Police Committee to Investigate Police Court Business – May 2, 1898

Police Committee to Investigate Police Court Business – May 2, 1898

The Chief of Police was instructed to make a full report as to all grievances if any referring to Police Court matters. Photo shows typical Vancouver board sidewalk on 7th or 8th Ave. The Board of Works would “examine on 7th Avenue on the first block west of Bridge Street (now Cambie St.) on the north side” to see if such a sidewalk was needed.

This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson

Illustration: CVA 789-65 – 7th or 8th Av

Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 279-290

[Volume 8 Page] 279

Vancouver May 2nd 1898.
The Council met on Monday May 2nd 1898.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From Osborne Plunkett, demanding the refund of Pound Fees on behalf of Allan MacDonal for illegal seizure of his cows.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From the Signers of the petition re disposal of sewage asking for further consideration thereof.
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Geo R. Maxwell MP stating that instructions would be given for the dredging of False Creek.

From A. Williams, F.C. Cotton and Robert MacPherson MPPs acknowledging receipt resolution re Police Magistrate and from the Attorney General asking if the City were prepared to advance the wages of the Police Magistrate in case he was compelled to give his whole time to the City.
Referred to the Police Committee

From the Police Magistrate in reference to debarring him from practising. Referred to Police Com

[Volume 8 page] 280

From the Daily Province asking for a share of the City Advertising.

Referred to the Finance Committee

From E. Mahon calling attention to the unsanitary condition of the Sewer at the foot of Burrard Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From H.A. Northen Secy. Y.W.C.A. inviting the Mayor and Aldermen to the opening exercises of the House on the 5th of May.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by “ McMorran
That the invitation be accepted with thanks

The following report were received and read:-

Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday April 27th 1898.
Present Alderman Townley (in the Chair)
Neelands + McMorran


From W.H. May etal asking for a new main pipe on Lansdowne Avenue West to replace the present one.
Referred to the City Engineer

From Doering and Marstrand applying for a fixed water rate for their brewery.
It was resolved that they be informed that all factories will shortly be monitored.

From J. Mason and Co. drawing attention to the necessity of putting a water main along Fourteenth Av.
Referred to the City Engineer

[Volume 8 page] 281

From Harry Lindley requesting that an allowance of $10.00 be made from his rent in lieu of having to give up City Hall for a Public Meeting on short notice.
Moved by Alderman McMorran
That Mr. Lindley be allowed a rebate of ten dollars for the reasons mentioned in his request.

Moved by Alderman McMorran
That a two inch pipe be laid on 9th Av from Carolina to Scott St.

From J.R. Tite of the B.C. Land and Investment Co. interviewed the Committee regarding a reduction being made in the water rate of No 56 Water Street. The matter was laid over pending an investigation.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Weeks and RobsonSupplies$12.40
Dunn and Co.76.33
Thos VeitchDraying28.70
McLennan, McFeely Co.Supplies8.48
Gas Co.18.75
Robertson + Hackett22.40
F.W. Boultbee2.40
B. C. M. T.+ T. Co.6.76
Oakley +Son1.30
Crowder + Penzer43.03
C. G. Henshaw28.13
Water WorksPayroll618.75

Sgd. T.O. Townley
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Townley
Seconded by “ Neelands
That the report be adopted

[Volume 8 page] 282

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday April 29th 1898.
Present. the full Board


From Dr. Underhill applying for the position of Public Analyst
Filed for reference

From Robert Leighton, Secretary of the Vancouver Jockey Club making an application to lease the Jockey Club Grounds on Hastings on the same terms as last year and reporting the road leading to the grounds as being almost impassable.

Resolved that the grounds be leased to the Vancouver Jockey Club for another year on the same terms as last year and that they be allowed to retain the ten per cent of the first month; such money to be expended under the supervision of the City Engineer in improving the road leading to the grounds.

If in the opinion of the City Engineer the improvement will be more than is required for the purpose mentioned the balance to be paid into the City Treasury.

From A.F. Morris asking for a donation for a map.
Laid over

From Attorney General re the administration of Justice in Vancouver
Referred to the City Solicitor to reply to.

From Rand Bros quoting pricing for Blocks in different parts of the City to be used for Recreation Grounds.
Filed for Reference

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for offers for Blocks suitable for Recreation Grounds in different parts of the City. Such offers to be received up to

[Volume 8 page] 283

Noon of May 20th 1898.
Resolved that the City purchase from the CPR Co. the small triangular corner of Lot 24 Block 3 D.L. 196. Alexander St and Columbia Av for the sum of $100.00

Sgd Jas McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen,
Seconded by. “ Painter
That the report be adopted

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday April 26th 1898.
Present Aldermen McMorran, Townley, McQueen and McPhaiden
The following accounts were recommended for payment :-
R.A. McMorran Purchase of a Horse $125.00
H.E. Langis Ex. of Lunatic 5.00
E. Clough Express hire .50
City Treasurer Disbursements 12.75
R. Campbell + Son Supplies 4.50
Vancouver Transfer Co. Hack hire 1.00
I.M. Maclean Medical Evidence 5.00
Champion +White Cartage 3.00
J. Ellison Supplies 3.57
Valley Dairy Co. “ 2.97
McDonald Bros Hack hire 1.00
W.C. Marshall Express 2.50
McLennan + McFeely Supplies 24.20
Vancouver Water Works Fines 27.63
J.C. Woodrow Supplies 30.76
Telephone Co. Reels 6.45
Champion + White Supplies 1.00


From W.B. Ross complaining of ill treatment at the hands of Police Officer Baynes.

[Volume 8 page] 284

From the Chief of Police stating that as Sergeant Johnston has returned he would be able to dispense with our Special Constable and as Special Thorpe was the last taken on that he be the party who be allowed to go.

Resolved that the Chief of Police be authorized to dispense with the services of Special Constable Thorpe as he is no longer required.

From the Chief of Police recommending that a Sergeant be appointed for duty in the daytime as well as at night and recommending Officer North for this position at Sergeant’s pay.

Resolved that the Chief’s recommendation be referred to the Council for favorable consideration.
The following tenders were received for supplying 1000 feet of hose:-

McLennan, McFeely Co. Ltd.

Maple LeafDouble Jacket:85 cts per ft.
Maple LeafSingle Jacket70 cts per ft.
StarSingle Jacket30 cts per ft.

Gutta Percha + Rubber Mfg. Co.

EurekaF. O. B. Vancouver$1.05 per ft.
ParagonF. O. B. Vancouver.90 ¢ per ft.
Baker FabricF. O. B. Vancouver.90 ¢ per ft.
Red CrossF. O. B. Vancouver.75 ¢ per ft.
EagleF. O. B. Vancouver.70 ¢ per ft.
Maltese CrossF. O. B. Vancouver1.05 per ft.
CrescentF. O. B. Vancouver.90 ¢ per ft.
BeaverF. O. B. Vancouver.75 ¢ per ft.

It was resolved that the tender of the Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co. be accepted for supplying 1000 feet of Paragon Hose at 90 cts per foot delivered F.O.B. at Vancouver.

Resolved that J.H. Grady be supplied a working suit of clothes at a price not exceeding $16.00.

[Volume 8 page] 285

The following tenders were received for supplying blankets, Mattresses, etc to the Police and Fire Departments:-
From Page Ponsford Bros., McLeod+ Coote, E.A. Marshall, R.A. Muskett, Johnston, Kerfoot + Cross, C. Cattell, Shelton + Co. and Donaldson Trading Co.
Laid over to be considered by a sub committee on Wednesday at 10 A.M.

Sgd R.A. McMorran

The Sub Committee appointed to examine into the tenders for blankets, mattresses, police jail clothing etc on Wednesday April 27th 1898 at 10. A.M.
Present Aldermen McMorran and McPhaiden

After due consideration of all tenders presented it was resolved as follows:-
(1) That the blankets be awarded to Mssrs Coote + McLeod for Jail at $2.50 per pair
(2) That the mattresses for the Fire Department be awarded to Shelton+Co. at $3.00 each
(3) That the mattresses for the jail be awarded to E.A. Marshall@ 85 cts each size 2 ft. 4”x 6 ft;
(4) That the clothing for the Jail be awarded to R.A Muskett as follows:-
Straw hats if required No. 18 pants 85cts 23 shirts $1.00 9 sock 15 cts 209 boot $2.00 6 undershirt 50cts, 10 per cent off in each case.

Sgd R.A. McMorran

Moved by Alderman McMorran
Seconded by. “ McPhaiden
That the reports be adopted as read.

Moved in amendment by Ald Neelands,
Seconded by Alderman Bruce.
That the clause in reference to the dismissal of Special Constable

[Volume 8 page] 286

Thorpe be referred back to the Police Committee for recommendation and that the balance of the report be adopted as read.

Amendment Carried,
Motion lost;

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 28th of April 1898.
Present the full Board


From E. Odlum etal in regard to a sewage system.

From a large number of petitioners asking for increased wharfage accommodation owned by the City.
Referred to His Worship the Mayor and the City Engineer to enquire into and report upon.

From the Chief of Police re Verandahs stating that certain of them had not been removed although the movers had been duly notified.
Referred to the Engineer to have them pulled down and have the cost charged to the property.

From J. Mason + Co. asking that the lane in Block 26 264A be graded +c.

From the City Solicitor reporting on Bathing Sheds at English Bay stating that they should be removed unless other arrangements can be made with the owners of abutting property to allow them to remain.
Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders to be sent in by 4 P.M.on Wednesday next the 5th of May for the removal of the City Bathing Sheds.

From Braden + Co. submitting a pencil sketch of proposed open shed at their premises.

[Volume 8 page] 287

Resolved that they be informed that the plan is not satisfactory and cannot be approved.

The Reports of Analysis made by H. Carmichael Public Analyst for B.C. of different samples of Bituminous Rock were read and discussed and ordered to be filed for reference.
The account for $50.00 accompanied same was laid over for one week.

Mr. Mallory submitted an amended plan for shed at Metrople Hotel.
Plan approved

The City Solicitor reported in reference to the accounting $7.50 claimed by Dr. Selwyn.
Referred to the City Engineer with power to act.

The City Solicitor reported on Pedder’s claim of $3.25 for broken axle +c. Stating that in his opinion the City was not liable for this accident.
Ordered to be filed

The City Solicitor reported on the Calwell claim stating that under the circumstances he did not consider the City liable.
Ordered to be filed

Resolved that the City Engineer examine 7th Avenue with Alderman McMorran to see whether a new sidewalk is necessary in the first block west of Bridge Street on the North Side. [see photo at top of page]

The following tender was received for delivering crushed rock on the streets:-
Thos. Veitch. 50 cts per yard.
Resolved that the tender of Thos. Veitch be recommended for acceptance.

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Resolved that the work of clearing rock etc off the English Bay Beach be commenced and that Wm Tierney be appointed Foreman @ $2.50 per day to look after the work and that the sum be paid at $2.00 per day.

Ward One

Resolved that the Foreman for Ward One be instructed to lay a 12 ft. single dressed sidewalk on Georgia Street for 3 blocks more or less with necessary grading under the supervision of the City Engineers to replace the existing running walk west of Bidwell Street and also a 6 ft. walk on Bute Street on West side from Georgia to connect with existing walk at lane.

Ward Two

Foreman to move back the sidewalk on Davie Street by Golden Gate Hotel as the danger from the building has been removed.

Ward Four

Foreman to lay a single dressed 8 ft. sidewalk on North Side of Dupont Street from the Avenue Hotel to Commissioner Avenue.

The following accounts were ordered to be paid:-
L.C. Morton $2.50
W. Jackson 4.00
B.C.&T.+T. Co. 60.88
Robertson + Hackett 100.05
McLennan+ McFeely 48.05
S. Elkins etal Labor. 1197.40

Sgd H.J. Painter

Moved by Ald Painter
Seconded by “ McMorran
That the report be adopted

[Volume 8 page] 289

Introduction of By Laws

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ Neelands
That a By Law be introduced and read a first time to amend the Street Numbering By-Law.


Moved by Alderman Foreman
Seconded by. “ Neelands
That the matter affecting Police Magistrate be referred to the Police Committee with instructions to report in full as to the general conduct of Public Court matters giving the number of cases tried and fines collected prior to present Magistrate took office and that the Chief of Police be instructed to make a full report as to all grievances if any referring to Police Court matters and to recommend remedies for same.

Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to write to the Harbour Master drawing his attention to the fact that piling was being done on English Bay Beach and also that sawdust was being dumped in the inlet and asking for immediate action.

Mr. J.C. Maclure representing the Vancouver Gun Club addressed the meeting and asked for a grant for an international tournament.
Referred to the Finance Committee

[Volume 8 page] 290

Notice of Motion

Alderman Foreman gave notice that at next meeting of the Council he would move:-
That the City Solicitor draw up an agreement between the City and the B.C. Electric Co. said agreement is to provide for the City to repair the asfelt [asphalt] pavement along the car tracks of the said Company and this said Company agreed to pay costs of such repairs upon completion of same.

Alderman McGuigan gave notice that at next meeting of the Council he would move
That until meters ordered arrive that the meter at present on Doering and Marstrand Brewery be removed and that they be charged according to the rates previously or certified by the meter in the past.

Mr. H.W. Treat representing the Copper and Gold Mining Co. then addressed the meeting.

It was moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Bruce
That the Council stand adjourned until Wednesday May 4th at 2 P.M. to consider Smelter agreement between the City and Mr. Treat.

The Council accordingly adjourned

James F. Garden

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk