Michael Costello, Vancouver Alderman

This biography of Vancouver Alderman Michael Costello was originally published in the Vancouver Daily World newspaper of December 31, 1888, and transcribed by volunteer Judy Lam Maxwell, owner of Historical Chinatown Tours, in May of 2018.


a representative of Ward 4, is an Irishman,
and is rated a good fellow by all that know
him. He brings new blood, grit, wit, and
common sense into the Counsel for 1889, and
is sure to ably second his colleague, G.S.
McConnell, in carrying out the necessary
measures for the benefit of the ward he
represents. Mr. Costello was born in the
County Galway, Ireland, in the year 1844,
and emigrated when a boy of 9 years of age
to the city of New York, where he learnt
the tanning trade. From 1862 to 1863 he
served in the ranks in the U.S. Army, and
was present at the engagements of Harper’s
Ferry and Obistee. At the latter place he
was captured and held prisoner of war for
300 days. On his release he rejoined under
General Sherman and an armistice was ar-
ranged and the force was disbanded. In
New York he received the major part of his
education in the school in the district in
which he resided. In the year 1873 Mr.
Costello left New York and, in company with his
brother, commenced farming near
Farmington, Dakota County, Minnesota,
which, however, he gave up and came to
Victoria direct, having heard so much of
our beautiful Province. For a term of five
years Mr. Costello worked in his trade in
the city of Victoria, but seeing in his mind’s
eye that the future metropolis of British
Columbia was certain to be here on the
mainland, he invested his savings in real
estate in our townsite, principally in the
ward he represents, and has no reason to re-
gret his investments. Most of his property
he bought before the fire of 1886. Although
this is the first year that Mr. Costello lays
claim to the title of Alderman, it will pro-
bably not be the last. His views on the ne-
cessity for general advancement in Vancou-
ver are known to the public and the feeling
prevails that, besides his colleague G.S.
McConnell, no more fit or proper person
could have been chosen to represent Ward 5.