furnishing weekly report.
From the City Clerk of New Westminster thanking the Council for the use of road roller.
From the Mayor of Tacoma asking when the Council might be expected at the fair in Tacoma.
From C.G. Johnson offering anthracite coal in car lots at $8.50 per ton.
Referred to F.W.& L. Committee

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From the Chief of Police furnishing weekly report on street lights.
From the Spiral Weld Tube Co. asking to be furnished with information regarding water pipes.
Referred to the Water Committee
From John F. Ross asking for the sidewalking of 6th Avenue from Carolina Street to Westminster Avenue.
Referred to Board of Works
From the City Clerk reporting that the By-Laws for the purchase and extension of the Water Works had carried by a majority of 176 and 168 respectively.
From J.H. Gillespie offering to put down bituminous rock pavement for 15 ¾ cents per sq. ft. Referred to the Board of Works

The following reports were received and read:

To the Mayor and Council of City of Vancouver|
Your Committee met on Tuesday, September 8th, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Templeton, Carroll and McDowell. Absent: Aldermen Scoullar and Doering.
Report of Health Inspector was received and ordered filed.
Communication received from the Matron reporting the number of patients in hospital.
Your Committee would recommend:
1) That tenders be called for the construction of a receiving vault at the cemetery in accordance with the plans and specifications …

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… now on fyle [sic] in the Engineer’s Office.
2) That the following accounts be paid:
H. Eligh, Milk $ 51.37
J. Sciutto, Supplies 109.28
H.H. Layfield, Supplies 58.95
J.P. Blake, Supplies 11.30
Champion & White, Scavengering 58.45

Your Committee met again on Wednesday, September 9th, at 8 PM.
Present: Aldermen Templeton, Carroll and McDowell.
A report from the Health Inspector was received, considered, and ordered fyled. [sic]
The floor plans of the proposed new hospital wing was [sic] submitted by the Engineer and adopted by the Board.

The Board met again on Monday, September 14 at 4:00 PM.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, McDowell, Scoullar and Templeton.
A report submitted by the Health Inspector was ordered filed.
Plan of elevation of new wing of hospital was submitted to the Board by the Engineer and adopted, tenders to be invited for the construction of same, said tenders to be in by noon of Thursday, September 24th at noon. Plans and specifications to be on view in the Engineer’s Office after Thursday, September 17.
Signed J. T. Carroll, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman Brighouse
That the report of the Health Committee be adopted.

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The Police Committee met on Tuesday, September 9, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Hobson, Carroll and McDowell.
Alderman Hobson in the Chair.
It was recommended:
1) That the following accounts be paid:
Dr. Mills attendance on Berry $ 10.00
Hayes & McIntosh, Meat 14.65
John Sciutto, Supplies 33.66
G.L. Allan, Supplies 1.25
G.A. Roedde, Fine Book 5.75
V.J. Straube, Repairs 4.00
J.P. Blake, Bread 9.55
Hamilton Eligh, Milk 3.40
H. McDowell & Co.,[unreadable] 1.00
2) That J. Izen’s license be transferred to Kirschberg & Merymont.
3) That tenders be invited for supplying 12 uniforms to the police force.
4) That applications be called for the position of police officer.
Signed C.G. Hobson, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the report of the Police Committee be adopted.

The Finance Committee met on Friday, September 11, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Hobson, Scoullar and Carrol.

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It was recommended:
1) That the tender of Springer, Mellon & Co. be accepted for the insuring of the hospital furniture for one year at $2.70 per $100.00 to the amount of $1600.00
2) That the following accounts be paid:
Black & Wilkinson, livery rig $ 4.00
Telephone Co. 24.00
C.P. Telegraph 8.81
3) That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the C.P.R. authorities asking them to refund to the City the cost of the burial of Wm. Irvine, a sailor of the Empress of India.
Signed: Wm. Brown, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

F.W. & L.

The F.W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday, September 9, 1891.
Present: Aldermen Templeton, Brown, Brighouse and Godfrey.
It was recommended:
1) That the Chief of the Fire Brigade be instructed to give the City Solicitor the hydrant pressures to date.
2) That the following accounts be paid:
V.W.W. Co. $ 407.02
G.H. Bagby, Shoes set 2.00
J.M. Brixton, Coal 13.00
Crowder & Penzer, Feed 75.09
John Daly Engine Co. Polish 1.20
J.E. Robinson, Drayage 2.50
Frazer & Co. Supplies 4.37

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Vancouver Carriage Works 18.45
J. Forbes, Blacksmithing 2.00
Electric Light Co. 1222.18
Signed: Wm. Templeton, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the report of the F.W. & L. Committee be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday, September 10th 1891 at 3 PM.
Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Brown and Templeton.
It was recommended:
1) That the City engineer be instructed to communicate with Mr. Abbott re the insurance complained of by J. Morrison on Water Street with a view of having the matter attended to by him.
2) That the Secretary of the Vancouver Electric Ry. and Light Co. be notified that the Board has decided to locate the Vancouver Electric Ry. track on the centre of Hastings Street east of Carroll Street.
3) That the lane in Block 2, 185 be graded by the Chain Gang under the direction of the Street Inspector, also the lanes in Blocks 90 and 91, 196.
4) That the City Engineer be instructed to see Mr. Abbott and arrange re the delivery to him of broken rock.
5) That the Street Inspector be authorized to have that portion of Alberni Street …

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… between Thurlow and Bute surface graded by day labour.
6) That the City Engineer notify the Street Railway Co. that it is the intention of the City to pave Cordova and Hastings Streets and call their attention to the necessity of their providing an approved and suitable form of rail.
7) That in future all payrolls furnished to the City by contractors must be examined and a certificate attached signed by the City Engineer, showing that the names of the men are only such as those who have worked on the contract in connection of which said payroll is used.
8) That the following tenders be recommended for acceptance:
Cambie Street Bridge Protectors – D. McGillivray
Granville “ “ – W.D. Hobson
Prior Street Sidewalk – W.G. Fraser
Princess Street Relaying Sidewalk – W. Blair
14th Avenue and Sophia Street grading – D.H. Morgan
9) That the following tenders be invited:
– Comox Street grading from Bute to Broughton
– Nicola Street 6 ft. sidewalk from Georgia Street to the south side of Robson on the west side and from Georgia to Barclay on the east side.
– Barclay Street 6 ft. sidewalk from the end of above sidewalk on Nicola Street 132 ft. eastward
– Robson Street 6 ft. sidewalk on north side from Bute to Broughton and on the south side from end of present sidewalk to Jervis Street
– Campbell Avenue 6 ft. sidewalk on east side from Powell to Oppenheimer
– Melville Street 6 ft. sidewalk on both sides from Bute to Jervis.
– Broughton Street grading full width from Georgia to Barclay

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10) That the following accounts be paid:
H.P. Veitch, delivering rock $ 452.18
Oppenheimer Bros., sidewalk 83.50
Union S.S. Co., boat hire 30.00
J.A. Shearer, repairs 4.75
J. Romany et al, carfares 8.70
J. Mitchell, drift bolts 5.98
H.H. Spicer, lumber 39.60
Bailey Bros., stationery 13.85
Wm. Blair, relaying sidewalk 30.75
A. D. McDonald, fencing lots 108.10
H. Thomas et al, labour 309.05
Signed: S. Brighouse, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the report of the Board of Works be adopted.

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman Godfrey
That Alderman Scoullar be added to the Water Works Committee in place of Alderman DePencier.

Moved by Alderman Godfrey
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the Dominion Government be petitioned to change the name of the “First Narrows” to “Lions Gate” and that of “False Creek” to “Pleasant Inlet”.

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman Brighouse
That the Rules be suspended to allow of the introduction of …

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… a motion re the Police Magistrate.

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the By-Law to raise by loans the sum of $440,000 for the purchase of the Water Works be read a 3rd time and signed, sealed and gazetted.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the By-Law to raise by loan the sum of $150,000 for the extension of the Water Works be read a 3rd time and signed, sealed and gazetted.

Notice of Motion
Alderman Carroll gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would move a resolution authorizing the City Clerk to call for applications for the Office of Police Magistrate, such applications to be received up to Saturday, September 26th, at noon.

The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk